Select Publications

Conference Papers

Bobrowsky P; Huntley DH; Lintern DG; Sawai Y; Tanigawa K; Goff J; Chague-Goff C, 2016, 'NEW EVIDENCE FOR PALEOTSUNAMIS ALONG HECATE STRAIT, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA', in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, presented at GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA - 2016,

Chague-Goff C; Goff J, 2010, 'Geochemical signatures of palaeotsunamis: another tool in the toolkit', in Earth Observing System, American Geophysical Union, United States, pp. EOS 90 (52) - Abstract NH31B-1120, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13 December 2010 - 17 December 2010

Richmond ; Buckley M; Etienne S; Strotz L; Chague-Goff C; Wilson K; Goff J; Dudley W, 2010, 'Geologic signatures of the September 2009 South Pacific tsunami', in Earth Observing System, American Geophysical Union, United States, pp. EOS 90 (52) - Abstract U24A-05, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13 December 2010 - 17 December 2010

Goff J; Chague-Goff C; Etienne S; Lamarche G; Pelletier B; Richmond ; Strotz L; Buckley M; Wilson K; Dudley W; Urban G; sale M; Dominey-Howes D, 2010, 'Identifying Precursors to the 2009 South Pacific tsunami?', in Earth Observing System, American Geophysical Union, United States, pp. EOS 90 (52) - Abstract U24A-02, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13 December 2010 - 17 December 2010

Goff J; Chague-Goff C; Dominey-Howes D, 2010, 'Palaeotsunami databases: Can they be used as palaeo DART buoys for prehistoric events?', in Earth Observing System, American Geophysical Union, United States, pp. EOS 90 (52) - Abstract NH34B-08, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13 December 2010 - 17 December 2010

Chague-Goff C; Goff J, 2010, 'Geochemical signatures of tsunami deposits – what do they tell us?', in 4th European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 (EGU 2007), 7th European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, presented at 7th European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02 May 2010 - 07 May 2010

Veland S; Strotz L; Roman C; Mamo B; Gero A; Dall Osso F; Courtney C; Chague-Goff C; Calgaro E; Bird D; Anning D; Dominey-Howes D; Goff J, 2009, 'Coupled human-environment systems in prehistory?', in Coupled human-environment systems in prehistory?, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2009, Cairns, Australia, presented at Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2009, Cairns, Australia, 28 September 2009 - 01 October 2009

Anning D; Bird D; Calgaro E; Chague-Goff C; Courtney C; Dall Osso F; Gero A; Mamo B; Roman C; Strotz L; Veland S; Goff J; Dominey-Howes D, 2009, 'Using the coupled ‘human-environment systems framework’ for exploring issues of hazard and risk?', in Using the coupled ‘human-environment systems framework’ for exploring issues of hazard and risk?, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2009, Cairns, Australia, presented at Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2009, Cairns, Australia, 28 September 2009 - 01 October 2009

Chague-Goff C; Goff JR; Nichol SL; McFadgen BG; Horrocks M, 2009, 'Coastal dunes: evidence for the effectiveness of natural barriers', in Coastal dunes: evidence for the effectiveness of natural barriers, 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG), Melbourne, presented at 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG), Melbourne, 06 July 2009 - 11 July 2009

Chague-Goff C, 1998, 'Peat-water interactions: South Taupo Wetland, New Zealand', in Arehart GB; Hulston JR (ed.), WATER-ROCK INTERACTION, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, NEW ZEALAND, TAUPO, pp. 93 - 96, presented at 9th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-9), NEW ZEALAND, TAUPO, 30 March 1998 - 03 April 1998,


MacDiarmid AB; Abraham E; Baker CS; Carroll E; Chague-Goff C; Cleaver P; Francis MP; Goff J; Horn P; Jackson J; Lalas C; Lorrey A; Marriot P; Maxwell K; McFadgen B; McKenzie A; Neil H; Parsons D; Patenaude N; Paton D; Paul LJ; Pitcher T; Pinkerton MH; Smith I; Smith TD; Stirling B, 2016, Taking Stock – the changes to New Zealand marine ecosystems since first human settlement: synthesis of major findings, and policy and management implications, Ministry for Primary Industries, 170,

Sugawara D; Goto K; Chague-Goff C; Fujino S; Goff J; Jaffe BE; Nishimura Y; Richmond ; Szczucinski W; Tappin DR; Witter R; Yuliento E, 2011, Initial field survey report of the 2011 East Japan Tsunami in Sendai, Natori and Iwanuma Cities. UNESCO-IOC International Tsunami Survey Team., UNESCO report

Chague-Goff C, 2009, A catalogue integrating biostratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry and log data over the NE-SW trending Mangahewa Formation fairway., GNS, GNS Science Report, 2009/30

Chague-Goff C; Duncan M; McDowell R; Cotton S, 2009, Characterising soil nutrient accumulation and loss from dairy farm pastures on the West Coast: Project 06/064-EN069: Final Year Report - 2007-2009, NIWA, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report, CHC2009-151

Goff J; Chague-Goff C, 2009, Pololu Valley, Hawaii: Preliminary survey of tsunami sediments, Australian Tsunami Research Centre, Sydney, Australian Tsunami Research Centre Miscellaneous Report, 1

Clarkson B; Watts W; Sorrell B; Bartlam S; Thornburrow D; Fitzgerald N; Chague-Goff C; Bodmin K; Champion P, 2008, Biotic composition of New Zealand lowland wetlands: I vegetation and II invertebrates, Landcare Research Contract Report: 0708/142

Chague-Goff C; Duncan M, 2008, Characterising soil nutrient accumulation and loss from dairy farm pastures on the West Coast: Project 06/064-EN069: First year report- January to December 2007, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2008-064

Rutherford K; Chague-Goff C; McKerchar A, 2008, Nutrient load estimates for Lake Brunner, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report HAM2008-060

Chague-Goff C, 2008, Squally Bay chlorophyll monitoring 2007-2008, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2008-096

Chague-Goff C, 2008, Update of results for Lake Brunner water quality and input/output tributary monitoring for the 2007-2008 monitoring year, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2008-077

Spigel B; Chague-Goff C; Horrox J; O Driscoll M; Halstead I, 2008, Water quality survey of Lake Kaniere and Lake Haupiri: December 2007, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2008-009

Goff JR; Chague-Goff C, 2007, Avon-Heathcote (Ihutai): Palaeoenvironmental changes project – Final stage report, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, CHC2007-026,

Chague-Goff C; Goff J, 2007, East Coast Tsunami Hazard Study – Stage 1, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, CH2007-074

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2007, Monitoring of environmental effects of longline mussel farming, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Tenth annual report, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2007-008

Fenwick G; Chague-Goff C; Sagar P, 2006, Ashley Estuary: intertidal sediments and benthic ecology, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report, CHC2006-076

Goff J; Chague-Goff C, 2006, Avon-Heathcote (Ihutai): Palaeoenvironmental changes project – progress report II, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, CHC2006-026

Duncan M; Chague-Goff C, 2006, Comment on the resource consent application by Pegasus Town Ltd to discharge stormwater, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-062

Higgs KE; King PR; Sykes R; Crouch EM; Brown GH; Chague-Goff C; Palmer J; Raine JI; Braithwaite RL, 2006, Mangahewa Report: a multidisciplinary study of the mid-late Eocene succession, on-shore Taranaki Basin, Mangahewa Report, GNS Science Report 2006/18

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2006, Monitoring of environmental effects of longline mussel farming, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Ninth annual repor, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-136

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2006, Monitoring of salmon farming – Farm No. 338, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Winter 2005, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-063

Handley S; Brown S; Chague-Goff C, 2006, Monitoring of three marine farm sites, Bluff Harbour: 2005-2006, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-122

Chague-Goff C, 2006, Port Levy chlorophyll monitoring 2005-2006, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-152

Chague-Goff C, 2006, Scrubby Bay chlorophyll monitoring 2005-2006, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand, NIWA technical report, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-151

Chague-Goff C; Duncan M; Sorrell B; Washington S, 2006, Solutions to nutrient runoff from West Coast land conversions 03/126. Final report 2004-2006, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2006-120

Chague-Goff C; Goff JR, 2006, Tsunami hazard assessment baseline for the Northland region, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, CHC2006-069

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2005, Monitoring of environmental effects of longline mussel farming, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Eighth annual report, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2005-117

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2005, Monitoring of salmon farming – Farm No. 338, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: 2004-2005, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2005-044

Chague-Goff C, 2005, Pigeon Bay and Big Bay chlorophyll monitoring, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2005-033

Chague-Goff C; Duncan M; Sorrell B, 2005, Solutions to nutrient runoff from West Coast land conversions – Summary of first year survey 2004-2005, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report, CHC2005-068

Goff J; Walters R; Lamarche G; Wright I; Chague-Goff C, 2005, Tsunami Overview Study, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand, GEO2005/20060

Gust N; Fenwick G; Chague-Goff C; Inglis G; Fitridge I, 2004, Benthos and sediments of the Christchurch wastewater pipeline route across the Avon-Heathcote Estuary, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2004-062

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2004, Monitoring of environmental effects of longline mussel farming, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Seventh annual report, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2004-106

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2004, Monitoring of salmon farming – Farm No. 338, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: 2003-2004, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2004-057

Bell RG; Goff J; Downes G; Berryman K; Walter RA; Chague-Goff C; Barnes P; Wright I, 2004, Tsunami hazard for the Bay of Plenty and eastern Coromandel Peninsula, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, HAM2004-084

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2003, Monitoring of environmental effects of longline mussel farming, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Sixth annual report, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2003-082

Chague-Goff C; Brown S, 2003, Monitoring of salmon farming – Farm No. 338, Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: 2002-2003, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2003-055

Chague-Goff C, 2003, Water and sediment quality in Kaiapoi wetland, Kaiapoi sewage treatment plant, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, NIWA Client Report CHC2003-098


BIGUENET M; Sabatier P; Chaumillon E; Chagué C; Arnaud F; Jorissen F; Coulombier T; Geba E; Cordrie L; Vacher P; Develle A-L; Chalmin E; Soufi F; Feuillet N, 2020, 1600 year-long sedimentary record of tsunamis and hurricanes in the Lesser Antilles (Scrub Island, Anguilla),

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