Select Publications

Journal articles

Newall AT; Wood JG; Chen C; McIntyre P; Beutels P, 2019, 'Reply to letter: Retrospective cost-effectiveness of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination program in Australia', Vaccine, 37, pp. 7534,

Chen C; Beutels P; Wood J; Menzies R; MacIntyre CR; McIntyre P; Newall AT, 2018, 'Retrospective cost-effectiveness of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination program in Australia', Vaccine, 36, pp. 6307 - 6313,

Newall AT; Chen C; Wood JG; Stockwell MS, 2018, 'Within-season influenza vaccine waning suggests potential net benefits to delayed vaccination in older adults in the United States', Vaccine, 36, pp. 5910 - 5915,

Chen C; Roberts AJ; Bunder JE, 2018, 'Boundary conditions for macroscale waves in an elastic system with microscale heterogeneity', IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics,

Chen C, 2018, 'The role of timeliness in the cost-effectiveness of older adult vaccination: A case study of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Australia', Vaccine,

Chen C; Beutels P; Newall AT, 2018, 'Evolution over time in the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in older Australians due to herd protection from infant vaccination', Vaccine,

Dirmesropian S; Wood JG; MacIntyre CR; Beutels P; McIntyre P; Menzies R; Reyes JF; Chen C; Newall AT, 2017, 'Cost-effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in older Australians', Vaccine, 35, pp. 4307 - 4314,

Chen C; Roberts AJ; Bunder JE, 2015, 'Macroscale boundary conditions for a non-linear heat exchanger', ANZIAM Journal,

Chen C; Roberts AJ; Bunder JE, 2014, 'The macroscale boundary conditions for diffusion in a material with microscale varying diffusivities', ANZIAM Journal,

Conference Papers

Chen C; Anvar A; Lu T, 2011, 'Modelling and Simulation of Automated Underwater Acoustic Communication Transmission Recovery for Oceanic Robotics Operations', in Modelling and Simulation of Automated Underwater Acoustic Communication Transmission Recovery for Oceanic Robotics Operations, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, , 12–16 December 2011, Perth, Australia, presented at 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, , 12–16 December 2011, Perth, Australia, 12 December 2011 - 16 December 2011

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