Select Publications

Journal articles

Jackson CJ; Criado-Perez C, 2024, 'Why the Fermi paradox may not be well explained by Wong and Bartlett's theory of civilization collapse. A Comment on: 'Asymptotic burnout and homeostatic awakening: a possible solution to the Fermi paradox?' (2022) by Wong and Bartlett', Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 21,

Criado-Perez C; Jackson C; Collins CG, 2024, 'Evidence collection and use when making management decisions', Applied Psychology, 73, pp. 1652 - 1672,

Criado-Perez C; Jackson C; Minbashian A; Collins CG, 2024, 'Cognitive Reflection and Decision-Making Accuracy: Examining Their Relation and Boundary Conditions in the Context of Evidence-based Management', Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, pp. 249 - 273,

Jackson C; Criado-Perez C; Walker B; Purvee A, 2024, 'How disinhibition explains reward omission leadership', Australian Journal of Management,

Criado-Perez C; Shinkle GA; Höllerer MA; Sharma A; Collins C; Gardner N; Hank Haeusler M; Pan S, 2022, 'Digital Transformation in the Australian AEC Industry: Prevailing Issues and Prospective Leadership Thinking', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148,

Criado-Perez C; Collins CG; Jackson C, 2020, 'Enablers of evidence-based management: Clues from the absorptive capacity literature', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 468 - 487,

Criado-Perez C; Collins CG; Jackson CJ; Oldfield P; Pollard B; Sanders K; Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2020, 'Beyond an ‘informed opinion’: evidence-based practice in the built environment', Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 16, pp. 23 - 40,

Jackson CJ; Minbashian A; Criado-Perez C, 2019, 'A multi-level super meta-theory of personality meta-theories: Why behavior is not always associated with reproductive success', Personality and Individual Differences, 146, pp. 149 - 157,

Conference Papers

Walker BW; Criado-Perez Chanin C; Hellden L; Meachen R; Kimpton R; Ryburn G, 2022, 'Seeing Success Through Rose Colored Glasses: On the “Positivity Bias” in Job Performance Research', Vancouver, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 04 August 2022,

Hall S; Oldfield PF; Mullins B; Pollard B; Criado-Perez C; Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2016, 'Evidence based practice for the built environment: Can systematic reviews close the research - practice gap?', in Ding L; Fiorito F; Osmond P (eds.), Proceedia Engineering, Elsevier, Sydney, pp. 912 - 924, presented at International High- Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE 2016, Sydney, 17 November 2016 - 18 November 2016,

Conference Presentations

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2023, 'UNSW Business Insights Institute - bridging the gap between academia and industry', presented at BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN INDUSTRY AND UNIVERSITIES, Sydney, 22 March 2023

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2022, 'Psychopathy and belief updating', presented at Australian Conference of Personality and Individual Differences, 02 December 2022


Hastings B; Gary S; Jackson C; Criado-Perez Chanin C; Cunico G, 2024, Leadership Capability Framework for the Queensland public sector: interim evidence review, Australia and New Zealand School of Government,,

Criado-Perez C; Pollard B; Oldfield PF; Collins C; Jackson C; Sanders K; Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2018, Building Better Decisions: Why Good Evidence is Used (and Ignored) in the Built Environment Sector, Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living Ltd, Sydney,,


Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2024, Reducing the risk of psychosocial hazards in the workplace

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2024, The future of work in Australia

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2023, How to make better decisions with evidence-based management’

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2023, How BVN is striking the right balance with hybrid

Hastings B; Criado-Perez Chanin C; Dhaenens A; Sanders K, 2023, Your top three questions about hybrid work answered,

Hastings B; Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2022, What are the three biggest challenges facing organisations?,

Criado-Perez Chanin C; Murray D, 2021, Why the AEC industry may have Luddite built into its foundations,

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2020, Inside Atlassian's approach to making informed business decisions

Criado-Perez Chanin C, 2020, Solid foundations: how to design & construct better buildings

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