Select Publications


Tietz C, 2013, Health Hardware Design A Design Research Journey Towards a Healthier Australian Indigenous Living Environment, Designlab Oceania / RMIT Publishing,;dn=672082456917881;res=IELIND

Book Chapters

Tietz C; Bishop K, 2020, 'Overcrowding and Domestic Use of Public Space', in Bishop K; Marshall N (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of People and Place in the 21st-Century City, Routledge, Milton, pp. 209 - 218,

Rahmat H; Marshall N; Steinmetz C; Park M; Tietz C; Bishop K; Thompson S; Corkery L, 2020, 'The Role of Smart City Initiatives in Driving Partnerships: A Case Study of the Smart Social Spaces Project, Sydney Australia', in Contemporary Urban Design Thinking, pp. 143 - 159,

Rahmat H; Marshall N; Steinmetz C; Park M; Tietz C; Bishop K; Thompson S; Corkery L, 2020, 'The Role of Smart City Initiatives in Driving Partnerships: A Case Study of the Smart Social Spaces Project, Sydney Australia', in Smart and Sustainable Cities and Buildings, Springer International Publishing, pp. 171 - 185,

Dorst K; Tietz CR, 2011, 'Design Thinking and Analysis - a case study in design for social wellbeing', in Chakrabarti A (ed.), Research into Design supporting sustainable product development, Research Publishing, pp. 104 - 114,

Tietz CR, 2000, 'Kitchen Design, Installation and maintenance', in Harris G; Dr Scrimgeour D; Dr Walker B; Rainow S; Dr Seeman K; Dr Llyod R; Tregenza T (ed.), Environmental Health Handbook A Practical Manual for Remote Communities, Menzies School of Health Research, Casuarina, NT, Australia, pp. 155 - 172

Journal articles

Vaughn S; Ramirez M; Tietz C, 2024, 'Enhancing Offender Rehabilitation Through Co-Designed Controlled-Environment Agriculture in an Australian Maximum Security Prison', Prison Journal, 104, pp. 594 - 622,

Dincer D; Tietz C; Dalci K, 2024, 'Beyond Sleep: Investigating User Needs in Today’s Bedrooms', Buildings, 14,

Bishop K; Marshall N; Rahmat H; Thompson S; Steinmetz C; Corkery L; Tietz C; Park M, 2024, 'Behavior Mapping and Its Application in Smart Social Spaces', Encylopedia, 4, pp. 171 - 185,

Steinmetz-Weiss C; Marshall N; Bishop K; Rahmat H; Thompson S; Park M; Tietz C; Corkery L, 2024, 'Design thinking for city dashboard development: Recommendations from a study of smart asset management in Sydney, Australia', CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIES-GEOGRAPHIES CANADIENNES, 68, pp. 129 - 141,

Vaughan S; Tietz C; Ramirez M, 2023, 'Co-designing a conceptual controlled environment agriculture (CEA) model inside an Australian maximum-security prison: A research framework', Cogent Social Sciences, 9, pp. 1 - 17,

Thompson S; Rahmat H; Marshall N; Steinmetz C; Bishop K; Corkery L; Park M; Tietz C, 2023, 'Merging Smart and Healthy Cities to Support Community Wellbeing and Social Connection', Encyclopedia, 3, pp. 1067 - 1084,

Dincer D; Tietz C; Dalci K, 2023, 'An Investigation into Sleep Environment as a Multi-Functional Space', Buildings, 13, pp. 406,

Steinmetz C; Park M; Tietz C; Rahmat H; Marhsall N; Thompson S; Bishop K; Corkery L, 2021, 'IOT INTEGRATED SMART STREET FURNITURE: A CASE STUDY OF UNIVERSITY, INDUSTRY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT COLLABORATION', International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 5, pp. 43 - 53,

Steinmetz C; Rahmat H; Marshall N; Bishop K; Thompson S; Park M; Corkery L; Tietz C, 2020, 'Liking, Tweeting and Posting: An Analysis of Community Engagement through Social Media Platforms', Urban Policy and Research, 39, pp. 1 - 21,

Kimmel L; Tietz C, 2020, 'Publicly shared domestic-related amenities: Pockets of privacy enhancing public space', Spatium, pp. 8 - 15,

Tietz CR, 2013, 'Editorial', IDEN, 1,

Tietz CR, 2012, 'Living in the Yard', IDEN, 1, pp. 50 - 52,

Tietz CR, 2012, 'The Secret Lives of Stoves', Fusion Journal, 1,

Tietz CR, 2009, 'Stirring Appetites in Design: A user Centered Product Design Approach to Improve Environmental Health in Remote Indigenous Communities in Australia', Design Principles and Practices, 3, pp. 105 - 119,

Tietz CR, 1996, 'Outdoor Cooking Technologies', , pp. 22 - 23,

Tietz CR, 1996, 'The New Sink Plug', , pp. 19 - 19,

Tietz CR, 1996, 'Washing Machine Performance', , pp. 12 - 13,

Conference Papers

Vaughan S; Ramirez M; Tietz C, 2021, 'DESIGN FOR CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT AGRICULTURE INSIDE AN AUSTRALIAN MAXIMUM-SECURITY PRISON: A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK', in Anais do VIII SDS 2021, Universidade Federal do Paraná, presented at Anais do VIII SDS 2021,

Klieme E; Trenz P; Paeschke D; Tietz C; Meinel C, 2021, 'DoorCollect: Towards a Smart Door Handle for User Identification based on a Data Collection System for unsupervised Long-Term Experiments', in 26TH IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS (IEEE ISCC 2021), IEEE, GREECE, Athens, presented at 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC), GREECE, Athens, 05 September 2021 - 08 September 2021,

Tietz C; Klieme E; Brabender R; Lasarow T; Rambold L; Meinel C, 2020, 'Under Pressure: Pushing Down on Me - Touch Sensitive Door Handle to Identify Users at Room Entry', in Samarati P; DiVimercati SD; Obaidat M; BenOthman J (eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SECRYPT), VOL 1, SCITEPRESS, ELECTR NETWORK, pp. 565 - 571, presented at 17th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications (SECRYPT), ELECTR NETWORK, 08 July 2020 - 10 July 2020,

Tietz C; Klieme E; Behrendt L; Boning P; Marschke L; Meinel C, 2019, 'Verification of Keyboard Acoustics Authentication on Laptops and Smartphones Using WebRTC', in 2019 3RD CYBER SECURITY IN NETWORKING CONFERENCE (CSNET), IEEE, ECUADOR, Quito, presented at 3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), ECUADOR, Quito, 23 October 2019 - 25 October 2019,

Rahmat H; Marshall N; Steinmetz C; Park M; Tietz C; Bishop K; Thompson S; Corkery L, 2018, 'Smart City Initiatives: A Catalyst for Meaningful Collaboration', Sydney, presented at Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SASBE) Conference, Sydney, 04 December 2018 - 07 December 2018,

Klieme E; Tietz C; Meinel C, 2018, 'Beware of SMOMBIES: Verification of Users based on Activities while Walking', in 2018 17TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRUST, SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS (IEEE TRUSTCOM) / 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (IEEE BIGDATASE), IEEE, NY, New York, pp. 651 - 660, presented at 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) / 12th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE), NY, New York, 31 July 2018 - 03 August 2018,

Zimmermann HG; Grothmann R; Schafer AM; Tietz C, 2005, 'Dynamical consistent recurrent neural networks', in PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN), VOLS 1-5, IEEE, CANADA, Montreal, pp. 1537 - 1541, presented at IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2005), CANADA, Montreal, 31 July 2005 - 04 August 2005,


Park M; Rahmat H; Marshall N; Tietz C; Corkery L; Bishop K; Steinmetz C; Thompson S, 2020, Smart Social Spaces Product Sprint, Sydney, Australia,

Steinmetz C; Marshall N; Rahmat H; Thompson SBE; Bishop K; Corkery L; Park M; Tietz C, 2020, Tel Aviv Smart City Leadership Report, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia,

McKenzie L; Rahmat H; Corkery L; Marshall N; Bishop K; Thompson S; Steinmetz C; Park M; Tietz C, 2020, Heat Study for ChillOUT Hubs: Implications for Design and Use,

Bishop K; Rahmat H; Marshall N; Corkery L; Park M; Steinmetz C; Tietz C; Thompson S, 2019, Behaviour mapping report 2: Smart social spaces, smart street furniture supporting social health,

Bishop K; Rahmat H; Marshall N; Corkery L; Park M; Steinmetz C; Tietz C; Thompson S, 2019, Behaviour mapping report: Smart social spaces, smart street furniture supporting social health,

Tietz CR; Peter S, 1997, Indoor Stoves for Remote Aboriginal Communities, National Technology Resource Centre, Alice Springs, NT, Alice Springs, NT, NTRC # cat 97/8

Designs / Architecture

Tietz C, 2019, Healthy Living Hardware to enable Smart Social Spaces, Editor: Marshall N; Steinmetz C; Corkery L; Thompson S; Bishop K; Park MILES; Rahmat H; Park M, publication category: Designs / Architecture

Tietz CR, 2017, Densa - Exploring new urban equipment for denser living, Editor: Murray A, publication category: Designs / Architecture

Theses / Dissertations

Tietz CR, 2015, Design and Context - An investigation into Health Hardware for Remote Australian Indigenous Communities, UTS Graduate School

Working Papers

Tietz CR, 2001, Improving Nutrition, Department of Family, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Australia 2001, Canberra, ACT,

Creative Works (non-textual)

Tietz C; King J, 2020, Datum 72, Australian Furniture Design Award 2020, National Gallery of Victoria at the Stylecraft Showroom, 145 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000, 17 July 2020 - 26 July 2020, medium: Acrylic and PLA filament, at:

Tietz CR; Carnemolla P; Coffey E; Pandolfo B; Schwab M, 2012, Lumberrack, Frugal, Ambush Galleries, 4 James St., Waterloo, NSW 2017, 15 November 2012 - 18 November 2012, medium: Steel

Pholeros P; Tietz CR, 2012, Formations, Common Ground, 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, Italy, Pavilion at Giardini, Venice, 29 August 2012 - 25 November 2012, at:

Tietz CR, 2012, The Yardmaster, Living in the Yard, DAB LAB Research Gallery, UTS Building 6, Level 4, Courtyard, 702 – 730 Harris St, Ultimo, NSW 2007, 30 May 2012 - 20 July 2012, medium: Painted Plywood, Acrylic, Steel, various existing fixtures and fittings, at:

Tietz CR, 2011, Fit for Purpose?, Material Culture, UTS Design Exhibition, Main Foyer, UTS Tower Building, Broadway, Sydney, NSW, 06 December 2011 - 13 December 2011, medium: print on paper, at:

Tietz CR, 2008, Stirring Appetites, Stirring Appetites, Cooking Stoves and the making of everyday life in remote Aboriginal communities, DAB LAB Research Gallery, UTS Building 6, Level 4, Courtyard, 702 – 730 Harris St, Ultimo, NSW 2007, 25 September 2008 - 17 October 2008, medium: Photographs on Polymer film, actual appliances, cooking utensils and artefacts from the field study location, steel, aluminium, bakelite,


Tietz C; Rahmat H; Bishop K; Corkery L; Park M; Marshall N; Thompson S, 2018, Sensors in public spaces can help create cities that are both smart and sociable,

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