Select Publications

Book Chapters

Hohwy J; Palmer C, 2014, 'Social cognition as causal inference: Implications for common knowledge and autism', in Gallotti M; Michael J (ed.), Perspectives on Social Ontology and Social Cognition, Springer

Journal articles

Ramanathan M; Peterson LM; Palmer CJ, 2025, 'Illusory facial expressions caused by lighting direction.', Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, pp. 1 - 17,

Chen C; Boyce WP; Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2024, 'Effect of spatial context on perceived walking direction', Journal of vision, 24, pp. 11,

Peterson LM; Susilo T; Clifford CWG; Palmer CJ, 2023, 'Discrimination of facial identity based on simple contrast patterns generated by shading and shadows', Vision Research, 212,

Peterson LM; Clifford CWG; Palmer CJ, 2023, 'Detection of Mooney faces is robust to image asymmetries produced by illumination', Journal of vision, 23, pp. 9,

Little Z; Palmer C; Susilo T, 2022, 'Normal gaze processing in developmental prosopagnosia', Cortex, 154, pp. 46 - 61,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2022, 'Spatial selectivity in adaptation to gaze direction', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289, pp. 20221230,

Palmer CJ; Goddard E; Clifford CWG, 2022, 'Face detection from patterns of shading and shadows: The role of overhead illumination in generating the familiar appearance of the human face', Cognition, 225, pp. 105172,

Palmer CJ; Bracken SG; Otsuka Y; Clifford CWG, 2022, 'Is there a ‘zone of eye contact’ within the borders of the face?', Cognition, 220, pp. 104981,

Palmer CJ; Kim P; Clifford CWG, 2022, 'Gaze Behavior as a Visual Cue to Animacy', Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152, pp. 425 - 447,

Little Z; Palmer CJ; Susilo T, 2021, 'Intact gaze processing in developmental prosopagnosia', Journal of Vision, 21, pp. 2267 - 2267,

Han S; Alais D; Palmer C, 2021, 'Dynamic face mask enhances continuous flash suppression', Cognition, 206, pp. 104473,

Palmer CJ; Otsuka Y; Clifford CWG, 2020, 'A sparkle in the eye: Illumination cues and lightness constancy in the perception of eye contact', Cognition, 205, pp. 104419,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2020, 'Face Pareidolia Recruits Mechanisms for Detecting Human Social Attention', Psychological Science, 31, pp. 1001 - 1012,

Deschrijver E; Palmer C, 2020, 'Reframing social cognition: Relational versus representational mentalizing.', Psychological Bulletin, 146, pp. 941 - 969,

Palmer CJ; Lawson RP; Clifford CWG; Rees G, 2019, 'Establishing the scope of the divisive normalisation theory of autism: A reply to Rosenberg and Sunkara', Cortex, 111, pp. 319 - 323,

Palmer CJ; Caruana N; Clifford CWG; Seymour KJ, 2018, 'Adaptive sensory coding of gaze direction in schizophrenia', Royal Society Open Science, 5,

Ding C; Palmer CJ; Hohwy J; Youssef GJ; Paton B; Tsuchiya N; Stout JC; Thyagarajan D, 2018, 'Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s disease changes perception in the Rubber Hand Illusion', Scientific Reports, 8,

Palmer CJ; Caruana N; Clifford CWG; Seymour KJ, 2018, 'Perceptual integration of head and eye cues to gaze direction in schizophrenia', Royal Society Open Science, 5,

Clifford CWG; Palmer CJ, 2018, 'Adaptation to the direction of others' gaze: A review', Frontiers in Psychology, 9,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2018, 'Adaptation to other people's eye gaze reflects habituation of high-level perceptual representations', Cognition, 180, pp. 82 - 90,

Palmer C; Seymour K; Otsuka Y; Clifford C, 2018, 'Neural processing of others' gaze independent of specific facial features', Journal of Vision, 18, pp. 196 - 196,

Nguyen ATT; Palmer CJ; Otsuka Y; Clifford CWG, 2018, 'Biases in perceiving gaze vergence', Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147, pp. 1125 - 1133,

Palmer CJ; Lawson RP; Shankar S; Clifford CWG; Rees G, 2018, 'Autistic adults show preserved normalisation of sensory responses in gaze processing', Cortex, 103, pp. 13 - 23,

Alais D; Kong G; Palmer C; Clifford C, 2018, 'Eye gaze direction shows a positive serial dependency', Journal of Vision, 18, pp. 1 - 12,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2017, 'The visual system encodes others’ direction of gaze in a first-person frame of reference', Cognition, 168, pp. 256 - 266,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2017, 'Functional mechanisms encoding others’ direction of gaze in the human nervous system', Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29, pp. 1725 - 1738,

Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2017, 'Perceived Object Trajectory Is Influenced by Others’ Tracking Movements', Current Biology, 27, pp. 2169 - 2176.e4,

Palmer CJ; Lawson RP; Hohwy J, 2017, 'Bayesian approaches to autism: Towards volatility, action, and behavior', Psychological Bulletin, 143, pp. 521 - 542,

Ding C; Palmer CJ; Hohwy J; Youssef GJ; Paton B; Tsuchiya N; Stout JC; Thyagarajan D, 2017, 'Parkinson's disease alters multisensory perception: Insights from the Rubber Hand Illusion', Neuropsychologia, 97, pp. 38 - 45,

Hohwy J; Paton B; Palmer C, 2016, 'Distrusting the present', Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 15, pp. 315 - 335,

Palmer CJ; Seth AK; Hohwy J, 2015, 'The felt presence of other minds: Predictive processing, counterfactual predictions, and mentalising in autism', Consciousness and Cognition, 36, pp. 376 - 389,

Palmer CJ; Paton B; Enticott PG; Hohwy J, 2015, '‘Subtypes’ in the Presentation of Autistic Traits in the General Adult Population', Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, pp. 1291 - 1301,

Palmer CJ; Paton B; Kirkovski M; Enticott PG; Hohwy J, 2015, 'Context sensitivity in action decreases along the autism spectrum: a predictive processing perspective', Proceedings. Biological sciences, 282,

Palmer CJ; Paton B; Barclay L; Hohwy J, 2013, 'Equality, Efficiency, and Sufficiency: Responding to Multiple Parameters of Distributive Justice During Charitable Distribution', Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 4, pp. 659 - 674,

Palmer CJ; Paton B; Ngo TT; Thomson RH; Hohwy J; Miller SM, 2013, 'Individual differences in moral behaviour: A role for response to risk and uncertainty?', Neuroethics, 6, pp. 97 - 103,

Palmer CJ; Paton B; Hohwy J; Enticott PG, 2013, 'Movement under uncertainty: The effects of the rubber-hand illusion vary along the nonclinical autism spectrum', Neuropsychologia, 51, pp. 1942 - 1951,

Palmer C; Ellis KA; O'Neill BV; Croft RJ; Leung S; Oliver C; Wesnes KA; Nathan PJ, 2008, 'The cognitive effects of modulating the glycine site of the NMDA receptor with high-dose glycine in healthy controls', Human Psychopharmacology, 23, pp. 151 - 159,

Conference Papers

Chen C; Boyce WP; Palmer CJ; Clifford CWG, 2023, 'Adaptation to Walking Direction in Biological Motion', in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, American Psychological Association (APA), United States, pp. 2331 - 2344, United States,

Conference Presentations

Palmer CJ; Goddard E; Clifford CG, 2021, 'Face detection from patterns of shading and shadows',


Ding C; Palmer CJ; Hohwy J; Youssef GJ; Paton B; Tsuchiya N; Stout JC; Thyagarajan D, 2017, Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s disease changes perception in the Rubber Hand Illusion,

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