Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Climate change: A clear and present danger to mental health – Response to Amos (2023) ‘Thinking clearly about climate change and mental health’', Australasian Psychiatry, 32, pp. 397 - 398,
,2024, 'Youth suicidality risk relative to ambient temperature and heatwaves across climate zones: A time series analysis of emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
,2023, 'Understanding and managing psychological distress due to climate change', Australian Journal of General Practice,
,2022, 'The clinical implications of climate change for mental health', Nature Human Behaviour, 6, pp. 1474 - 1481,
,2022, 'Rising temperatures and suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 729,
,2022, 'Debate: How can child and adolescent mental health professionals show leadership in the face of the ecological and climate crisis?', Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 27, pp. 75 - 76,
,2003, 'Changes in soil microbial indices and their relationships following deforestation and cultivation in wet tropical forests', APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 24, pp. 17 - 26,