Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhang S; Tang GJ; Liu XH; Luo SH; Wang DD, 2018, 'Retinex based low-light image enhancement using guided filtering and variational framework', Optoelectronics Letters, 14, pp. 156 - 160,

Wang DD; Duan WD; Zhu ZM; Tu YL; Dou CQ; Han MM; Zhang B; Zhao W; Jiang K, 2018, 'CCND1 rs9344 polymorphism is associated with the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in Caucasian population', Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 14, pp. S516 - S518,

Zhu LQ; Ma MY; Zhang Z; Zhang PY; Wu W; Wang DD; Zhang DX; Wang X; Wang HY, 2017, 'Hybrid deep learning for automated lepidopteran insect image classification', Oriental Insects, 51, pp. 79 - 91,

Qu Z; Wang D; Ma Y, 2017, 'Nondiffusive thermal transport and prediction of the breakdown of Fourier's law in nanograting experiments', AIP Advances, 7,

Wang D; Zhu ZM; Tu YL; Dou CQ; Xu Y; Tan XL; Han MM; Yang ZJ; Jin X; Zhang B; Cai S; Liu ZW, 2016, 'Identfication of key miRNAs in pancreatitis using bioinformatics analysis of microarray data', Molecular Medicine Reports, 14, pp. 5451 - 5460,

Zhu L; Wang X; Wang D; Wang H, 2016, 'Single image depth estimation based on convolutional neural network and sparse connected conditional random field', Optical Engineering, 55,

Balez R; Steiner N; Engel M; Muñoz SS; Lum JS; Wu Y; Wang D; Vallotton P; Sachdev P; O'Connor M; Sidhu K; Münch G; Ooi L, 2016, 'Neuroprotective effects of apigenin against inflammation, neuronal excitability and apoptosis in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of Alzheimer's disease', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 31450,

Tan H; Fu Y; Wang DD; Zhang X; Xiao TQ, 2016, 'Quantitative analysis of 3D vasculature for evaluation of angiogenesis in liver fibrosis with SR-μCT', Nuclear Science and Techniques, 27,

Li X; Luo S; Hu Q; Li J; Wang D; Chiong F, 2016, 'Automatic lung field segmentation in x-ray radiographs using statistical shape and appearance models', Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 6, pp. 338 - 348,

Wang D; Qu Z; Ma Y, 2016, 'An enhanced Gray model for nondiffusive heat conduction solved by implicit lattice Boltzmann method', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 94, pp. 411 - 418,

Wang D; Bischof L; Lagerstrom R; Hilsenstein V; Hornabrook A; Hornabrook G, 2016, 'Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46, pp. 185 - 201,

Tan H; Wang D; Li R; Sun C; Lagerstrom R; He Y; Xue Y; Xiao T, 2016, 'A robust method for high-precision quantification of the complex three-dimensional vasculatures acquired by X-ray microtomography', Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23, pp. 1216 - 1226,

Wang DD; Liu ZW; Han MM; Zhu ZM; Tu YL; Dou CQ; Xin J; Wang CS; Nan D, 2016, 'Erratum: Microarray based analysis of gene expression patterns in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (2015) 19:18 (3367-3374))', European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 20, pp. 788

Qi Y; Wang D; Wang D; Jin T; Yang L; Wu H; Li Y; Zhao J; Du F; Song M; Wang R, 2016, 'HEDD: The human epigenetic drug database', Database, 2016,

Wang D; Tan J; Xu Y; Han M; Tu Y; Zhu Z; Dou C; Xin J; Tan X; Zeng JP; Zhao G; Liu Z, 2016, 'The ubiquitin ligase RNF43 downregulation increases membrane expression of frizzled receptor in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma', Tumor Biology, 37, pp. 627 - 631,

Zhu L; Zhou Y; Zhang D; Wang D; Wang H; Wang X, 2015, 'Parallel multi-level 2D-DWT on CUDA GPUs and its application in ring artifact removal', Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27, pp. 5188 - 5202,

Tan H; Wang D; Xue Y; Wang Y; Yang Y; Xiao T, 2015, 'Parallelization of 3D thinning algorithm for extracting skeleton of micro-CT vasculature', Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 35,

Liu H; Liang X; Wang D; Zhang H; Liu L; Chen H; Li Y; Duan Q; Xie K, 2015, 'Combination therapy with nitric oxide and molecular hydrogen in a murine model of acute lung injury', Shock, 43, pp. 504 - 511,

Wang D; Tan J; Xu Y; Tan X; Han M; Tu Y; Zhu Z; Zen J; Dou C; Cai S, 2015, 'Identification of micro RNAs and target genes involvement in hepatocellular carcinoma with microarray data', Hepato-Gastroenterology, 62, pp. 378 - 382,

Wang DD; Xu Y; Zhu ZM; Tan XL; Tu YL; Han MM; Tan JW, 2015, 'Should temporary extracorporeal continuous portal diversion replace meso/porta-caval shunts in "small-for-size" syndrome in porcine hepatectomy?', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21, pp. 888 - 896,

Bednarz T; Wang D; Arzhaeva Y; Lagerstrom R; Vallotton P; Burdett N; Khassapov A; Szul P; Chen S; Sun C; Domanski L; Thompson D; Gureyev T; Taylor JA, 2015, 'Cloud based toolbox for image analysis, processing and reconstruction tasks', Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 823, pp. 191 - 205,

Wang DD; Liu ZW; Han MM; Zhu ZM; Tu YL; Dou CQ; Jin X; Cai SW; Du N, 2015, 'Microarray based analysis of gene expression patterns in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors', European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 19, pp. 3367 - 3374

Li R; Wang D; Sun C; Lagerstrom R; Tan H; He Y; Xiao T, 2015, 'Towards automated quantitative vasculature understanding via ultra high-resolution imagery', Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 823, pp. 177 - 189,

Zhu L; Wang D; Wang H, 2014, 'An improved method for the removal of ring artifacts in synchrotron radiation images by using GPGPU computing with compute unified device architecture', Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26, pp. 2880 - 2892,

Wang DD; Xu Y; Tu YL; Tan XL; Zhu ZM; Han MM; Dou CQ; Zeng JP; Tan JW; Du JD; Jiao HB; Cai SW, 2014, 'Comparison analysis in synchronous and metachronous metastatic colorectal cancer based on microarray expression profile', Hepato-Gastroenterology, 61, pp. 2215 - 2218,

Guo XD; Xiong L; Yu L; Li R; Wang ZH; Ren B; Dong JH; Li B; Wang D, 2014, 'Increased level of nucleolin confers to aggressive tumor progression and poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy', Diagnostic Pathology, 9,

Payne M; Wang D; Sinclair CM; Kapsa RMI; Quigley AF; Wallace GG; Razal JM; Baughman RH; Münch G; Vallotton P, 2014, 'Automated quantification of neurite outgrowth orientation distributions on patterned surfaces', Journal of Neural Engineering, 11,

Zhu L; Wang D; Bednarz T, 2014, 'Suppression of ring artifacts in synchrotron radiation images using heterogeneous computing based on improved wavelet', Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10, pp. 523 - 530,

Tu Y; Jiao H; Tan X; Wang D; Du J; Sun L; Zhang W, 2013, 'Retroperitoneal laparoscopic debridement and drainage of infected retroperitoneal necrosis in severe acute pancreatitis', Asian Journal of Surgery, 36, pp. 159 - 164,

Tu YL; Wang X; Wang DD; Zhu ZM; Tan JW, 2013, 'Impact of mesocaval shunt on safe minimal liver remnant: Porcine model', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 19, pp. 5076 - 5084,

Domanski L; Bednarz T; Gureyev T; Murray L; Huang BE; Nesterets Y; Thompson D; Jones E; Cavanagh C; Wang D; Vallotton P; Sun C; Khassapov A; Stevenson A; Mayo S; Morell M; George AW; Taylor JA, 2013, 'Applications of heterogeneous computing in computational and simulation science', International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 8, pp. 240 - 252,

Wang D; Lagerstrom R; Sun C; Bishof L; Valotton P; Götte M, 2010, 'HCA-Vision: Automated neurite outgrowth analysis', Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 15, pp. 1165 - 1170,

Li M; Xu J; Yang J; Yang D; Wang D, 2009, 'Multiple manifolds analysis and its application to fault diagnosis', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, pp. 2500 - 2509,

Sun CW; Vallotton P; Lopez JA; Ng YK; James DE, 2009, 'Membrane boundary extraction using circular multiple paths', Pattern Recognition, 42, pp. 523 - 530

Zhang L; Xu J; Yang J; Yang D; Wang D, 2008, 'Multiscale morphology analysis and its application to fault diagnosis', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22, pp. 597 - 610,

Sun C; Vallotton P; Wang D; Lopez J; Ng Y; James D, 2007, 'Membrane boundary extraction using a circular shortest path technique', AIP Conference Proceedings, 952, pp. 41 - 47,

Vallotton P; Lagerstrom R; Sun C; Buckley M; Wang D; De Silva M; Tan SS; Gunnersen JM, 2007, 'Automated analysis of neurite branching in cultured cortical neurons using HCA-Vision', Cytometry Part A, 71, pp. 889 - 895,

Wang HJ; Wang DD; Liang HY; Gao Y, 2006, 'Method to dynamically detect BGP configuration errors', Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, 32

Liang H; Teng G; Wang H; Wang D; Gao Y, 2006, 'Method of inspecting MP-BGP misconfiguration in BGP/MPLS VPN', Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, 32

Wang R; Wang H; Wang D; Gao Y, 2005, 'Classification of relationships between ASes in complex inter-domain routing system', Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, 31, pp. 45 - 47

Bischof L; Buckley M; Lagerstrom R; Sun C; Talbot H; Wang D; Vallotton P, 2005, 'Image analysis of neurite branching: High-content screening at high speed', American Biotechnology Laboratory, 23, pp. 22

Wang H; Wang R; Wang D; Gao Y, 2005, 'Method of inferring the source of BGP route flap', Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, 31, pp. 40 - 42

Wang D; Wang H; Wang R; Gao Y, 2005, 'Model of internet topology based on AS', Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, 31, pp. 23 - 25

Wang DD; Wang HJ; Wang RJ; Gao Y, 2005, 'Approach to inferring relationship between different autonomous systems from routing table', Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 26, pp. 43 - 46

Wang DD; Tieu AK; D'Alessio G, 2005, 'Computational intelligence-based process optimization for tandem cold rolling', MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 20, pp. 479 - 496,

Wang HJ; Wang RJ; Wang DD; Gao Y, 2004, 'Detecting BGP policy conflicts through dispute arc', Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 25, pp. 942 - 945

Wang HJ; Wang RJ; Wang DD; Gao Y, 2004, 'Approach to restraining growth of BGP routing table by filtration', Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 25, pp. 754 - 757

Wang HJ; Wang DJ; Wang DD; Gao Y, 2004, 'Convergence time of BGP based on dispute digraph', Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 25, pp. 555 - 558

Wang D; Wang H; Wang R; Liang H; Gao Y, 2004, 'An approach to evaluate communication cost in grid system', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3252, pp. 571 - 578,

Jiao HB; Qiao Z; Tan XL; Du JD; Fei Y; Wang DD; Li JY; Yao YM, 2004, 'Effects of anticoagulation therapy with low molecular weight heparin in acute pancreatitis.', Zhongguo wei zhong bing ji jiu yi xue = Chinese critical care medicine = Zhongguo weizhongbing jijiuyixue, 16, pp. 712 - 714

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