Wenk E; Falster D; Abramowicz K; Westoby M, 2024, Is allocation among reproductive tissues coordinated with seed size?,
Wenk E; Cornwell W; Fuchs A; Kar F; Monro A; Sauquet H; Stephens R; Falster D, 2024, APCalign: an R package workflow and app for aligning and updating flora names to the Australian Plant Census,
Towers I; O’Reilly-Nugent A; Sabot MEB; Vesk P; Falster D, 2024, Explaining plant trait variation in response to soil water availability using an optimal height-growth model,
Wenk E; Bal P; Coleman D; Gallagher R; Yang S; Falster D, 2024, a data model, workflow and R package for building harmonised ecological trait databases,
O’Brien T; Warton D; Falster D, 2024, Yes, they’re all individuals: Hierarchical models from repeat measurement data improve estimates of tree growth and size,
Wenk E; Coleman D; Gallagher R; Falster D, 2023, A near-complete dataset of plant growth form, life history, and woodiness for all Australian plants,
Towers I; Vesk P; Wenk E; Gallagher R; Windecker S; Wright I; Falster D, 2023, Revisiting the role of mean annual precipitation in shaping functional trait distributions at a continental scale,
Wenk E; Sauquet H; Gallagher R; Brownlee R; Boettiger C; Coleman D; Yang S; Auld T; Barrett R; Brodribb T; Choat B; Dun L; Ellsworth D; Gosper C; Guja L; Jordan G; Breton TL; Leigh A; Lu-Irving P; Medlyn B; Nolan R; Ooi M; Sommerville K; Vesk P; White M; Wright I; Falster D, 2023, The AusTraits Plant Dictionary,
Keller A; Ankenbrand M; Bruelheide H; Dekeyzer S; Enquist BJ; Erfanian MB; Falster D; Gallagher RV; Hammock J; Kattge J; Leonhardt SD; Madin J; Maitner B; Neyret M; Onstein RE; Pearse WD; Poelen JH; Salguero-Gomez R; Schneider FD; Tóth AB; Penone C, 2022, Ten (mostly) simple rules to future-proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences,
Stephens R; Sauquet H; Guerin G; Jiang M; Falster D; Gallagher R, 2021, Climate shapes flowering periods across plant communities,
McCarthy PX; Gong X; Eghbal S; Falster DS; Rizoiu M-A, 2020, Evolution of diversity and dominance of companies in online activity,
Gallagher R; Falster DS; Maitner B; Salguero-Gomez R; Vandvik V; Pearse W; Schneider F; Kattge J; Alroy J; Ankenbrand MJ; Andrew S; Balk M; Bland L; Boyle B; Bravo-Avila C; Brennan I; Carthey A; Catullo R; Cavazos B; Chown S; Fadrique B; Feng X; Halbritter AH; Hammock J; Hogan JA; Holewa H; Iversen C; Jochum M; Kearney M; Keller A; Mabee P; Madin J; Manning P; McCormack L; Michaletz S; Park D; Penone C; Perez T; Pineda-Munoz S; Poelen JH; Ray C; Rossetto M; Sauquet H; Sparrow B; Spasojevic MJ; Telford RJ; Tobias JA; Violle C; Walls R; Weiss KCB; Westoby M; Wright I; Enquist B, 2019, The Open Traits Network: Using Open Science principles to accelerate trait-based science across the Tree of Life,
Wenk EH; Falster D, 2014, Quantifying and understanding reproductive allocation schedules in plants: a lifetime of decisions,
Jucker T; Fischer FJ; Chave J; Coomes DA; Caspersen J; Ali A; Panzou GJL; Feldpausch TR; Falster D; Usoltsev VA; Jackson TD; Adu-Bredu S; Alves LF; Aminpour M; Angoboy IB; Anten NPR; Antin C; Askari Y; Muñoz R; Ayyappan N; Banin L; Barbier N; Battles JJ; Beeckman H; Bocko YE; Bond-Lamberty B; Bongers F; Bowers S; van Breugel M; Chantrain A; Chaudhary R; Dai J; Dalponte M; Dimobe K; Domec J-C; Doucet J-L; Rada JMD; Duursma RA; Enríquez M; van Ewijk KY; Farfán-Rios W; Fayolle A; Ferretti M; Forni E; Forrester DI; Gilani H; Godlee JL; Haeni M; Hall JS; He J-K; Hemp A; Hernández-Stefanoni JL; Higgins SI; Holdaway RJ; Hussain K; Hutley LB; Ichie T; Iida Y; Jiang H-S; Joshi PR; Kaboli H; Larsary MK; Kenzo T; Kloeppel BD; Kohyama T; Kunwar S; Kuyah S; Kvasnica J; Lin S; Lines ER; Liu H; Lorimer C; Loumeto J-J; Malhi Y; Marshall PL; Mattsson E; Matula R; Meave JA; Mensah S; Mi X; Momo ST; Moncrieff GR; Mora F; Nissanka SP; Hajar ZSN; O’Hara KL; Pearce S; Pelissier R; Peri PL; Ploton P; Poorter L; Pour MJ; Pourbabaei H; Ribeiro SC; Ryan C; Sanaei A; Sanger J; Schlund M; Sellan G; Shenkin A; Sonké B; Sterck FJ; Svátek M; Takagi K; Trugman AT; Vadeboncoeur MA; Valipour A; Vanderwel MC; Vovides AG; Waldner P; Wang W; Wang L-Q; Wirth C; Woods M; Xiang W; de Aquino Ximenes F; Xu Y; Yamada T; Zavala MA; Zimmermann NE, The global spectrum of tree crown architecture,
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