Select Publications
Journal articles
1999, 'H reflexes from the tibial and median nerves. The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, pp. 259 - 262
,1999, 'Heat sensitivity of sensory fibers in carpal tunnel syndrome', Muscle and Nerve, pp. 969 - 970
,1999, 'Intraoperative monitoring. The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, pp. 133 - 148
,1999, 'Muscle spindle activity in the affected upper limb after a unilateral stroke', Brain, 122, pp. 2079 - 2088
,1999, 'Psychotherapy Supervision for Pre-Section I Trainees: Access, Equity and Quality', Australasian Psychiatry, 7, pp. 248 - 250,
,1999, 'Reproducibility of tendon jerk relfexes during a voluntary contraction', Clinical Neurophysiology, 110, pp. 1481 - 1487
,1999, 'Strength-duration properties and their voltage dependence at different sites along the median nerve', Clinical Neurophysiology, 110, pp. 1618 - 1624
,1999, 'Temperature dependence of excitability indices of human cutaneous afferents', Muscle and Nerve, pp. 51 - 60
,1999, 'The implementation of the Brennan Report: the centralised selection of first year trainees for RANZCP accredited training in NSW.', Australasian Psychiatry, pp. 85 - 87
,1999, 'Value of homonymous and heteronymous monosynaptic reflexes in the diagnosis and follow-up of cervical spinal injuries', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, pp. 24 - 26
,1998, 'Activity-dependent hyperpolarization of motor axons produced by natural activity', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 919 - 925
,1998, 'Early intervention in schizophrenia in the elderly.', Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 32, pp. 809 - 814,
,1998, 'Influence of stimulus cross talk on results of the twitch-interpolation technique at the biceps brachii muscle', Muscle and Nerve, pp. 970 - 970
,1998, 'Ischaemic resistance of cutaneous afferents and motor axons in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis', Muscle and Nerve, pp. 1692 - 1700
,1998, 'Quantitative description of the voltage dependence of axonal excitability in human cutaneous afferents', Brain, 121, pp. 1975 - 1983
,1998, 'Strength-duration properties of sensory and motor axons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis', Brain, 121, pp. 851 - 859
,1998, 'Surgical monitoring of motor pathways', Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 15, pp. 194 - 205
,1998, 'The development of conduction block in single human axons following a focal nerve injury', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 127 - 133
,1998, 'Threshold tracking techniques in the study of human peripheral nerve', Muscle and Nerve, pp. 137 - 158
,1997, 'Mental rehearsal of motor tasks recruits α-motoneurones but fails to recruit human fusimotor neurones selectively', Journal of Physiology, 505, pp. 259 - 266,
,1997, 'Discharge of human muscle spindle afferents innervating ankle dorsiflexors during target isometric contractions', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 221 - 232
,1997, 'Electroencephalographic evidence of seizure activity under deep sevoflurane anaesthesia in a non-epileptic patient', Anesthesiology, pp. 1579 - 1582
,1997, 'Excitability changes in human cutaneous afferents induced by prolonged repetitive axonal activity', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 255 - 264
,1997, 'Excitability changes in human sensory and motor axons during hyperventilation and ischaemia', Brain, 120, pp. 317 - 325
,1997, 'Lycra garments designed for patients with upper limb spasticity: mechanical effects in healthy subjects', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, pp. 1066 - 1071
,1997, 'Paraesthesiae induced by prolonged high frequency stimulation of human cutaneous afferents', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 461 - 471
,1997, 'Strength duration properties of cutaneous and motor axons in carpal tunnel syndrome', Muscle and Nerve, 20, pp. 508 - 510
,1997, 'Weak short-latency spinal projections to the long flexor of the human thumb', Experimental Brain Research, 115, pp. 165 - 168
,1996, 'Activity-dependent changes in impulse conduction in focal nerve lesion', Brain, 119, pp. 429 - 437
,1996, 'Changes in excitability and impulse transmission following prolonged repetitive activity in normal subjects and patients with a focal nerve lesion', Brain, 119, pp. 2029 - 2037
,1996, 'Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation in children using simultaneous motor and somatosensory evoked potential monitoring', Spine, pp. 2450 - 2457
,1996, 'Differences in the recovery of excitability in sensory and motor axons of human median nerve', Brain, 119, pp. 1099 - 1105
,1996, 'Effects of femoral nerve stimulation on the electromyogram and reflex excitability of tibialis anterior and soleus', Muscle and Nerve, 19, pp. 1110 - 1115
,1996, 'Loop gain of reflexes controlling human standing measured using postural and vestibular disturbances', Journal of Neurophysiology, pp. 3994 - 4008
,1996, 'Morphology of action potentials recorded from human nerves using microneurography', Experimental Brain Research, 110, pp. 308 - 314
,1996, 'Strength-duration properties of human peripheral nerve', Brain, 119, pp. 439 - 447
,1996, 'The effect of stimulus duration on the latency of submaximal nerve', Muscle and Nerve, 19, pp. 1354 - 1356
,1996, 'Variability of motor evoked potentials recorded during nitrous oxide anesthesia from the tibialis anterior muscle after transcranical electrical stimulation', Anesthesia and Analgesia, pp. 744 - 749
,1996, 'W22 Activity-dependent conduction failure in a peripheral nerve lesion', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 99, pp. 340 - 340,
,1995, 'Activity-dependent modulation of excitability.', Muscle and Nerve, 18, pp. 675 - 677
,1995, 'Letters to the editor', Muscle & Nerve, 18, pp. 673 - 677,
,1995, 'activity-dependent changes in impulse conduction in normal human cutaneous axons', Brain, 118, pp. 1217 - 1224
,1995, 'Efferent responses to twitch tests used in identifying human muscle afferents', Neuroscience Letters, 188, pp. 97 - 100
,1995, 'Homonymous and heteronymous monosynaptic reflexes in biceps brachii', Muscle and Nerve, 18, pp. 585 - 592
,1995, 'Increased resting discharge of human spindle afferents following voluntary contractions', The Journal of Physiology, pp. 833 - 840
,1995, 'Intraoperative monitoring of corticospinal function.', Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 94, pp. 89 - 91,
,1995, 'PS-37-3 Heteronymous reflex connections in the human lower limb', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control, 97, pp. S178 - S178,
,1995, 'Reproducibility of a heteronymous monosynaptic reflex in biceps brachii', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, pp. 318 - 325
,1995, 'Trial-to-trial variability of corticospinal volleys in human subjects', Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, pp. 231 - 237
,1994, 'Non-monosynaptic transmission of the cortical command for voluntary movement in man.', J Physiol, 480 ( Pt 1), pp. 191 - 202,