Select Publications

Book Chapters

Boettiger D, 2007, 'Quantitative measurements of integrin-mediated adhesion to extracellular matrix', in Cheresh DA (ed.), INTEGRINS, ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC, pp. 1 - +,

Journal articles

Liu JX; Samake Y; Tolo O; Treleaven E; Poudiougou B; Whidden C; Johnson A; Kayentao K; Boettiger DC, 2025, 'Mortality among 5 to 19-year-olds in rural Mali', PLOS Global Public Health, 5,

Teeraananchai S; Boettiger DC; Lertpiriyasuwat C; Triamwichanon R; Benjarattanaporn P; Phanuphak N, 2025, 'The impact of same-day and rapid ART initiation under the Universal Health Coverage programme on HIV outcomes in Thailand: a retrospective real-life cohort study', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 28,

Wulandari LPL; Negara SNS; Mashuri YA; Wahyuningtias SD; Putra IWCSD; Subronto YW; Ahmad RA; Thabrany H; Guy R; Law M; Hammoud M; Bavinton BB; Kaldor J; Medland N; Liverani M; Probandari A; Boettiger D; Wiseman V, 2024, 'A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: Lessons for Future Public Health Crises', Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 97, pp. 208 - 215,

Wong A; Lima N; Applegate TL; Guy R; Huston WM; Hocking JS; Boettiger D, 2024, 'Viability of Chlamydia trachomatis in Different Anatomical Sites-a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,

Hosking K; Binks P; De Santis T; Wilson PM; Gurruwiwi GG; Bukulatjpi SM; Vintour-Cesar E; McKinnon M; Nihill P; Fernandes TA; Greenwood-Smith B; Batey R; Ross C; Tong SYC; Stewart G; Marshall C; Gargan C; Manchikanti P; Fuller K; Tate-Baker J; Stewart S; Cowie B; Allard N; MacLachlan JH; Qama A; Boettiger D; Davis JS; Connors C; Davies J, 2024, 'Evaluating a novel model of hepatitis B care, Hep B PAST, in the Northern Territory of Australia: results from a prospective, population-based study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 48,

Mashuri YA; Boettiger D; Wahyuningtias SD; Negara SNS; Subronto YW; Liverani M; Wulandari LPL; Ahmad RA; Thabrany H; Fardousi N; Kaldor J; Probandari A; Wiseman V, 2024, '"i pity the TB patient": A mixed methods study assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services in two major Indonesian cities and distilling lessons for the future', BMJ Global Health, 9,

Chen W; Petoumenos K; Somia A; Edmiston N; Chaiwarith R; Woolley I; Ross J; Pujari S; Boettiger DC, 2024, 'Changes in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk over time among people living with HIV', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 79, pp. 897 - 902,

Newall AT; Nazareno AL; Muscatello DJ; Boettiger D; Viboud C; Simonsen L; Turner RM, 2024, 'The association between influenza vaccination uptake and influenza and pneumonia-associated deaths in the United States', Vaccine, 42, pp. 2044 - 2050,

Wulandari LPL; Negara SNS; Wahyuningtias SD; Mashuri YA; Putra IWCSD; Fardousi N; Ahmad RA; Boettiger D; Probandari A; Subronto YW; Wiseman V; Liverani M, 2024, 'Delivering HIV and TB services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a qualitative study of challenges and mitigation strategies', Journal of Global Health Reports, 8,

Wong A; Applegate T; Boettiger DC; Varma R; Guy R; Medland N, 2024, 'Unnecessary antibiotic use in men who have sex with men (MSM) with anogenital symptoms attending a sexual health clinic: a retrospective analysis', Sexually Transmitted Infections,

Boettiger DC; Ord M; Ananthan P; Dennis G; Williams J; Ng S; Murphy VE; Davis JS, 2024, 'Gut colonisation with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae in vegetarians: A systematic review and meta-analysis', CMI Communications, 1, pp. 100007 - 100007,

Boettiger DC; Lin TK; Almansour M; Hamza MM; Alsukait R; Herbst CH; Altheyab N; Afghani A; Kattan F, 2023, 'Projected impact of population aging on non-communicable disease burden and costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2020–2030', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Boettiger DC; Phillips AN; Newall AT; Alam SR; Mureithi M; Ferrand R; Ioannou P; Filippatos TD; Kofteridis DP; Olalla J; Pombo M; Grinspoon SK; Ribaudo HJ; Douglas PS, 2023, 'Pitavastatin and Cardiovascular Disease in HIV', New England Journal of Medicine, 389, pp. 687 - 699,

Babagoli MA; Chen YH; Chakma N; Islam MS; Naheed A; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Association of socio-demographic characteristics with hypertension awareness, treatment, and control in Bangladesh', Journal of Human Hypertension, 37, pp. 993 - 999,

Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall AT; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of treating serendipitously diagnosed anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 37,

Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall A; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of screening and treating anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 32,

Boettiger D; Salaria N; Batura N; Schellenberg J; Francis J; Mounier-Jack S; Wiseman V, 2023, 'Health policy and planning: statement of intent', Health Policy and Planning, 38, pp. 1 - 2,

Friedland JC; Lakins JN; Kazanietz MG; Chernoff J; Boettiger D; Weaver VM, 2023, 'α6β4 integrin activates Rac-dependent p21-activated kinase 1 to drive NF-κB-dependent resistance to apoptosis in 3D mammary acini (Expression of Concern of Vol 120, Pg 3700, 2007)', JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE, 136,

Boettiger DC; Lin TK, 2022, 'Cost-effectiveness of liposomal amphotericin B for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis', The Lancet Global Health, 10, pp. e1705 - e1706,

Han WM; Kerr SJ; Avihingsanon A; Boettiger DC, 2022, 'Weight change with integrase strand transfer inhibitors among virally suppressed Thai people living with HIV', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 77, pp. 3242 - 3247,

Boettiger DC; Chattranukulchai P, 2022, 'Considering whether countries participating in clinical trials can afford the intervention', Health Policy and Planning, 37, pp. 1064 - 1065,

al Adawiyah R; Boettiger D; Applegate TL; Probandari A; Marthias T; Guy R; Wiseman V, 2022, 'Supply-side readiness to deliver HIV testing and treatment services in Indonesia: Going the last mile to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV', PLOS Global Public Health, 2,

Teeraananchai S; Law M; Boettiger D; Mata NDL; Gupte N; Chan YTL; Pham TN; Chaiwarith R; Ly PS; Chan YJ; Kiertiburanakul S; Khusuwan S; Zhang F; Yunihastuti E; Kumarasamy N; Pujari S; Azwa I; Somia IKA; Tanuma J; Ditangco R; Choi JY; Ng OT; Do CD; Gani Y; Ross J; Jiamsakul A, 2022, 'Virological failure and treatment switch after ART initiation among people living with HIV with and without routine viral load monitoring in Asia', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25,

Boettiger DC; An VT; Kumarasamy N; Azwa I; Sudjaritruk T; Truong KH; Avihingsanon A; Ross J; Kariminia A, 2022, 'Recent Trends in Adult and Pediatric Antiretroviral Therapy Monitoring and Failure', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 90, pp. 193 - 200,

Boettiger DC; An VT; Lumbiganon P; Wittawatmongkol O; Truong KH; Do VC; van Nguyen L; Sun Ly P; Kinikar A; Ounchanum P; Puthanakit T; Kurniati N; Kumarasamy N; Wati DK; Chokephaibulkit K; Jamal Mohamed TA; Sudjaritruk T; Yusoff NKN; Fong MS; Nallusamy RA; Kariminia A, 2022, 'Severe recurrent bacterial pneumonia among children living with HIV', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 41, pp. E208 - E215,

Boettiger DC; Huque MH; Bloch M; Woolley I; Templeton DJ; Law MG; Fraser N; Hoy J; Petoumenos K, 2022, 'Physical function limitation among gay and bisexual men aged ≥55years with and without HIV: findings from the Australian Positive and Peers Longevity Evaluation Study (APPLES)', Sexual Health, 19, pp. 533 - 545,

Boettiger DC; Treleaven E; Kayentao K; Guindo M; Coumaré M; Johnson AD; Whidden C; Koné N; Cissé AB; Padian N; Liu J, 2021, 'Household factors and under-five mortality in Bankass, Mali: results from a cross-sectional survey', BMC Public Health, 21,

Boettiger DC; Chattranukulchai P; Avihingsanon A; Chaiwarith R; Khusuwan S; Law MG; Ross J; Kiertiburanakul S, 2021, 'Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease thresholds for statin initiation among people living with HIV in Thailand: A cost-effectiveness analysis', PLoS ONE, 16,

Treleaven E; Whidden C; Cole F; Kayentao K; Traoré MB; Diakité D; Sidibé S; Lin TK; Boettiger D; Cissouma S; Sanogo V; Padian N; Johnson A; Liu J, 2021, 'Relationship between symptoms, barriers to care and healthcare utilisation among children under five in rural Mali', Tropical Medicine and International Health, 26, pp. 943 - 952,

Adawiyah RA; Saweri OPM; Boettiger DC; Applegate TL; Probandari A; Guy R; Guinness L; Wiseman V, 2021, 'The costs of scaling up HIV and syphilis testing in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review', Health Policy and Planning, 36, pp. 939 - 954,

Boettiger DC; White JS, 2021, 'Effects of a minimum floor Price law on cigarette use in Oakland, California: A static microsimulation model', Preventive Medicine, 145,

Boettiger DC; Kerr S; Chattranukulchai P; Siwamogsatham S; Avihingsanon A, 2021, 'Maintenance of statin therapy among people living with HIV', AIDS, 35, pp. 567 - 574,

Boettiger DC; Newall AT; Phillips A; Bendavid E; Law MG; Ryom L; Reiss P; Mocroft A; Bonnet F; Weber R; El-Sadr W; d’Arminio Monforte A; de Wit S; Pradier C; Hatleberg CI; Lundgren J; Sabin C; Kahn JG; Kazi DS, 2021, 'Cost-effectiveness of statins for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease among people living with HIV in the United States', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24,

Boettiger DC; Kerr S; Chattranukulchai P; Siwamogsatham S; Avihingsanon A, 2020, 'Reclassification of Statin Indication Among People Living With HIV Using Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 85, pp. E26 - E29,

Boettiger DC; Kerr S; Chattranukulchai P; Siwamogsatham S; Avihingsanon A, 2020, 'Reclassification of Statin Indication Among People Living With HIV Using Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring.', J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 85, pp. e26 - e29,

Boettiger DC, 2020, 'Long-Acting opioid use reporting', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71, pp. 1355 - 1356,

Boettiger DC; Escuder MM; Law MG; Veloso V; Souza RA; Ikeda MLR; de Alencastro PR; Tupinambás U; Brites C; Grinsztejn B; Ggomes JO; Ribeiro S; McGowan CC; Jayathilake K; Castilho JL; Grangeiro A, 2020, 'Cardiovascular disease among people living with HIV in Brazil', Tropical Medicine and International Health, 25, pp. 886 - 896,

Boettiger DC; White JS, 2020, 'Cigarette Pack Prices and Sales Following Policy Changes in California, 2011-2018', American journal of public health, 110, pp. 1002 - 1005,

Boettiger DC; Newall AT; Chattranukulchai P; Chaiwarith R; Khusuwan S; Avihingsanon A; Phillips A; Bendavid E; Law MG; Kahn JG; Ross J; Bautista-Arredondo S; Kiertiburanakul S, 2020, 'Statins for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention in people living with HIV in Thailand: a cost-effectiveness analysis', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23,

Boettiger DC; Glaw M; Ross J; Huy BV; Heng BSL; Ditangco R; Kiertiburanakul S; Avihingsanon A; Cuong D; Kumarasamy N; Kamarulzaman A; Ly PS; Yunihastuti E; Merati TP; Zhang F; Khusuwan S; Chaiwarith R; Lee MP; Sangle S; Choi JY; Ku WW; Tanuma J; Ng OT; Sohn AH; Wester CW; Nash D; Mugglin C; Pujari S, 2020, 'Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease screening and management protocols among adult HIV clinics in Asia', Journal of Virus Eradication, 6, pp. 11 - 18,

Boettiger DC; Salazar-Vizcaya L; Dore GJ; Gray RT; Law MG; Callander D; Lea T; Rauch A; Matthews GV, 2020, 'Can Australia Reach the World Health Organization Hepatitis C Elimination Goal by 2025 among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-positive Gay and Bisexual Men?', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70, pp. 106 - 113,

Sudjaritruk T; Boettiger DC; Nguyen LV; Mohamed TJ; Wati DK; Bunupuradah T; Hansudewechakul R; Ly PS; Lumbiganon P; Nallusamy RA; Fong MS; Chokephaibulkit K; Nik Yusoff NK; Truong KH; Do VC; Sohn AH; Sirisanthana V; Tucker J; Kumarasamy N; Chandrasekaran E; Vedaswari D; Ramajaya IB; Kurniati N; Muktiarti D; Lim M; Daut F; Mohamad P; Drawis MR; Chan KC; Aurpibul L; Ounchanum P; Denjanta S; Kongphonoi A; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Puthanakit T; Anugulruengkit S; Jantarabenjakul W; Nadsasarn R; Lapphra K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Ha TM; An VT; Khu DTK; Pham AN; Nguyen LT; Le ON; Chi H; Ross JL; Suwanlerk T; Law MG; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Impact of the frequency of plasma viral load monitoring on treatment outcomes among children with perinatally acquired HIV', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22,

Pasayan MKU; Mationg MLS; Boettiger D; Lam W; Zhang F; Ku SWW; Merati TP; Chaiwarith R; Cuong DD; Yunihastuti E; Kiertiburanakul S; Van Kinh N; Avihingsanon A; Sun LP; Kamarulzaman A; Kantipong P; Kumarasamy N; Pujari S; Heng Sim BL; Ng OT; Choi JY; Tanuma J; Ross J; Ditangco RA, 2019, 'Effect of macrolide prophylactic therapy on AIDS-Defining conditions and HIV-Associated mortality', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 80, pp. 436 - 443,

Boettiger DC; Law MG; Sohn AH; Davies MA; Wools-Kaloustian K; Leroy V; Yotebieng M; Vinikoor M; Vreeman R; Amorissani-Folquet M; Edmonds A; Fatti G; Batte J; Renner L; Adedimeji A; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Temporal trends in co-trimoxazole use among children on antiretroviral therapy and the impact of co-trimoxazole on mortality rates in children without severe immunodeficiency', Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 8, pp. 450 - 460,

Joshi K; Boettiger D; Kerr S; Nishijima T; Van Nguyen K; Ly PS; Lee MP; Kumarasamy N; Wong W; Kantipong P; Cuong DD; Kamarulzaman A; Choi JY; Zhang F; Chaiwarith R; Ng OT; Kiertiburanakul S; Sim BLH; Merati TP; Yunihastuti E; Ditangco R; Ross J; Pujari S, 2018, 'Changes in renal function with long-term exposure to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adults in Asia', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 27, pp. 1209 - 1216,

Pongpech N; Avihingsanon A; Chaiwarith R; Kantipong P; Boettiger D; Ross J; Kiertiburanakul S, 2018, 'Prediction model of pretreatment hiv rna levels in naÏve hiv-infected patients: Application for resource-limited setting', Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 49, pp. 965 - 974,

Boettiger DC; Law MG; Dore GJ; Guy R; Callander D; Donovan B; O'Connor CC; Fairley CK; Hellard M; Matthews G; Han A, 2017, 'Hepatitis C testing and re-testing among people attending sexual health services in Australia, and hepatitis C incidence among people with human immunodeficiency virus: Analysis of national sentinel surveillance data', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 740,

Jung IY; Boettiger D; Wong WW; Lee MP; Kiertiburanakul S; Chaiwarith R; Avihingsanon A; Tanuma J; Kumarasamy N; Kamarulzaman A; Zhang F; Kantipong P; Ng OT; Sim BLH; Law M; Ross J; Choi JY; Han A, 2017, 'The treatment outcomes of antiretroviral substitutions in routine clinical settings in Asia; Data from the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD):', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 20, pp. e25016,

Rohner E; Bütikofer L; Schmidlin K; Sengayi M; Maskew M; Giddy J; Garone D; Moore RD; D'Souza G; Goedert JJ; Achenbach C; Gill MJ; Kitahata MM; Patel P; Silverberg MJ; Castilho J; McGowan C; Chen YMA; Law M; Taylor N; Paparizos V; Bonnet F; Verbon A; Fätkenheuer G; Post FA; Sabin C; Mocroft A; Le Moing V; Dronda F; Obel N; Grabar S; Spagnuolo V; Antinori A; Quiros-Roldan E; Mussini C; Miro JM; Meyer L; Hasse B; Konopnicki D; Roca B; Barger D; Raben D; Clifford GM; Franceschi S; Brockmeyer N; Chakraborty R; Egger M; Bohlius J; Judd A; Zangerle R; Touloumi G; Warszawski J; Dabis F; Krause MM; Ghosn J; Leport C; Wittkop L; Reiss P; Wit F; Prins M; Bucher H; Gibb D; Del Amo J; Thorne C; Kirk O; Stephan C; Pérez-Hoyos S; Hamouda O; Bartmeyer B; Chkhartishvili N; Noguera-Julian A; Monforte ADA; Prieto L; Conejo PR; Soriano-Arandes A; Battegay M; Kouyos R; Tookey P; Casabona J; Castagna A; Konopnick D; Goetghebuer T; Sönnerborg A; Teira R; Garrido M; Haerry D; De Wit S; Costagliola D; D'Arminio-Monforte A; Chêne G; Schwimmer C; Termote M; Campbell M; Frederiksen CM; Friis-Møller N; Kjaer J; Brandt RS; Berenguer J; Bouteloup V; Cozzi-Lepri A, 2017, 'Comparison of kaposi sarcoma risk in human immunodeficiency virus-positive adults across 5 continents: A multiregional multicohort study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65, pp. 1316 - 1326,

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