Select Publications

Journal articles

Carter DJ, 2025, 'Antibiotic Resistance, Polycentricity, and the Regulation of Antibiotic Prescribing in the Primary Care Setting', Laws, 14, pp. 5 - 5,

Jamshidi N; Waine M; Binet M; Mohan V; Carter D; Morgan B, 2024, 'The Adoption of Point of Care Testing Technologies for Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care in Australia', to Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease,

Wells N; Ong JJ; Stackpool-Moore L; Warner M; Carter DJ; McGoldrick R; Wlodek A; Riley B; Holland J; Heath-Paynter D; Stratigos A; Murphy E; Haerry D; Parczewski M; Poonkasetwattana M; Medland N; Wade S; Allan B, 2024, 'Key findings from the 2023 ‘ACT NOW on Global HIV Migration, Mobility and Health Equity’ community forum', Sexual Health, 21,

Carter D; Evans R, 2023, 'HIV-related Legal Needs, Demographic Change, and Trends in Australia since 1992: A Review of Legal Administrative Data', AIDS and Behavior, 28, pp. 1 - 9,

Carter D; Riley B; Evans R; Rahmani A; Vogl A; Stratigos A; Brown JJ; Robertson H; Travaglia J, 2023, 'The Legal Needs of People Living with a Sexually Transmissible Infection or Blood-Borne Virus: Perspectives From a Sample of the Australian Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Workforce', Journal of Law and Medicine, 30, pp. 706 - 715

Carter DJ; Byrne MK; Djordjevic SP; Robertson H; Labbate M; Morgan BS; Billington L, 2023, 'Personal Data for Public Benefit: The Regulatory Determinants of Social Licence for Technologically Enhanced Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance', Journal of law and medicine, 30, pp. 179 - 190

Hacker CE; Debono D; Travaglia J; Carter DJ, 2022, 'Falling through the cracks: the invisible hospital cleaning workforce', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36, pp. 981 - 986,

Cooper B; Donner E; Crase L; Robertson H; Carter D; Short M; Drigo B; Leder K; Roiko A; Fielding K, 2022, 'Maintaining a social license to operate for wastewater-based monitoring: The case of managing infectious disease and the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Environmental Management, 320,

Carter D; Rahmani A; Brown J, 2022, 'Regulating Health Care Safety: Enforcement and Responsibility Attribution in Response to Iatrogenic Harm', Journal of Law and Medicine, 29, pp. 1 - 19

Carter DJ; Hartridge S, 2022, 'Privacy breaches and electronic communication Lessons for practitioners and researchers', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 497 - 499,

Hinchcliff R; Debono D; Carter D; Glennie M; Robertson H; Travaglia J, 2022, 'Options to enhance the veracity of Australian health service accreditation assessments', Health Information Management Journal, 51, pp. 59 - 62,

Carter DJ, 2022, ''She Wanted to Listen to her General Practitioner's Advice...': Exploring and Explaining Antibiotic Prescribing as a Regulatory Encounter', Medical Law Review, 30, pp. 299 - 323,

Carter DJ; Vogl A; Methven E; Billington L, 2022, 'ELECTRONIC AUDIO FEEDBACK IN LEGAL EDUCATION', Legal Education Review, 32, pp. 161 - 181,

Carter DJ; Rahmani A; Brown JJ, 2022, 'Regulating Health Care Safety: Enforcement and Responsibility Attribution in Response to Iatrogenic Harm', JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE, 29, pp. 847 - 865

Zhang A; Hobman EV; De Barro P; Young A; Carter DJ; Byrne M, 2021, 'Self-medication with antibiotics for protection against COVID-19: The role of psychological distress, knowledge of, and experiences with antibiotics', Antibiotics, 10, pp. 1 - 14,

Carter DJ, 2021, 'Use of Personal Health Information under Consent - Exempt Circumstances for Research: Views of the Australian General Public', Journal of law and medicine, 28, pp. 780 - 797

Carter DJ; De Vitis M; Dulagil E, 2020, 'Depictions of the human person: a multidisciplinary approach to teaching ethics for advanced practice nursing', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS EDUCATION, 5, pp. 101 - 114,

Carter D, 2020, 'The Use of coercive Public Health and Human Biosecurity Law in Australia: An Empirical Analysis', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 43, pp. 117 - 154

Carter D, 2019, 'Transmission of HIV and the Criminal Law: Examining the Impact of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Treatment-as Prevention', Melbourne University Law Review, 43, pp. 937 - 986

Carter D, 2019, 'Responsibility for iatrogenic deaths in Australian criminal law', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 152, pp. 127 - 129

Saunders C; Carter D; Brown JJ, 2019, 'Primary care experience of older Australians with chronic illness', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25, pp. 13 - 18,

Carter DJ, 2019, 'Proximity and Neighbourhood: Using Topic Modelling to Read the Development of Law in the High Court of Australia', Monash University Law Review

Saunders C; Brown JJ; Carter DJ; Lapkin S, 2018, 'Chronic disease management support in Australian workplaces—low base, rising need', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 29, pp. 257 - 264,

Roche MA; Duffield C; Smith J; Kelly D; Cook R; Bichel-Findlay J; Saunders C; Carter DJ, 2018, 'Nurse-led primary health care for homeless men: a multimethods descriptive study', International Nursing Review, 65, pp. 392 - 399,

Hinchcliff R; Debono D; Carter D; Banks M, 2018, 'Systematic Reviews of the Evidence Supporting Three Methods of External Accreditation Assessment', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE, 30, pp. 12 - 12,

Carter DJ; Street DJ; Bush S, 2018, 'Building Public Confidence in Medical Registration Revalidation: Reform of Medical Registration Law in Australia, a New Risk-based Approach.', J Law Med

Carter DJ; Hartridge S, 2018, 'Mandatory data breach notification requirements for medical practice', The Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 1 - 1

Carter DJ; Brown J; Saunders C, 2018, 'The Patient’s Voice: Australian Health Care Quality and Safety Regulation from the Perspective of the Public', Journal of law and medicine, 25, pp. 408 - 428

Saunders C; Carter DJ, 2017, 'Right care, right place, right time: Improving the timeliness of health care in New South Wales through a public-private hospital partnership', Australian Health Review, 41, pp. 511 - 518,

Saunders C; Carter DJ; Jordan A; Duffield C; Bichel-Findlay J, 2016, 'Cancer patient experience measures: An evidence review', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34, pp. 200 - 222,

Saunders C; Carter DJ, 2016, 'Is health systems integration being advanced through Local Health District planning?', Australian Health Review, 2016 Apr 21 [Epub ahead of print],

Carter DJ, 2016, 'HIV transmission, public health detention and the recalcitrant subject of discipline: Kuoth, Lam v R and the co-constitution of public health and criminal law', Griffith Law Review, 25, pp. 172 - 196,

Carter DJ; Brown J; Rahmani A, 2016, 'Reading the High Court at a Distance: Topic Modelling the Legal Subject Matter and Judicial Activity of the High Court of Australia, 1903-2015', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 39, pp. 1300 - 1300,

Methven E; Carter DJ, 2016, 'Serious Crime Prevention Orders', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28, pp. 223 - 234,

Carter DJ, 2015, 'Records access and management on closure of a medical practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 109 - 110,

Carter DJ, 2015, 'Correcting the record: Australian prosecutions for manslaughter in the medical context', Journal of law and medicine, 22, pp. 588 - 609

Carter DJ, 2013, 'NSW Victim Compensation Scheme Slashed', Alternative Law Journal, 38, pp. 193 - 193,

Carter DJ, 2012, 'Legal Needs Survey', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 285 - 285

Carter DJ, 2012, 'Police Powers Requiring Removal of Face Coverings', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 206 - 206

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