Select Publications
Journal articles
2025, 'Antibiotic Resistance, Polycentricity, and the Regulation of Antibiotic Prescribing in the Primary Care Setting', Laws, 14, pp. 5 - 5,
,2024, 'The Adoption of Point of Care Testing Technologies for Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care in Australia', to Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease,
,2024, 'Key findings from the 2023 ‘ACT NOW on Global HIV Migration, Mobility and Health Equity’ community forum', Sexual Health, 21,
,2023, 'HIV-related Legal Needs, Demographic Change, and Trends in Australia since 1992: A Review of Legal Administrative Data', AIDS and Behavior, 28, pp. 1 - 9,
,2023, 'The Legal Needs of People Living with a Sexually Transmissible Infection or Blood-Borne Virus: Perspectives From a Sample of the Australian Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Workforce', Journal of Law and Medicine, 30, pp. 706 - 715
,2023, 'Personal Data for Public Benefit: The Regulatory Determinants of Social Licence for Technologically Enhanced Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance', Journal of law and medicine, 30, pp. 179 - 190
,2022, 'Falling through the cracks: the invisible hospital cleaning workforce', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36, pp. 981 - 986,
,2022, 'Maintaining a social license to operate for wastewater-based monitoring: The case of managing infectious disease and the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Environmental Management, 320,
,2022, 'Regulating Health Care Safety: Enforcement and Responsibility Attribution in Response to Iatrogenic Harm', Journal of Law and Medicine, 29, pp. 1 - 19
,2022, 'Privacy breaches and electronic communication Lessons for practitioners and researchers', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 497 - 499,
,2022, 'Options to enhance the veracity of Australian health service accreditation assessments', Health Information Management Journal, 51, pp. 59 - 62,
,2022, ''She Wanted to Listen to her General Practitioner's Advice...': Exploring and Explaining Antibiotic Prescribing as a Regulatory Encounter', Medical Law Review, 30, pp. 299 - 323,
,2022, 'ELECTRONIC AUDIO FEEDBACK IN LEGAL EDUCATION', Legal Education Review, 32, pp. 161 - 181,
,2022, 'Regulating Health Care Safety: Enforcement and Responsibility Attribution in Response to Iatrogenic Harm', JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE, 29, pp. 847 - 865
,2021, 'Self-medication with antibiotics for protection against COVID-19: The role of psychological distress, knowledge of, and experiences with antibiotics', Antibiotics, 10, pp. 1 - 14,
,2021, 'Use of Personal Health Information under Consent - Exempt Circumstances for Research: Views of the Australian General Public', Journal of law and medicine, 28, pp. 780 - 797
,2020, 'Depictions of the human person: a multidisciplinary approach to teaching ethics for advanced practice nursing', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS EDUCATION, 5, pp. 101 - 114,
,2020, 'The Use of coercive Public Health and Human Biosecurity Law in Australia: An Empirical Analysis', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 43, pp. 117 - 154
,2019, 'Transmission of HIV and the Criminal Law: Examining the Impact of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Treatment-as Prevention', Melbourne University Law Review, 43, pp. 937 - 986
,2019, 'Responsibility for iatrogenic deaths in Australian criminal law', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 152, pp. 127 - 129
,2019, 'Primary care experience of older Australians with chronic illness', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25, pp. 13 - 18,
,2019, 'Proximity and Neighbourhood: Using Topic Modelling to Read the Development of Law in the High Court of Australia', Monash University Law Review
,2018, 'Chronic disease management support in Australian workplaces—low base, rising need', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 29, pp. 257 - 264,
,2018, 'Nurse-led primary health care for homeless men: a multimethods descriptive study', International Nursing Review, 65, pp. 392 - 399,
,2018, 'Systematic Reviews of the Evidence Supporting Three Methods of External Accreditation Assessment', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE, 30, pp. 12 - 12,
,2018, 'Building Public Confidence in Medical Registration Revalidation: Reform of Medical Registration Law in Australia, a New Risk-based Approach.', J Law Med
,2018, 'Mandatory data breach notification requirements for medical practice', The Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 1 - 1
,2018, 'The Patient’s Voice: Australian Health Care Quality and Safety Regulation from the Perspective of the Public', Journal of law and medicine, 25, pp. 408 - 428
,2017, 'Right care, right place, right time: Improving the timeliness of health care in New South Wales through a public-private hospital partnership', Australian Health Review, 41, pp. 511 - 518,
,2016, 'Cancer patient experience measures: An evidence review', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34, pp. 200 - 222,
,2016, 'Is health systems integration being advanced through Local Health District planning?', Australian Health Review, 2016 Apr 21 [Epub ahead of print],
,2016, 'HIV transmission, public health detention and the recalcitrant subject of discipline: Kuoth, Lam v R and the co-constitution of public health and criminal law', Griffith Law Review, 25, pp. 172 - 196,
,2016, 'Reading the High Court at a Distance: Topic Modelling the Legal Subject Matter and Judicial Activity of the High Court of Australia, 1903-2015', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 39, pp. 1300 - 1300,§ion=59
,2016, 'Serious Crime Prevention Orders', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28, pp. 223 - 234,
,2015, 'Records access and management on closure of a medical practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 109 - 110,
,2015, 'Correcting the record: Australian prosecutions for manslaughter in the medical context', Journal of law and medicine, 22, pp. 588 - 609
,2013, 'NSW Victim Compensation Scheme Slashed', Alternative Law Journal, 38, pp. 193 - 193,
,2012, 'Legal Needs Survey', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 285 - 285
,2012, 'Police Powers Requiring Removal of Face Coverings', Alternative Law Journal, 37, pp. 206 - 206