Select Publications

Journal articles

Eldridge DJ; Val J; James AI, 2011, 'Abiotic effects predominate under prolonged livestock–induced disturbance', Austral Ecology, 36, pp. 367 - 377,

Dean C; Roxburgh S; Harper RJ; Eldridge DJ; Watson IW; Wardell-Johnson GW, 2011, 'Accounting for space and time in soil carbon dynamics in timbered rangelands', Ecological Engineering, 38, pp. 51 - 64,

Eldridge DJ; Koen TB; Huang N; Killgore A; Whitford W, 2011, 'Animal foraging as a mechanism for sediment movement and soil nutrient development: evidence from the semi-arid Australian woodlands and the Chihuahuan Desert', Geomorphology, 157-158, pp. 131 - 141,

Martin ; Eldridge DJ; Murray PA, 2011, 'Bird assemblages in remnant and revegetated habitats in an extensively cleared landscape, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales.', Pacific Conservation Biology, 17, pp. 110 - 120

James A; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Moseby KE, 2011, 'Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives?', Biological Invasions, 13, pp. 3027 - 3038,

Williams W; Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'Deposition of sand over a cyanobacterial soil crust increases nitrogen', Applied Soil Ecology, 49, pp. 26 - 31

Kwok A; Eldridge DJ; Oliver IA, 2011, 'Do landscape health indices reflect arthropod biodiversity status in the eucalypt woodlands of eastern Australia?', Austral Ecology, 36, pp. 800 - 813,

Lichner L; Eldridge DJ; Schacht K; Zhukova N; Holko L; Sir M; Pecho J, 2011, 'Grass cover influences hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in a sandy soil', Pedosphere, 21, pp. 719 - 729,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Roger E; Reynolds JF; Whitford WG, 2011, 'Impacts of shrub encroachment on ecosystem structure and functioning: Towards a global synthesis', Ecology Letters, 14, pp. 709 - 722,

Borchard P; Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'The geomorphic signature of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and cattle (Bos taurus) in an agricultural riparian ecosystem', Geomorphology, 130, pp. 365 - 373,

Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'The resource coupling role of animal foraging pits in semi-arid woodlands', Ecohydrology

Larsen P; Eldridge D; Brinkley J; Newton D; Goff D; Hartzog T; Saad ND; Perkin R, 2010, 'Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Access Does Nursing Experience and Competence Really Make a Difference?', JOURNAL OF INFUSION NURSING, 33, pp. 226 - 235,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Alonso P; Mau RL; Papadopoulos J; Escudero A, 2010, 'Interactive effects of three ecosystem engineers on infiltration in a semi-arid Mediterranean grassland', Ecosystems, 13, pp. 499 - 510,

James A; Eldridge DJ; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, 74, pp. 516 - 520,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Alonso P; Mau RL; Papadopoulos J; Escudero A, 2010, 'Interactive effects of three ecosystem engineers on infiltration in a semi-arid Mediterranean grassland', Ecosystems, 13, pp. 495 - 510

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ, 2010, 'Plant and soil surface responses to a combination of shrub removal and grazing in a shrub-encroached woodland.', Journal of Environmental Management, 91, pp. 2639 - 2648,

Eldridge DJ; Lunt I, 2010, 'Resilience of soil seed banks to site degradation in intermittently flooded riverine woodlands', Journal of Vegetation Science, 21, pp. 157 - 166

Borchard P; Ian AW; Eldridge DJ, 2010, 'Wombats and domestic livestock as potential vectors of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in an agricultural riparian area', Australian Journal of Zoology, 58, pp. 150 - 153

Eldridge DJ; Whitford WG, 2009, 'Badger (Taxidea taxus) disturbances increase soil heterogeneity in a degraded shrub-steppe ecosystem', Journal of Arid Environments, 73, pp. 66 - 73,

Eldridge DJ; Whitford W; Duval B, 2009, 'Animal disturbances promote shrub maintenance in a desertified grassland', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 1302 - 1310

Eldridge DJ, 2009, 'Badger (taxidea taxus) mounds affect soil hydrological properties in a degraded shrub-steppe', American Midland Naturalist, 161, pp. 350 - 358

James AI; Eldridge DJ; Hill B, 2009, 'Foraging animals create fertile patches in an Australian desert shrubland', Ecography, 32, pp. 723 - 732

O Bryan K; Prober S; Lunt I; Eldridge DJ, 2009, 'Frequent fire promotes diversity and cover of biological soil crusts in a derived temperate grassland', Oecologia, 159, pp. 827 - 838

Eldridge DJ; Whitford W, 2009, 'Soil disturbance by native animals along grazing gradients in an arid grassland', Journal of Arid Environments, 73, pp. 1144 - 1148

Eldridge DJ; James AI, 2009, 'Soil-disturbance by native animals plays a critical role in maintaining healthy Australian landscapes', Ecological Management and Restoration, 10

Dunn J; Rolland J; Lundquist P; Bishop S; Eldridge D; Kaim R, 2008, 'In situ chemical cleaning for improved ion implanter utilization', SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY, 51, pp. 22 - 24,

Eldridge DJ; Koen T, 2008, 'Formation of nutrient-poor soil patches in a semi-arid woodland by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)', Austral Ecology, 33, pp. 88 - 98,

Williams W; Eldridge DJ; Alchin B, 2008, 'Grazing and drought reduce cyanobacterial soil crusts in an Australian Acacia woodland', Journal of Arid Environments, 72, pp. 1061 - 1072,

James AI; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Whitford W, 2008, 'Landscape position moderates how ant nests affect hydrology and soil chemistry across a Chihuahuan Desert watershed', Landscape Ecology, 23, pp. 961 - 975

Eldridge DJ; Kwok A, 2008, 'Soil disturbance by animals at varying spatial scales in a semi-arid Australian woodland', Rangeland Journal, 30, pp. 327 - 337

Lunt I; Eldridge DJ; Morgan J; Witt G, 2007, 'A framework to predict the effects of livestock grazing and grazing exclusion on conservation values in natural ecosystems in Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 55, pp. 401 - 415

Eldridge DJ; Mensinga A, 2007, 'Foraging pits of the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) as small-scale patches in a semi-arid Australian box woodland', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39, pp. 1055 - 1065,

Deines L; Rosentreter RR; Eldridge DJ; Serpe M, 2007, 'Germination and seedling establishment of two annual grasses on lichen-dominated biological soil crusts', Plant and Soil, 295, pp. 23 - 35

Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Harrison L, 2007, 'Plant composition of three woodland communities of variable condition in the western riverina, New South Wales, Australia', Cunninghamia, 10, pp. 189 - 198

James AI; Eldridge DJ, 2007, 'Reintroduction of fossorial native mammals and potential impacts on ecosystem processes in an Australian desert landscape', Biological Conservation, 138, pp. 351 - 359

Eldridge DJ; Freudenberger D; Koen TB, 2006, 'Diversity and abundance of biological soil crust taxa in relation to fine and coarse-scale disturbances in a grassy eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia', Plant and Soil, 281, pp. 255 - 268

Eldridge DJ; Costantinides C; Vine A, 2006, 'Short-term vegetation and soil responses to mechanical destruction of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) warrens in an Australian box woodland', Restoration Ecology, 14, pp. 50 - 59

Thompson W; Eldridge DJ; Bonser SP, 2006, 'Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Vegetation Science, 17, pp. 271 - 280,

Thompson WA; Eldridge DJ; Bonser SP, 2006, 'Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Vegetation Science, 17, pp. 271 - 271,[0271:sobscc];2

Semple W; Koen TB; Eldridge DJ; Duttmer KM; Parker B, 2006, 'Variation in soil properties on two partially revegetated saline scalds in south-eastern Australia', Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46, pp. 1279 - 1289

Eldridge DJ; Wong V, 2005, 'Clumped and isolated trees influence soil nutrient levels in an Australian temperate box woodland', Plant and Soil, 270, pp. 331 - 342

Eldridge DJ; Freudenberger D, 2005, 'Ecosystem wicks: Woodland trees enhance water infiltration in a fragmented agricultural landscape in eastern Australia', Austral Ecology, 30, pp. 336 - 347

Thompson W; Eldridge DJ, 2005, 'Plant cover and composition in relation to density of Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) along a rainfall gradient in eastern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, pp. 545 - 554

Thompson W; Eldridge DJ, 2005, 'White cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla): a review of its roles in landscape and ecological processes in eastern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, pp. 555 - 570

HILTY JH; ELDRIDGE DJ; ROSENTRETER R; WICKLOW-HOWARD MC; PELLANT M, 2004, 'Recovery of biological soil crusts following wildfire in Idaho', Journal of Range Management, 57, pp. 89 - 96,

Eldridge DJ, 2004, 'Mounds of the American badger (Taxidea taxus): significant features of the North American shrub-steppe ecosystems', Journal of Mammalogy, 85, pp. 1060 - 1067

Hilty JH; Eldridge DJ; Rosentreter RR; Wicklow-Howard MC; Pellant M, 2004, 'Recovery of biological soil crusts following wildfire in Idaho', Journal of Range Management, 57, pp. 89 - 96

Hilty JH; Eldridge DJ; Rosentreter R, 2004, 'Recovery of biological soil crusts following wildfire in Idaho', Journal of Range Management, 57,

Hilty JH; Eldridge DJ; Rosentreter RR; Wicklow-Howard MC, 2003, 'Burning and seeding influence soil surface morphology in an Artemisia shrubland in southern Idaho', Arid Land Research and Management, 17, pp. 1 - 11

Eldridge DJ; Koen TB, 2003, 'Detecting environmental change in eastern Australia: rangeland health in the semi-arid woodlands', Science of the Total Environment, 310, pp. 211 - 219

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