Select Publications


Althubyani M; Meng Z; Xie S; Seung C; Razzak I; Sandoval EB; Kocaballi B; Bamdad M; Naranjo FC, 2024, PERCY: A Multimodal Dataset and Conversational System for Personalized and Emotionally Aware Human-Robot Interaction,

Jimenez SG; Gallo D; Sosa R; Sandoval EB; Colombino T; Grasso A, 2022, A Decision Support Design Framework for Selecting a Robotic Interface,

Sandoval EB; Sosa R; Cappuccio M; Bednarz T, 2022, Human-Robot Creative Interactions (HRCI): Exploring Creativity in Artificial Agents Using a Story-Telling Game,

Sandoval EB; Rojas DV; Cereceres CAP; Rios AA; Barde A; Billinghurst M, 2022, Prototyping a Virtual Agent for Pre-school English Teaching,

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