Select Publications

Journal articles

Hamilton M; Kintominas A; Adamson E, 2024, 'Childcare by migrant nannies and migrant grannies: A critical discourse analysis of new policy solutions for securing reproductive labor in Australian households', Gender, Work and Organization, 31, pp. 1290 - 1311,

Craig L; Lee DJ; Hamilton M; Timonen V; Adamson E, 2024, 'Gender and educational patterns in the demand and supply of grandparent childcare in Australia', Australian Journal of Social Issues,

Adamson E; Skattebol J, 2023, 'Pockets of promise: exploring innovation and complexity of remote ECEC service delivery in Australia', Frontiers in Education, 8,

Skattebol J; Adamson E; Blaxland M, 2023, 'Serving families who face economic and related adversities: the ‘5 As’ of effective ECEC service delivery', Frontiers in Education, 8,

Rung DL; Adamson E, 2022, 'Renegotiating Roles as Fathers and Workers : Exploring the Experiences of Migrant and Refugee Men in Australia', International Journal of Mens Social and Community Health, 5, pp. e1 - e14,

Naldini M; Adamson E; Hamilton M, 2022, 'Migrant families' access to ECEC and family policies: The Australian and Italian case compared', Frontiers in Sociology, 7,

Adamson E; Smith JA; Clifford S; Wallace T, 2021, 'Understanding the secondary supply of alcohol as a wicked policy problem: The unique case of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80, pp. 283 - 299,

Adamson E; Clifford S; Wallace T; Smith JA, 2021, 'Industry views about the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory: Early lessons from a qualitative evaluation', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 210 - 219,

Hamilton M; Hill E; Adamson E, 2021, 'A ‘career shift’? Bounded agency in migrant employment pathways in the aged care and early childhood education and care sectors in Australia', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47, pp. 3059 - 3079,

Clifford S; Smith JA; Adamson E; Wallace T; Adamson E, 2020, 'Do alcohol price control measures adequately consider the health of very remote Australians?: Minimum Unit Price in the Northern Territory', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44, pp. 260 - 261,

Adamson E; Smith JA, 2020, 'Exploring the links between fathering, masculinities and health and well-being for migrant fathers: Implications for policy and practice', International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health, 3, pp. e58 - e65,

Graham A; Bessell S; Adamson E; Truscott J; Simmons C; Thomas N; Gardon L; Johnson A, 2019, 'Navigating the ambiguous policy landscape of student participation', Journal of Education Policy, 34, pp. 789 - 811,

Brennan D; Adamson E, 2018, 'Care and migration', ,

Adamson EA; Cortis N; Brennan D; Charlesworth S, 2017, 'Social care and migration policy in Australia: Emerging intersections?', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52, pp. 78 - 94,

Adamson EA; Brennan D, 2016, 'Return of the Nanny: Public Policy towards In-home Childcare in the UK, Canada and Australia', Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 51, pp. 1386 - 1405,

Skattebol J; Adamson E; Woodrow C, 2016, 'Revisioning professionalism from the periphery', Early Years, 36, pp. 116 - 131,

Adamson EA; Brennan D, 2014, 'Social investment or private profit? Diverging notions of 'investment' in early childhood education and care', International Journal of Early Childhood, 46, pp. 47 - 61,

Hamilton M; Adamson E, 2012, 'Bounded agency in young carers' lifecourse-stage domains and transitions', Journal of Youth Studies, 16, pp. 101 - 117,

Whiteford P; Redmond G; Adamson E, 2011, 'Middle Class Welfare in Australia: How has the Distribution of Cash Benefits changed since the 1980s?', Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 14, pp. 81 - 102,;dn=556711210676386;res=IELBUS

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