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Select Publications
Matthews G; Jacoby S; Borok M; Eriobu N; Kaplan R; Kumarasamy N; Bennet JA; Avihingsanon A; Chetchotisakd P; Wagner Cardoso S; Azwa I; Losso M; Brown D; Arlinda D; Hutchinson J; Kelleher A; Cisse M; Dao S; Polizzotto M; Emery S; Law M; Papot E; Karyana M; Lupo S; Solari AM; Grinsztejn B; Wolff M; Andrade-Villanueva J; Mosqueda Gómez JL; Chow TS; Mohapi L; Yunihastuti E; Hadi U; Katu S; Subronto YW; Lane HC; Perelis L, 2024, 'Dolutegravir plus boosted darunavir versus recommended standard-of-care antiretroviral regimens in people with HIV-1 for whom recommended first-line non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy has failed (D2EFT): an open-label, randomised, phase 3b/4 trial', The Lancet HIV, 11, pp. e436 - e448, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(24)00089-4
Dharan NJ; Sasson SC; Ahlenstiel G; Andersen CR; Bloch M; Buckland G; Hamad N; Han WM; Kelleher AD; Long GV; Matthews GV; Mina MM; Papot E; Petoumenos K; Swaminathan S; Withers B; Yun J; Polizzotto MN, 2023, 'Clinical and laboratory features of COVID-19 illness and outcomes in immunocompromised individuals during the first pandemic wave in Sydney, Australia', PLoS ONE, 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289907
Jordans CCE; Vasylyev M; Rae C; Jakobsen ML; Vassilenko A; Dauby N; Grevsen AL; Jakobsen SF; Raahauge A; Champenois K; Papot E; Malin JJ; Boender TS; Behrens GMN; Gruell H; Neumann A; Spinner CD; Valbert F; Akinosoglou K; Kostaki EG; Nozza S; Giacomelli A; Lapadula G; Mazzitelli M; Torti C; Matulionyte R; Matulyte E; Van Welzen BJ; Hensley KS; Thompson M; Ankiersztejn-Bartczak M; Skrzat-Klapaczyńska A; Sǎndulescu O; Streinu-Cercel A; Streinu-Cercel A; Miron VD; Pokrovskaya A; Hachfeld A; Dorokhina A; Sukach M; Lord E; Sullivan AK; Rokx C, 2022, 'National medical specialty guidelines of HIV indicator conditions in Europe lack adequate HIV testing recommendations: a systematic guideline review', Eurosurveillance, 27, http://dx.doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.48.2200338
Papot E; Jacoby S; Arlinda D; Avihingsanon A; Azwa I; Borok M; Brown D; Cisse M; Dao S; Eriobu N; Kaplan R; Karyana M; Kumarasamy N; Losso MH; Matthews GV; Perelis L; Perez-Casas C; Ruxrungtham K; Watkins M; Lane HC; Kelleher A; Law M; Polizzotto M, 2022, 'Adaption of an ongoing clinical trial to quickly respond to gaps in changing international recommendations: the experience of D2EFT', HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 23, pp. 37 - 46, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/25787489.2022.2103572
Cortier M; de La Porte C; Papot E; Goudjo A; Guenneau L; Riou F; Cervantes-Gonzalez M; Prioux M; Yazdanpanah Y; Galy A, 2022, 'Health status and healthcare trajectory of vulnerable asylum seekers hosted in a French Reception Center', Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 46, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102180
Papot E; Kaplan R; Vitoria M; Polizzotto MN, 2021, 'Optimizing switching strategies to simplify antiretroviral therapy: The future of second-line from a public health perspective', AIDS, 35, pp. S153 - S163, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000003108
Papot E; Kalampalikis N; Doumergue M; Pilorgé F; Quatremère G; Yazdanpanah Y; Préau M, 2021, 'Can we talk about price with patients when choosing antiretroviral therapy? A survey with people living with HIV and prescribers in France', BMJ Open, 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046212
Fournier AL; Parienti JJ; Champenois K; Feret P; Papot E; Yazdanpanah Y; Verdon R, 2020, 'Incidence and risk factors for medical care interruption in people living with HIV in a French provincial city', PLoS ONE, 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240417
Couffignal C; Papot E; Etienne A; Legac S; Laouénan C; Beres D; Blum L; Khuong-Josses MA; Lepretre A; Papazian P; Yazdanpanah Y; Bouvet E, 2020, 'Treatment as prevention (TasP) and perceived sexual changes in behavior among HIV-positive persons: a French survey in infectious diseases departments in Paris', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 32, pp. 811 - 817, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2019.1653438
Pommier JD; Laouénan C; Michard F; Papot E; Urios P; Boutten A; Peytavin G; Ghander C; Lariven S; Castanedo G; Moho D; Landman R; Phung B; Perez E; Julia Z; Descamps D; Roland-Nicaise P; Le Gac S; Yazdanpanah Y; Guibourdenche J; Yeni P, 2019, 'Metabolic syndrome and endocrine status in HIV-infected transwomen', AIDS, 33, pp. 855 - 865, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000002152
Fournier AL; Yazdanpanah Y; Verdon R; Lariven S; Mackoumbou-Nkouka C; Phung BC; Papot E; Parienti JJ; Landman R; Champenois K, 2019, 'Incidence of and risk factors for medical care interruption in people living with HIV in recent years', PLoS ONE, 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213526
Gelu-Simeon M; Lewin M; Ostos M; Bayan T; Delgado MB; Teicher E; Layese R; Roudot-Thoraval F; Fontaine H; Sobesky R; Salmon-Ceron D; Samuel D; Seror O; Nahon P; Meyer L; Duclos-Vallee J-C; Petrov-Sanchez V; Autran B; Boufassa F; Bourliere M; Dominguez S; Hezode C; Pageaux G-P; Poizot-Martin I; Roque-Afonso A-M; Samri A; Vittecoq D; Allegre T; Di Martino V; Muel E; de Ledinghen V; Germain E; Merouche W; Morlat P; Bonnet F; Delaune J; Caldato S; Chesnel C; Piroth L; Gohier S; Crenn P; Berthe H; Zarski J-P; Leroy V; Baidi Z; Miailhes P; Ogoudjob S; Ivanova A; Botta D; Ansaldi C; Pageaux GP; Rocher P; Tran A; Anty R; Gervais A; Godart C; Papot E; Salmon D; Guet P; Andre F; Trabut J-B; Bousquet L; Batisse D; Collias L; Simon A; Bourzam E; Lupin C; Valantin M-A; Beniken D; Lacombe K; Campa P; Lagneau JL; Chazouilleres O; Hadid KB; Ponscarme D; Pialoux G; Chas J; Velazquez N; Guyader D; Renard I; Tattevin P; Ratajczak M; Zucman D; Bonarel D; Alric L; Yazdanpanah Y; Amrani K; Ould-Rabah M; Tateo MG; Antonini TM; Coilly A; Roche B; de Martin E; Belnard M; Ogier I; Salame E; Dumontet C; Piat C; Debette-Gratien M; Randrianarivo B; Lefevre A; Salmon D; Dabis F; Winnock M; Loko MA; Sogni P; Benhamou Y; Trimoulet P; Izopet J; Paradis V; Spire B; Carrieri P; Katlama C; Pialoux G; Valantin MA; Bonnard P; Poizot-Martin I; Marchou B; Rosenthal E; Garipuy D; Bouchaud O; Gervais A; Lascoux-Combe C; Goujard C; Lacombe K; Duvivier C; Vittecoq D; Neau D; Morlat P; BaniSadr F; Meyer L; Boufassa F; Dominguez S; Autran B; Roque AM; Solas C; Fontaine H; Serfaty L; Chene G; Costagliola D; Zucman D; Simon A; Billaud E; Miailhes P; Devoto JP; Couffin-Cadiergues S; Dabis F; Wittkop L; Nahon P; Mahuas-Bourcier V; Zucman-Rossi J; Bedossa P; Laurent A; Layese R; Durand-Zaleski I; Marche P; Thibault V; Guyader D; Dharancy S; Leroy V; Vilgrain V; Bonjour M; Cagnot C; Petrov-Sanchez V; Ganne-Carrie N; Bourcier V; Pol S; Rosmorduc O; Roulot D; Furand D; Mallat A; Attali P; Grange JD; Nguyen E; Cales P; Bourliere M; Bronowicki JP; Tran A; Mal F; Christidis C; Silvain C; Wartelle C; Di Martino V; de Ledinghen V; Blanc JF; Zoulim F; Merle P; Abergel A; Hillaire S; Dao T; Mathurin P; Pilette C; Zarski JP; Larrey D; Thiefin G; Goria O; Riachi G; Ouzan D; Peron JM; Alric L; Lecomte T, 2019, 'Prognostic factors of survival in HIV/HCV co-infected patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: The CARCINOVIC Cohort', LIVER INTERNATIONAL, 39, pp. 136 - 146, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/liv.13921
Papot E; Landman R; Louni F; Charpentier C; Peytavin G; Certain A; Fradet C; Castro DR; Preau M; Goujard C; Yeni P; Yazdanpanah Y; Ouassi FA; Arnaud PP; Auger C; Barbier F; Benhioud S; Beres D; Bourdic K; Bouvet PE; Chaix F; Dawidowicz M; Doré V; Doumergue M; Geoffard PPY; Hamet G; Kalampalikis PN; LeGac S; LeGall JM; Obach D; Mennecier A; Morlat PP; Pilorge F; Pochat L, 2017, 'Budget impact of antiretroviral therapy in a French clinic cohort', AIDS, 31, pp. 1271 - 1279, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000001467
Supervie V; Assoumou L; Breban R; Lert F; Costagliola D; Pialoux G; Landman R; Girard PM; Slama L; Cabié A; Abel S; Hochedez P; Pierre-François S; Rozé B; Simon A; Lupin C; Katlama C; Valentin MA; Autran B; Samri A; Lambert S; Marcelin AG; Joly V; Julia Z; Harent S; Papot E; Phung BC; Peytavin G; Minh PL; Rami A; Diemer M; Parrinello M; Cahitte I; Zeng F; Mortier E; L'Yavanc T; Le Loup G; Bonnard P; Lebrette MG; Chas J; Berrebi V; Velazquez N; Adda A; Duvivier C; Touam F; Lortholary O; Shoai-Tehrani M; Rouzaud C; Denes E; Ducroux-Roubertou S; Durox H; Genet C; Rogez JP; Rogez S; Pascual J; Weiss L; Pavie J; Bourzam E; Aumaître H; Ferreyra M; Saada M; Malet M; Palacios C; Honore P; Zamord I; Berthe H; Landowski S; de Truchis P; Perre P; Girard PM; Valin N; Campa P; Lefebvre B; Meynard JL; Pauchard M; Surgers L, 2017, 'Risk of HIV transmission during combined ART initiation for HIV-infected persons with severe immunosuppression', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 72, pp. 3172 - 3176, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/JAC/DKX276
Slama L; Landman R; Assoumou L; Benalycherif A; Samri A; Joly V; Pialoux G; Valin N; Cabié A; Duvivier C; Lambert-Niclot S; Marcelin AG; Peytavin G; Costagliola D; Girard PM; Abel S; Hochedez P; Pierre-François S; Rozé B; Simon A; Lupin C; Katlama C; Valentin MA; Autran B; Lambert S; Julia Z; Harent S; Papot E; Phung BC; Minh PL; Rami A; Diemer M; Parrinello M; Cahitte I; Zeng F; Mortier E; L'Yavanc T; Le Loup G; Bonnard P; Lebrette MG; Chas J; Berrebi V; Velazquez N; Adda A; Touam F; Lortholary O; Shoai-Tehrani M; Rouzaud C; Denes E; Ducroux-Roubertou S; Durox H; Genet C; Rogez JP; Rogez S; Pascual J; Weiss L; Pavie J; Bourzam E; Aumaître H; Ferreyra M; Saada M; Malet M; Palacios C; Honore P; Zamord I; Berthe H; Landowski S; de Truchis P; Perre P; Campa P; Lefebvre B; Meynard JL; Pauchard M; Surgers L, 2016, 'Efficacy and safety of once-daily ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or darunavir in combination with a dual nucleos(t)ide analogue backbone in HIV-1-infected combined ART (cART)-naive patients with severe immunosuppression: A 48 week, non-comparative, randomized, multicentre trial (IMEA 040 DATA trial)', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71, pp. 2252 - 2261, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkw103
Darcissac E; Nacher M; Adriouch L; Berlioz-Arthaud A; Boukhari R; Couppié P; Djossou F; Donato D; El Guedj M; Lavergne A; Papot E; Pouliquen JF; Tanguy E; Vantilcke V; Lacoste V, 2016, 'HIV-1 pol gene polymorphism and antiretroviral resistance mutations in treatment-naive adult patients in French Guiana Between 2006 and 2012', AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 32, pp. 801 - 811, http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/aid.2016.0048
Delory T; Papot E; Rioux C; Charpentier C; Auge-Courtoi C; Michard F; Peytavin G; Descamps D; Matheron S; Yazdanpanah Y, 2016, 'Foscarnet, zidovudine and dolutegravir combination efficacy and tolerability for late stage HIV salvage therapy: A case-series experience', Journal of Medical Virology, 88, pp. 1204 - 1210, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jmv.24442
Ferrand H; Blanc-Gruyelle AL; Amsilli M; Lemaire X; Papot E; Papy E; Bervar J; Senneville E; Bouvet E; Yazdanpanah Y, 2015, 'Use of fluoroquinolones for the treatment of TB: 8 years of experience', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70, pp. 3166 - 3167, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkv227
Arribas JR; Girard PM; Landman R; Pich J; Mallolas J; Martínez-Rebollar M; Zamora FX; Estrada V; Crespo M; Podzamczer D; Portilla J; Dronda F; Iribarren JA; Domingo P; Pulido F; Montero M; Knobel H; Cabié A; Weiss L; Gatell JM; González-García JJ; Peña JM; Montes ML; Bernardino JI; Estebanez M; Pérez-Valero JI; Castro JM; Mayoral M; Tellez MJ; Vergas J; Pérez E; Rodrigo M; Ribera E; Navarro J; Tiraboschi JM; Saumoy M; Boix V; Merino E; Reus S; Arcaina P; Giner L; Moreno S; Casado JL; Moreno A; Pérez MJ; Azkune H; Rodríguez-Arrondo F; von Wichman MA; Goenaga M; Rubio R; de Lagarde M; Portillo A; Matarranz M; Bisbal O; Mateo G; Gutiérrez M; Muñoz J; Aldeguer JL; Cuellar S; Blanes M; Salavert M; Lacruz J; González A; Villar J; Lerma E; Arranz JA; Sanz J; de Miguel J; Casas E; Ocampo A; Miralles C; Rodríguez A; Quero JH; Parra J; Martínez MA; Vinuesa D; Peña A; Ferrero OL; Santamaría JM; Zubero Z; Muñoz J; Baraia-Etxaburu J; Ibarra S; Troya J; Ryan P; Pedreira J; Castro MA; López S; Vázquez P; García D; Beleta H; Arnaiz JA; Manea M; Batisse D; Abel S; Pierre-François S; Yéni P; Papot E; Julia Z; Force G, 2015, 'Dual treatment with lopinavir-ritonavir plus lamivudine versus triple treatment with lopinavir-ritonavir plus lamivudine or emtricitabine and a second nucleos(t)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitor for maintenance of HIV-1 viral suppression (OLE): A randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15, pp. 785 - 792, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(15)00096-1
Nacher M; Adriouch L; Adenis A; Hanf M; Van Melle A; Parriault MC; Calvez M; Dufour J; Papot E; Vantilcke V; Couppié P, 2011, 'Short report: Risk factors for delayed access to specialized care in French Guiana', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 84, pp. 806 - 807, http://dx.doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.2011.10-0671
Nacher M; Adenis A; Adriouch L; Dufour J; Papot E; Hanf M; Vantilcke V; Calvez M; Aznar C; Carme B; Couppié P, 2011, 'Short report: What is AIDS in the Amazon and the Guianas? Establishing the burden of disseminated histoplasmosis', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 84, pp. 239 - 240, http://dx.doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.2011.10-0251
Iriart X; Binois R; Fior A; Blanchet D; Berry A; Cassaing S; Amazan E; Papot E; Carme B; Aznar C; Couppié P, 2011, 'Eumycetoma caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum (Phomopsis phaseoli): A case report and a mini-review of Diaporthe/Phomopsis spp invasive infections in humans', Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17, pp. 1492 - 1494, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03568.x
Dharan NJ; Sasson SC; Ahlenstiel G; Andersen CR; Bloch M; Buckland G; Hamad N; Han WM; Kelleher AD; Long GV; Matthews GV; Mina MM; Papot E; Petoumenos K; Swaminathan S; Withers B; Yun J; Polizzotto MN, 2023, Clinical and laboratory features of COVID-19 illness and outcomes in immunocompromised individuals during the first pandemic wave in Sydney, Australia, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.17.23293358