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Select Publications
Alexander S; Alloun E, 2014, 'Transition Towns', in Alexander S; McLeod A (ed.), Simple Living in History: Pioneers of the Deep Future, The Simplicity Institute, Melbourne, pp. 203 - 210
Alloun E; Cook N, 2024, 'Actually existing intersectionality: The place-based and embodied politics of animal and human rights activism', Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7, pp. 411 - 431, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/25148486231159626
Alloun E, 2024, '[Review] Irus Braverman. Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel. University of Minnesota Press, 2023. 362 pp, ISBN 978-1-5179-1526-1', Animal Studies Journal, 13, pp. 166 - 170, http://dx.doi.org/10.14453/asj/v13i1.10
Yashadhana A; Alloun E; Serova N; de Leeuw E; Mengesha Z, 2023, 'Place-making and its impact on health and wellbeing among recently resettled refugees in high income contexts: A scoping review', Health and Place, 81, pp. 103003, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103003
Mengesha Z; Alloun E; Weber D; Smith M; Harris P, 2022, '“Lived the Pandemic Twice”: A Scoping Review of the Unequal Impact of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 6624, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19116624
Alloun E, 2021, '[Review] Penny Johnson. Companions in Conflict: Animals in Occupied Palestine. Melville House Publishing, 2019', Animal Studies Journal, 10, pp. 273 - 279, http://dx.doi.org/10.14453/asj.v10i1.11
Alloun E, 2020, 'Veganwashing Israel’s Dirty Laundry? Animal Politics and Nationalism in Palestine-Israel', Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41, pp. 24 - 41, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2019.1617254
Alloun E, 2018, 'That’s the beauty of it, it’s very simple!’ animal rights and settler colonialism in Palestine-Israel', Settler Colonial Studies, 8, pp. 559 - 574, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2201473X.2017.1414138
Alloun E, 2015, 'Ecofeminism and animal advocacy in Australia: Productive encounters for an integrative ethics and politics', Animal Studies Journal, 4, pp. 148 - 173, https://ro.uow.edu.au/asj/vol4/iss1/9
Tordjmann (Alloun) E; Brown K; Haigh F, 2024, '“Housos talking to housos”: understanding the role of peer health education in tackling social and health-related stigma in inner-city Sydney social housing communities', presented at Tackling Stigma Conference, 21 November 2024, https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/csrh/tackling-stigma
Tordjmann (Alloun) E; Miller E, 2024, 'The Peer Education Program in Waterloo', presented at NSW Statewide Health Literacy Hub Official Launch (NSW Health), Sydney, 02 October 2024 - 03 October 2024
Alloun E, 2024, 'Challenging locational disadvantage: the role of community-based peer educators', presented at CPHCE Annual Forum, UNSW, 27 August 2024
Alloun E, 2023, 'Intersectionality in conflict: the affective geographies, politics, and practices of shared struggles', presented at Australasian Animal Studies Conference, 27 November 2023
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, 'Sustainability and resilient equity infrastructure: understanding a local health service’s equity focused response to a crisis', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care, Sydney, 13 November 2023 - 15 November 2023
Alloun E; Brown S, 2023, 'Waterloo Peer Education Program: lessons learnt from implementation of a peer education program in Sydney', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care, 13 November 2023
Alloun E, 2023, 'Investing in community based Peer Educators - the case of Waterloo', presented at Community Health Navigator Forum, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Kerry Packer Education Centre, 08 November 2023
Alloun E; Haigh F; Standen C, 2023, 'Equity infrastructure: understanding a local health service's equity focused response to a crisis', presented at Public Health Association of Australia Conference, 26 September 2023
Alloun E; O'Callaghan C; Haigh F, 2023, 'Investing in community based peer educators: engaging, enabling and influencing', presented at Public Health Association of Australia Conference, 26 September 2023
Alloun E, 2023, 'Intersectionality and multispecies justice in conflict', presented at MANCEPT Workshop, The University of Manchester and online, 11 September 2023
Alloun E; Haigh F, 2023, 'Equity infrastructures and just health care in pandemic times: a case study from NSW', presented at CARE INFRASTRUCTURES IN UNEQUAL WORLDS SYMPOSIUM 2023, 22 June 2023
Alloun E, 2023, 'Enduring crisis and resilience in Australian health care work: what can a critical lens tell us?', presented at Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Congress, Online, 19 April 2023
Alloun E; Drysdale K; Green J; Haigh F, 2022, 'Enduring crisis and resilience in health care work: the affective lives of a pandemic', presented at Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, 01 December 2022
Alloun E, 2022, 'Refugee place-making in high-income resettlement countries: What contributes to health and wellbeing?', presented at CPHCE Annual Forum, 30 August 2022, https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/cphce/news-events/events/cphce-annual-forum-2022
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Wise M, 2023, 'An equity-focused health impact assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated response', in Population Medicine, Vol. 5, pp. 547 - 547, http://dx.doi.org/10.18332/popmed/163941
Haigh F; Alloun E, 2024, Sydney Local Health District Peer Educator Program: Waterloo Pilot Program Evaluation Report, Sydney, https://waterloo2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Waterloo-Peer-Educator-Program-evaluation-report-final.pdf
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Wise M, 2023, Submission COVID-19 Response Inquiry, UNSW and SLHD, Sydney
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District: Technical Report., http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28736, https://www.unsw.edu.au/content/dam/images/medicine-health/cphce/websites/2323-02-cphce-website/10_2023%20HERDU_EFHIA_COVID_Technical_Final%202023.pdf
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An equity-focused health impact assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District. Supplementary Material., SLHD and UNSW, Sydney, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28734, https://www.unsw.edu.au/content/dam/images/medicine-health/cphce/websites/2323-02-cphce-website/10_2023%20HERDU_EFHIA_COVID_Supplementary%20Material_Final%202023.pdf
Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J, 2023, Equity-focused health impact assessment (EFHIA) of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sydney Local Health District (SLHD): Summary Report, SLHD and UNSW, Sydney, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28735, https://www.unsw.edu.au/content/dam/images/medicine-health/cphce/websites/2323-02-cphce-website/10_2023%20HERDU%20EFHIA%20COVID%20Summary.pdf
Paschen J-A; Beilin R; Alloun E, 2014, Defining bushfire risk and resilience in the everyday landscape: knowledge, communication and practice, Melbourne
Alloun E, 2021, The politics of ‘actually existing intersectionality’: animal and human rights activism in Israel-Palestine
Alloun E, 2023, Gone to the Dogs, Feral Feminisms. Issue 12 - Fall 2023, https://feralfeminisms.com/gone-to-the-dogs-spoken-word/
Alloun E, 2022, Investigating Strength Based Approaches, http://dx.doi.org
Alloun E; Paschen J-A; Beilin R, 2015, Working with risk and resilience - perspectives on the concepts, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning, State Government of Victoria, Melbourne, http://dx.doi.org
Paschen J-A; Alloun E; Beilin R, 2015, Working with risk and resilience in theory and practice: experiences from bushfire management in Victoria, Australia, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning, State Government of Victoria, Melbourne, http://dx.doi.org
Alloun E; Alexander S, 2014, The Transition movement: Questions of diversity, power and affluence, Melbourne, 14g, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/28327, http://simplicityinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/TransitionMovement.pdf
Alloun E, 2024, When inclusion feels bad, https://digitalfeministfutures.com/feminist-not-fearless/
Serova N; Alloun E; Yashadhana A; Mengesha Z, 2023, Making place in refugee health research: An Australian perspective, Refugee Mental Health and Place Network (King's College London), https://www.kcl.ac.uk/making-place-in-refugee-health-research-an-australian-perspective
Mengesha Z; Alloun E, 2022, Asylum seekers and undocumented migrants lived the COVID-19 pandemic twice but were left out to struggle, https://intouchpublichealth.net.au/asylum-seekers-and-undocumented-migrants-lived-the-covid-19-pandemic-twice-but-were-left-out-to-struggle/
O'Sullivan S; Alloun E, 2018, Episode 58: Animal Rights in Palestine and Israel with Esther Alloun, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27894