Select Publications
2023, Salvaging Buddhism to Save Confucianism in Choson Korea (1392-1910), Cambria Press
,Book Chapters
2025, 'Literature', in Park, EY (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Early Modern Korea, Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 291 - 304,
,2024, 'Buddhist Examinations in Chosŏn Korea (1392–1910)', in Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zu einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 79 - 102,
,2023, 'Korea II: 936-1392', in Silk J; Bowring R; Eltschinger V (ed.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Volume Four History: Part Two: Central and East Asia, Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 314 - 330,
,2023, 'Script Apartheid and Literary Production in Pre-modern Korea: Framing Pollock’s Cosmopolitan and Vernacular in East Asia', in King R (ed.), Cosmopolitan and Vernacular in the World of Wen 文: Reading Sheldon Pollock from the Sinographic Cosmopolis, Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 349 - 377,
,2023, 'A Chronology of Key Biographical Events and Writings', in Glomb V; Löwensteinová M (ed.), The Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493): Dissent and Creativity in Chosŏn Korea, Brill, Leiden & Boston, pp. 21 - 33,
,2023, 'In the Vortex of Intellectual Change: Buddhist–Confucian Tensions in Memorializing Kim Sisŭp', in Glomb V; Löwensteinová M (ed.), The Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493), Brill, Leiden & Boston, pp. 74 - 87,
,2022, 'Han Yongun, Fukuzawa Yukichi, and Questions of Nationalism and Colonialism', in Kim HI; Park JY (ed.), New Perspectives in Modern Korean Buddhism: Institution, Gender, and Secular Society, SUNY Press, Albany, pp. 211 - 232,,its%20place%20in%20transnational%20conversations.
,2022, 'Buddhism and Statecraft in Korea: The Long View', in Balkwill S; Benn JA (ed.), Buddhist Statecraft in East Asia, Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 119 - 139,
,2019, 'Kim Sisŭp', in Silk JA (ed.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism Volume II, Lives, Handbook of Oriental Studies., Leiden and Boston, pp. 873 - 976,
,2018, 'Kim Sisup, “An account of drunken merriment at floating jade-green pavilion”', in Premodern Korean Literary Prose An Anthology, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 41 - 65,
,2017, '"Korean Buddhist Historiography and the Legacies of Japanese Colonialism (1910-1945)"', in Anderson E (ed.), Belief and Practice in Imperial Japan and Colonial Korea, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 39 - 56,
,2014, '"Buddhism and Death in Kim Man-jung’s A Nine Cloud Dream: From Fact to Fiction, and Nowhere Back Again"', in Horlyck C; Pettid MJ (ed.), Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in Korea: From Ancient to Contemporary Times, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, pp. 190 - 212,
,Edited Books
Pettid MJ; Evon GN; Park CE, (eds.), 2018, Premodern Korean Literary Prose: An Anthology, Columbia University Press, New York,
Journal articles
2024, 'James Scarth Gale (1867–1937): A Christian Engagement with Buddhism', Acta Koreana, 27, pp. 105 - 134,
,2019, 'The Korean Buddhist Empire: A Transnational History (1910-1945)', SUNGKYUN JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES, 19, pp. 233 - 236
,2016, 'A handbook of Korean Zen practice: a mirror on the Son School of Buddhism (Son'ga kwigam)', ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 40, pp. 644 - 645,
,2015, 'Engraving Virtue: The Printing History of a Premodern Korean Moral Primer', JOURNAL OF KOREAN RELIGIONS, 6, pp. 260 - 262,
,2014, 'Tobacco, God, and Books: The Perils of Barbarism in Eighteenth-Century Korea', The Journal of Asian Studies, 73, pp. 641 - 659,
,2014, '"Ming Archaism (擬古主義) in Eighteenth-Century Chosŏn Korea: A Sketch of the Intellectual Foundations of a Literary Question"', 漢文學報 (Han Mun Hak Bo), 30, pp. 198 - 224,
,2013, 'The Conceptualization of Qing-Era (1644–1911) Chinese Literature in Nineteenth Century Chosŏn (1392–1910) Korea', Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 7, pp. 396 - 421,
,2012, 'The Fate of the Jehol Diary: A Skeleton Key to "The Book" in Chosŏn Korea', International Review of Korean Studies, 8, pp. 139 - 175
,2011, 'Korea's aristocratic moods: Re-examining Choson social and political history', Asian Studies Review, 35, pp. 253 - 262,
,2010, 'Tradition, Treaties, and Trade: Qing Imperialism and Choson Korea, 1850-1910', ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 34, pp. 118 - 120,
,2010, '"Uncovering Korean Textual and Literary Histories: A Critical Review of Recent Scholarship on Korea's Literary Past"', International Review of Korean Studies, 6, pp. 155 - 186
,2010, 'Book Reviews', Asian Studies Review, 34, pp. 105 - 128,
,2009, 'Sitings: Critical Approaches to Korean Geography.', ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 33, pp. 541 - 543,
,2009, 'The Making of Minjung: Democracy and the Politics of Representation in South Korea', ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 33, pp. 240 - 242,
,2009, 'Book Reviews', Asian Studies Review, 33, pp. 229 - 255,
,2009, 'The Conservation of Knowledge and Technology of the Word in Korea', Asian Studies Review, 33, pp. 1 - 19,
,2008, 'Chinese Contexts, Korean Realities: the Politics of Literary Genre in Late-Choson Korea (1725-1863)', East Asian History, 32/33, pp. 57 - 82
,2008, 'The Political Aspects of Literary Genre in the Late Chosen Seen from the Perspective of Chinese Literary History: Reconsidering Tasan Chong Yagyong¿s ¿Proclamation of Chosen Poetry¿', The Journal of Performative Humanities, 38, pp. 137 - 147
,2008, 'The Riddle of Alphabetic Print in Korean History', The Journal of Korean Studies, 43, pp. 249 - 259
,2005, 'Brushes and Booze in the Poetry of Yi Kyubo (1168-1241)', Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, Vol 36-37, pp. 122 - 149
,2004, '`Remembering the Past, Condemned to the Present` The Imaginative Retreat of Kim Sisup (1435-1493)', International Review of Korean Studies, 1, pp. 49 - 81
,2001, 'Contestations over Korean Buddhist Identities: The `Introduction` to the Kyongho-jip', Review of Korean Studies, pp. 11 - 34
,2000, 'Eroticism and Buddhism in Han Yongun's Your Silence', Korean Studies, 24, pp. 25 - 52,
,Conference Papers
2011, 'Popular Religiosity and State Control: Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Korean Buddhism', in KSAA 7th Biennial Conference, KSAA and Korea Research Institute (KRI@UNSW), The University of New South Wales, pp. Paper No. PO17 (not paginated); 19 pages in total, presented at KSAA 7h Biennial Conference Sydney, Australia, The University of New South Wales, 16 November 2011 - 18 November 2011
,2009, 'Constructing a Buddhist Imaginary in Colonial Korea (1910-1945)', in Global Korea: Old and New, The Korean Studies Association of Australasia, Sydney, Australia, presented at 6th Biennial Conference, Korean Studies Association of Australia, Universtiy of Sydney, Australia, 09 July 2009 - 10 July 2009
,2007, 'The Spoken and Written Word in Korean History: A Preliminary Sketch', in 5th Biannual KSAA Conference, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, presented at 5th Biannual KSAA Conference, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, 12 July 2007 - 13 July 2007
2010, "The Current Situation of Korean Romanization in Australia and Oceania", Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
2018, Review, Buddhas and Ancestors: Religion and Wealth in Fourteenth-Century Korea,