Select Publications

Conference Abstracts

Stelzer-Braid S; Tovey E; Willenborg C; Toelle B; Ampon R; Garden F; Oliver B; Strachan R; Belessis Y; Jaffe A; Reddel H; Crisafulli D; Marks G; Rawlinson W, 2015, 'Absence of seasonal peaks in human rhinovirus and asthma exacerbations in a cohort of children with asthma contrasts to community incidence of disease exacerbations', in Respirology, Wiley, Vol. 20, pp. 54 - 54,

Prazakova S; Thomas P; Johnson A; Yap C; Marks G; Yates D, 2015, 'Asbestos body lung burdens in those with lung cancer', in Respirology, Wiley, Vol. 20, pp. 82 - 82,

Cowie C; Marks G, 2015, 'Current knowledge of indoor air pollution in Australian homes', in Respirology, Wiley, Vol. 20, pp. 49 - 49,

Santos C; Crawford A; Marks G; Frankel A; Patapanian H, 2015, 'Two granulomatous conditions and tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitors', in Respirology, Wiley, Vol. 20, pp. 156 - 156,

Guo M; Gibson P; Thien F; Peters M; Sutherland M; Upham J; Reddel H; Marks G; Katelaris C; Gilman A; Rimmer J; Yang I; Bowden J; Robinson P; Bowler S, 2014, 'SEVERE REFRACTORY ALLERGIC ASTHMA IN AUSTRALIA: THE AUSTRALIAN XOLAIR REGISTRY (AXR)', in RESPIROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 19, pp. 84 - 84,

Stelzer-Braid S; Toelle B; Willenborg C; Garden F; Strachan R; Jaffe A; Oliver B; Belessis Y; Reddel H; Marks G; Rawlinson W; Tovey E, 2014, 'SNEEZING LEADS TO WHEEZING: RHINOVIRUS INFECTION IN THE STUDY OF ASTHMA, VIRUSES AND ENVIRONMENT (SAVE) COHORT', in RESPIROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 19, pp. 38 - 38,

Tovey ER; Stelzer-Braid S; Toelle BG; Willenborg CM; Reddel HK; Garden FL; Jaffe A; Strachan R; Oliver BG; Belessis YC; Marks GB; Rawlinson WD, 2014, 'Asthma Symptoms and Rhinovirus In A Longitudinal Children's Cohort', in JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, MOSBY-ELSEVIER, CA, San Diego, Vol. 133, pp. AB285 - AB285, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Allergy-Asthma-and-Immunology (AAAAI), CA, San Diego, 28 February 2014 - 04 March 2014,


Tovey E; Willenborg C; Crisafulli D; Rimmer J; Sercombe J; Marks G, 2013, 'Most House Dust Mite Aeroallergen Exposure Occurs During the Day, Not in Bed', in JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, MOSBY-ELSEVIER, TX, San Antonio, Vol. 131, pp. AB141 - AB141, presented at Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), TX, San Antonio, 22 February 2013 - 26 February 2013,

Reddel HK; Dennis SM; Hasan I; Hermiz O; Bunker JM; Middleton S; Van Schayck C; Crockett A; Vagholkar S; Marks GB; Zwar NA; Hermiz O, 2013, 'Accuracy of case-finding for COPD by practice nurses', in Respirology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 18 37-37; 2 SI APR 2013, presented at Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science 2013 Annual Scientific Meetings, Darwin, -

Brew BK; Marks GB; Almqvist C; Webb K; Marshall N, 2013, 'Breastfeeding protects against childhood snoring', in Respirology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 18 78-78; 2 SI APR 2013, presented at Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science 2013 Annual Scientific Meetings, Darwin

Guevara-Rattray E; Ampon R; Reddel HK; Marks GB, 2013, 'Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination among people with obstructive airways disease (asthma and COPD)', in Respirology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 18 19-19; 2 SI APR 2013, presented at Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science 2013 Annual Scientific Meetings, Darwin

Tovey E; Willenborg C; Crisafulli D; Rimmer J; Sercombe J; Marks GB, 2013, 'Most house dust mite aeroallergen exposure occurs during the day, not in bed', in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Mosby, St Louis, MO, USA, pp. 131 (2):AB141-AB141; S FEB 2013, presented at AAAAI Annual Meeting

Cooksley N; Atkinson D; Marks GB; Toelle BG; Reeve D; Johns D; Maguire G, 2013, 'Prevalence of airflow obstruction in a remote and Aboriginal Australian population: the Kimberly Burden of Lung Disease (BOLD) Study', in Respirology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 18 54-54; 2 SI APR 2013, presented at Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science 2013 Annual Scientific Meetings, Darwin

Dobler C; Luu Q; Marks GB, 2013, 'What patient factors predict physicians reluctance to treat latent tuberculosis infection in TB contacts?', in Respirology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 18 33-33; 2 SI APR 2013, presented at Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science 2013 Annual Scientific Meetings, Darwin

Cowie CT; Hansell A; Toelle B; Marks G ; Marks GB, 2012, 'Protective Effects Of Fish Oil Supplementation On Allergic Disease Associated With Traffic Exposure In Children At High Risk Of Developing Asthma', San Francisco, presented at American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, 18 May 2012 - 23 May 2012


Cowie CT; Ezz W; Xuan W; Lilley W; Rose N; Rae M; Marks GB, (ed.), 2011, 'Acute effects study of exposure to road tunnel ventilation stack emissions', Barcelona, Spain, presented at ISEE, Barcelona, Spain, -

Cowie CT; Rose N; Gillett R; Marks G, (ed.), 2011, 'Air quality changes after commissioning of an urban road tunnel', Barcelona, Spain, presented at ISEE, Barcelona, Spain, -

Weber-Chrysochoou C; Crisafulli D; Kemp A; Britton W; Marks G, 2009, 'Changes in dust mite-specific cytokine responses during the first 8 years of life: relation to clinical and allergic outcomes at the age of 8 years', in ALLERGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, POLAND, Warsaw, Vol. 64, pp. 45 - 45, presented at 28th Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology, POLAND, Warsaw, 06 June 2009 - 10 June 2009,

Weber-Chrysochoou C; Britton WJ; Tovey ER; Kemp AS; Marks GB; Fazekas de St Groth B, 2008, 'Association between CD4(+)CD25(high)FoxP3(+) T regulatory cells and asthma, eczema and atopy in 8 year old children', in JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, MOSBY-ELSEVIER, PA, Philadelphia, Vol. 121, pp. S116 - S117, presented at 64th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Allergy-Asthma-and-Immunology, PA, Philadelphia, 14 March 2008 - 18 March 2008,

Saunders BM; Fernando SL; Marks G; Sluyter R; Wiley S; Britton WJ, 2005, 'A single nucleotide polymorphism in the P2X7 gene lends susceptibility to extrapulmonary tuberculosis', in TISSUE ANTIGENS, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, Vol. 66, pp. 532 - 533, presented at 35th Annual SCientific Meeting of the Australasian-Society-for-Immunology/14th International HLA and Immunogenetics Workshops, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 29 November 2005 - 02 December 2005,


Hanigan I; Geromboux C; Porta Cubas A; Morgan G; Tripovich J, 2020, Submission on the National Environmental Prediction System (NEPS)

Porta Cubas A; Johnston F; Wheeler A; Williamson G; Cowie C; Tham R; Cole-Hunter T; Marks G, 2019, What are the health impacts and what can we do to minimise exposure? A factsheet from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Cowie C; Tham R; Bowatte G; Cole-Hunter T; Marks G, 2019, Submission to the Legislative Assembly Committee on Environment and Planning Inquiry into sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW

Cowie C; Marks G; Cole Hunter T; Heyworth J; Jalaludin B; Knibbs L; Mazaheri M; Morawska L; Morgan G; Tripovich J; Zosky G, 2019, Submission on the proposed variation to the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (AAQ NEPM) standards for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide

Cole-Hunter T; Marks G, 2019, Submission on the Queensland Draft Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy

Cole-Hunter T; Cowie C; Johnston F; Marks G; Morawska L; Morgan G; Overs M, 2019, Waste-to-Energy processes What is the impact on air pollutants and health? A position paper from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Cole-Hunter T; Cowie CT; Johnstone F; Marks G; Morawska L; Morgan G; Overs M; Porta-Cubas A, 2019, Waste-to-Energy processes: what is the impact on air pollutants and health?, Queensland University of Technology,

Porta Cubas A; Marks G, 2019, Submission to the NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry

Porta Cubas A; Marks G, 2019, Submission on the Inquiry into the health impacts of exposure to poor levels of air quality resulting from bushfires and drought

Porta Cubas A; Marks G, 2018, Updating the 2009 National Waste Policy: Less waste, more resources Discussion Paper. Submission from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Fiddes S; Schofield R; Silver J; Rayner P; Murphy C; Brear M; Manzie C; Walter C; Irving L; Johnston F; Abramson M; Heyworth J; Dharmage S; Marks G, 2018, Submission on ‘Clean Air for All Victorians’ Victoria’s Air Quality Statement

Cope M; Fisher J; Marks G; Forehead H; Hanigan I; Heyworth J; Knibbs L; Murphy C; Pereira G; Porta Cubas A; Rayner P; Silver J; Wilson S, 2018, Submission on the review of the National Pollution Inventory (NPI) on behalf of Clean Air and Urban Landscapes (CAUL) Hub and the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Salimi F; Porta Cubas A; Morgan G; Marks G, 2018, Select Committee on Electric Vehicles’ Terms of Reference. Submission from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Porta Cubas A; Zosky G; Marks G, 2018, Proposed national approach to product stewardship action on environmental impacts of products’ and in particular the ‘Assessment│Action│Escalation’ proposal. Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Zosky G; Marks G, 2018, Better fuel for cleaner air draft regulation impact statement. Submission from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Hime N; Cowie C; Marks G, 2015, Evaluation of the health impacts of different sources, types and levels of particulate matter in ambient air in NSW.

Cowie CT; Brew B; Liu-Brennan D; Marks G, 2014, Current Knowledge of Indoor Air Quality in NSW.

Cowie CT; Rose N; Marks G; Lilley W; Gillett R, 2008, Development of Metrics for Individual Exposure Assessment to Traffic Related Air Pollution.


Nguyen BH; Dang TTH; Hoang DT; Do TT; Dinh LV; Nguyen VN; Vu DH; Drabarek D; Nguyen TNB; Vu D; Nguyen TA; Marks GB; Negin J; Fox GJ; Bernays S; Yapa HM, 2024, An mHealth technology to strengthen adverse event management of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Vietnam: Protocol for a process evaluation of the V-SMART trial,

Hansun S; Argha A; Liaw S-T; Celler BG; Marks GB, 2022, Machine and Deep Learning for Tuberculosis Detection on Chest X-Rays: Systematic Literature Review (Preprint),

Kik S; Gelaw S; Ruhwald M; Song R; Khan FA; van Hest R; Chihota V; Nhung NV; Esmail A; Celina Garfin AM; Marks G; Gorbacheva O; Akkerman O; Moropane K; Ngoc Anh LT; Dheda K; Fox G; Marano N; Lönnroth K; Cobelens F; Benedetti A; Dewan P; Ongarello S; Denkinger C, 2022, Diagnostic accuracy of chest X-ray interpretation for tuberculosis by three artificial intelligence-based software in a screening use-case: an individual patient meta-analysis of global data,

Emery J; Dodd P; Banu S; Frascella B; Garden F; Horton K; Hossain S; Law I; van Leth F; Marks G; Nguyen HB; Nguyen HV; Onozaki I; Quelapio MI; Richards A; Shaikh N; Tiemersma E; White R; Zaman K; Cobelens F; Houben RMGJ, 2022, Estimating the contribution of subclinical tuberculosis disease to transmission – an individual patient data analysis from prevalence surveys,

van Boven JFM; Lucas S; Parker G; Kaplan A; Trofor A; Bonevski B; Kirenga B; Ryan D; Pizzichini E; van Ganse E; Huang EW-C; Brakema E; Gould G; Kocks J; Alison J; Quint J; Soriano J; Hurst J; Siddiqi K; Boydell K; Miravitlles M; Flores-Valdez MA; Kasteleyn M; FitzGerald M; Boeckmann M; Chaiton M; Rodriguez MR; Kulkarni M; Roche N; Chavannes N; Papadopoulos N; Behrakis P; Dennis S; Bassi S; Williams S; Maher T; Siddharthan T; Kamath V; Verhamme KMC, 2021, Towards Optimum Reporting of Pulmonary Effectiveness Databases and Outcomes (TORPEDO): identifying a core dataset for asthma and COPD studies,

Lung T; Marks GB; Nhung NV; Anh NT; Hoa NLP; Anh LTN; Hoa NB; Britton WJ; Bestrashniy J; Jan S; Fox GJ, Cost-Effectiveness of Household Contact Investigation for the Detection of Tuberculosis in Vietnam: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial,

Maggi F; Tang FHM; Black AJ; Marks GB; McBratney A, The Global Burden of Exposure to Pesticide Mixtures,

My DNT; Van LT; Linh THK; Tuyen NP; Phuong NT; Thu Anh N; Lan NPH; Ngoc NTB; Fisher MC; Rhodes J; Marks GB; Fox GJ; Chen SC-A; Walsh MG; Barrs VR; Talbot J; Halliday CL; Sorrell TC; Day JN; Beardsley J, Unprecedented Prevalence of Azole-Resistant <i>Aspergillus fumigatus</i> Identified in the Environment of Vietnam, with Marked Variability by Land Use Type,

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