Select Publications

Conference Abstracts

Taylor R; Taylor J; Denisenko E; Jones M; Clayton J; Laing N; Forrest A; Alinejad-Rokny H; Ravenscroft G, 2024, 'Mapping human skeletal muscle enhancers to increase rates of genetic diagnosis', in NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, Vol. 43, presented at 29th International Congress of the World-Muscle-Society (WMS), CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, 08 October 2024 - 12 October 2024,

Truong P; Shen S; Joshi S; Afrasiabi A; Zhong L; Raftery MJ; Larsson J; Lock RB; Walkley CR; Rokny HA; Thoms JAI; Jolly CJ; Pimanda JE, 2022, 'Genome-Wide CRISPR-Cas9 Screening Identifies a Synergy between Hypomethylating Agents and Sumoylation Blockade in Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Myeloid Leukemia', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, LA, New Orleans, Vol. 140, presented at 64th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), LA, New Orleans, 10 December 2022 - 13 December 2022,

Gooneratne S; Alinejad-Rokny H; Mohammadi D; Bohn P; Wiseman R; O'Connor D; Davenport M; Kent S, 2015, 'LINKING PIGTAIL MACAQUE MHC I HAPLOTYPES AND CTL ESCAPE MUTATIONS IN SIV INFECTION', in JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRIMATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 44, pp. 335 - 335,

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