Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Barr M; Harris MF; Welberry H; Hall J; Harris-Roxas B; Comino E, 2018, 'GP follow-up within 2 weeks of hospital discharge in a community dwelling population of residents in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia', presented at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), Chicago USA,, -

Welberry HJ; Comino E; Harris MF, 2017, 'Chronic Disease Management in NSW: Examining patterns of MBS claims to inform care planning.', presented at GP17 - The RACGP Conference for General Practice, Sydney, 26 October 2017 - 28 October 2017

Welberry HJ; Comino E; Harris M, 2017, 'Exploring Access to Chronic Disease Management Services in Central and Eastern Sydney', presented at 45 & Up Study Annual Forum, Sydney, 24 October 2017 - 24 October 2017

Welberry HJ; Comino E; Harris MF, 2017, 'Chronic Disease Management in NSW: Who receives a care plan through General Practice and does care planning reduce hospitalisation?', presented at 2017 Primary Health Care Research Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 07 August 2017 - 09 August 2017,

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