Select Publications


Liu Y; Dong D; Kuang S; Petersen IR; Yonezawa H, 2023, Two-step feedback preparation of entanglement for qubit systems with time delay, ,

Sakaguchi A; Konno S; Hanamura F; Asavanant W; Takase K; Ogawa H; Marek P; Filip R; Yoshikawa J-I; Huntington E; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2022, Nonlinear feedforward enabling quantum computation, ,

Asavanant W; Charoensombutamon B; Yokoyama S; Ebihara T; Nakamura T; Alexander RN; Endo M; Yoshikawa J-I; Menicucci NC; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2020, One-hundred step measurement-based quantum computation multiplexed in the time domain with 25 MHz clock frequency, ,

Yokoyama S; Peace D; Asavanant W; Tajiri T; Haylock B; Ghadimi M; Lobino M; Huntington EH; Yonezawa H, 2019, Feasibility study of a coherent feedback squeezer, ,

Wang Y; Yokoyama S; Dong D; Petersen IR; Huntington EH; Yonezawa H, 2019, Two-stage Estimation for Quantum Detector Tomography: Error Analysis, Numerical and Experimental Results, ,

Asavanant W; Shiozawa Y; Yokoyama S; Charoensombutamon B; Emura H; Alexander RN; Takeda S; Yoshikawa J-I; Menicucci NC; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2019, Time-Domain Multiplexed 2-Dimensional Cluster State: Universal Quantum Computing Platform, ,

Wang Y; Dong D; Sone A; Petersen IR; Yonezawa H; Cappellaro P, 2018, Quantum Hamiltonian Identifiability via a Similarity Transformation Approach and Beyond, ,

Serikawa T; Yoshikawa J-I; Takeda S; Yonezawa H; Ralph TC; Huntington EH; Furusawa A, 2018, Schrödinger's cat in an optical sideband, ,

Lenzini F; Janousek J; Thearle O; Villa M; Haylock B; Kasture S; Cui L; Phan H-P; Dao DV; Yonezawa H; Lam PK; Huntington EH; Lobino M, 2018, Integrated photonic platform for quantum information with continuous variables, ,

Wang Y; Yin Q; Dong D; Qi B; Petersen IR; Hou Z; Yonezawa H; Xiang G-Y, 2017, Quantum gate identification: error analysis, numerical results and optical experiment, ,

Yokoyama S; Pozza ND; Serikawa T; Kuntz KB; Wheatley TA; Dong D; Huntington EH; Yonezawa H, 2017, Characterization of entangling properties of quantum measurement via two-mode quantum detector tomography using coherent state probes, ,

Kuntz KB; Wheatley TA; Song H; Webb JG; Mabrok MA; Huntington EH; Yonezawa H, 2016, Ultra-wide frequency response measurement of an optical system with a DC photo-detector, ,

Wang Y; Dong D; Qi B; Zhang J; Petersen IR; Yonezawa H, 2016, A Quantum Hamiltonian Identification Algorithm: Computational Complexity and Error Analysis, ,

Ng S; Ang SZ; Wheatley TA; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A; Huntington EH; Tsang M, 2016, Spectrum analysis with quantum dynamical systems, ,

Miyata K; Ogawa H; Marek P; Filip R; Yonezawa H; Yoshikawa J-I; Furusawa A, 2015, Implementation of a quantum cubic gate by adaptive non-Gaussian measurement, ,

Ogawa H; Ohdan H; Miyata K; Taguchi M; Makino K; Yonezawa H; Yoshikawa J-I; Furusawa A, 2015, Real-Time Quadrature Measurement of a Single-Photon Wavepacket with Continuous Temporal-Mode-Matching, ,

Miyata K; Ogawa H; Marek P; Filip R; Yonezawa H; Yoshikawa J-I; Furusawa A, 2014, Experimental realization of a dynamic squeezing gate, ,

Takeda S; Mizuta T; Fuwa M; Yonezawa H; van Loock P; Furusawa A, 2013, Gain tuning for continuous-variable quantum teleportation of discrete-variable states, ,

Yokoyama S; Ukai R; Armstrong SC; Sornphiphatphong C; Kaji T; Suzuki S; Yoshikawa J-I; Yonezawa H; Menicucci NC; Furusawa A, 2013, Ultra-Large-Scale Continuous-Variable Cluster States Multiplexed in the Time Domain, ,

Yukawa M; Miyata K; Yonezawa H; Marek P; Filip R; Furusawa A, 2013, Generation and characterization of resource state for nonlinear cubic phase gate, ,

Iwasawa K; Makino K; Yonezawa H; Tsang M; Davidovic A; Huntington E; Furusawa A, 2013, Quantum-Limited Mirror-Motion Estimation, ,

Yukawa M; Miyata K; Mizuta T; Yonezawa H; Marek P; Filip R; Furusawa A, 2012, Generating superposition of up-to three photons for continuous variable quantum information processing, ,

Yonezawa H; Nakane D; Wheatley TA; Iwasawa K; Takeda S; Arao H; Ohki K; Tsumura K; Berry DW; Ralph TC; Wiseman HM; Huntington EH; Furusawa A, 2012, Quantum-enhanced optical phase tracking, ,

Takeda S; Mizuta T; Fuwa M; Yoshikawa J-I; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2012, Generation and Eight-port Homodyne Characterization of Time-bin Qubits for Continuous-variable Quantum Information Processing, ,

Iida S; Yukawa M; Yonezawa H; Yamamoto N; Furusawa A, 2011, Experimental demonstration of coherent feedback control on optical field squeezing, ,

Wheatley TA; Berry DW; Yonezawa H; Nakane D; Arao H; Pope DT; Ralph TC; Wiseman HM; Furusawa A; Huntington EH, 2009, Adaptive Optical Phase Estimation Using Time-Symmetric Quantum Smoothing, ,

Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2008, Continuous-variable quantum information processing with squeezed states of light, ,

Yonezawa H; Braunstein SL; Furusawa A, 2007, Experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of broadband squeezing, ,

Yonezawa H; Furusawa A; van Loock P, 2007, Sequential Quantum Teleportation of Optical Coherent States, ,

Marquardt C; Andersen UL; Leuchs G; Takeno Y; Yukawa M; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2007, Experimental Demonstration of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in Gaussian States, ,

Takeno Y; Yukawa M; Yonezawa H; Furusawa A, 2007, Observation of -9 dB quadrature squeezing with improvement of phase stability in homodyne measurement, ,

Suzuki S; Yonezawa H; Kannari F; Sasaki M; Furusawa A, 2006, 7 dB quadrature squeezing at 860 nm with periodically-poled KTiOPO4, ,

Koike S; Takahashi H; Yonezawa H; Takei N; Braunstein SL; Aoki T; Furusawa A, 2005, Demonstration of quantum telecloning of optical coherent states, ,

Takei N; Yonezawa H; Aoki T; Furusawa A, 2005, High-fidelity teleportation beyond the no-cloning limit and entanglement swapping for continuous variables, ,

Takei N; Aoki T; Koike S; Yoshino K; Wakui K; Yonezawa H; Hiraoka T; Mizuno J; Takeoka M; Ban M; Furusawa A, 2003, Experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of a squeezed state, ,

Aoki T; Takei N; Yonezawa H; Wakui K; Hiraoka T; Furusawa A; van Loock P, 2003, Experimental verification of a fully inseparable tripartite continuous-variable state, ,

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