Select Publications

Journal articles

Selim A; Mo H; Pota H, 2025, 'Dataset of noise signals generated by smart attackers for disrupting state of health and state of charge estimations of battery energy storage systems', Data in Brief, 58,

Wang C; Wu J; Yang Y; Zhu H; Mo H, 2024, 'Multi-scale self-attention feature decoupling transfer network-based cross-domain capacity prediction of lithium-ion batteries', Journal of Energy Storage, 103,

Mo H; Xiao X; Sansavini G; Dong D, 2024, 'Optimal defense resource allocation against cyber-attacks in distributed generation systems', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 238, pp. 1302 - 1329,

Sanni MT; Pota HR; Dong D; Mo H, 2024, 'Pilot point selection for secondary voltage control in active distribution networks with applications to an Australian feeder', Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 15,

Guo F; Mo H; Wu J; Pan L; Zhou H; Zhang Z; Li L; Huang F, 2024, 'A Hybrid Stacking Model for Enhanced Short-Term Load Forecasting', Electronics (Switzerland), 13,

Ahmad A; Xiao X; Mo H; Dong D, 2024, 'Tuning data preprocessing techniques for improved wind speed prediction', Energy Reports, 11, pp. 287 - 303,

Qin JC; Jiang R; Mo H; Dong D, 2024, 'A data-driven mixed integer programming approach for joint chance-constrained optimal power flow under uncertainty', International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,

Gao Z; Xiao X; Fang YP; Rao J; Mo H, 2024, 'A Selective Review on Information Criteria in Multiple Change Point Detection', Entropy, 26,

Uddin M; Mo H; Dong D; Elsawah S, 2023, 'Techno-economic potential of multi-energy community microgrid: The perspective of Australia', Renewable Energy, 219,

Uddin M; Mo H; Dong D; Elsawah S; Zhu J; Guerrero JM, 2023, 'Microgrids: A review, outstanding issues and future trends', Energy Strategy Reviews, 49,

Selim A; Mo H; Pota H; Dong D, 2023, 'Optimal Scheduling of Battery Energy Storage Systems Using a Reinforcement Learning-based Approach', IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56, pp. 11741 - 11747,

Liu Q; Hu Q; Zhou J; Yu D; Mo H, 2023, 'Remaining Useful Life Prediction of PV Systems under Dynamic Environmental Conditions', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 13, pp. 590 - 602,

Rao J; Yang F; Mo H; Kollmannsberger S; Rank E, 2023, 'Quantitative reconstruction of defects in multi-layered bonded composites using fully convolutional network-based ultrasonic inversion', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 542,

Xu J; Sun Q; Mo H; Dong D, 2022, 'Online routing for smart electricity network under hybrid uncertainty', Automatica, 145,

Rana MM; Uddin M; Sarkar MR; Shafiullah GM; Mo H; Atef M, 2022, 'A review on hybrid photovoltaic – Battery energy storage system: Current status, challenges, and future directions', Journal of Energy Storage, 51,

Xiao X; Mo H; Zhang Y; Shan G, 2022, 'Meta-ANN – A dynamic artificial neural network refined by meta-learning for Short-Term Load Forecasting', Energy, 246,

Javaid MS; Bouchekara HREH; Mo H; Xiao X; Shahriar MS; Dong D, 2021, 'Optimization of electric spring operational strategy to minimize electricity bill', Electric Power Systems Research, 201,

Xiao X; Mo H; Dong D; Ryan M, 2021, 'Reliability analysis of aging control system via stability margins', Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, pp. 808 - 818,

Xu J; Liu B; Mo H; Dong D, 2021, 'Bayesian adversarial multi-node bandit for optimal smart grid protection against cyber attacks', Automatica, 128, pp. 109551,

Mo H; Sansavini G, 2021, 'Hidden Markov model-based smith predictor for the mitigation of the impact of communication delays in wide-area power systems', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89, pp. 19 - 48,

Wu Z; Mo H; Xiong J; Xie M, 2020, 'Adaptive Event-Triggered Observer-Based Output Feedback L∞ Load Frequency Control for Networked Power Systems', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 3952 - 3962,

Mo H; Sansavini G, 2019, 'Impact of aging and performance degradation on the operational costs of distributed generation systems', Renewable Energy, 143, pp. 426 - 439,

Mo H; Sansavini G; Xie M, 2018, 'Performance-based maintenance of gas turbines for reliable control of degraded power systems', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 103, pp. 398 - 412,

Mo H; Sansavini G, 2018, 'Real-time coordination of distributed energy resources for frequency control in microgrids with unreliable communication', International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 96, pp. 86 - 105,

Mo H; Sansavini G, 2017, 'Dynamic defense resource allocation for minimizing unsupplied demand in cyber-physical systems against uncertain attacks', IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66, pp. 1253 - 1265,

Fang Z; Mo H; Wang Y; Xie M, 2017, 'Performance and reliability improvement of cyber-physical systems subject to degraded communication networks through robust optimization', Computers and Industrial Engineering, 114, pp. 166 - 174,

Mo H; Wang W; Xie M; Xiong J, 2017, 'Modeling and analysis of the reliability of digital networked control systems considering networked degradations', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14, pp. 1491 - 1503,

Mo HD; Li YF; Zio E, 2016, 'A system-of-systems framework for the reliability analysis of distributed generation systems accounting for the impact of degraded communication networks', Applied Energy, 183, pp. 805 - 822,

Mo H; Xie M, 2016, 'A Dynamic Approach to Performance Analysis and Reliability Improvement of Control Systems with Degraded Components', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46, pp. 1404 - 1414,

Mo H; Xie M; Levitin G, 2015, 'Optimal resource distribution between protection and redundancy considering the time and uncertainties of attacks', European Journal of Operational Research, 243, pp. 200 - 210,

Peng R; Guo L; Levitin G; Mo H; Wang W, 2014, 'Maintenance versus individual and overarching protections for parallel systems', Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 11, pp. 353 - 362,

Yu H; Yang J; Mo H, 2014, 'Reliability analysis of repairable multi-state system with common bus performance sharing', Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 132, pp. 90 - 96,

Peng R; Mo H; Xie M; Levitin G, 2013, 'Optimal structure of multi-state systems with multi-fault coverage', Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 119, pp. 18 - 25,

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