Select Publications

Book Chapters

, 2016, '- Metabolomics: An Important Tool for Assessing State of Health and Risk of Disease in Nutrigenomics Research', in Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Functional Foods and Personalized Nutrition, CRC Press, pp. 248 - 261,

Lin HM; Rowan D, 2016, 'Metabolomics: An important tool for assessing state of health and risk of disease in nutrigenomics research', in Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Functional Foods and Personalized Nutrition, pp. 229 - 242

Journal articles

Sharifi N; Diaz R; Lin HM; Roberts E; Horvath LG; Martin A; Stockler MR; Yip S; Subhash VV; Portman N; Davis ID; Sweeney CJ, 2024, 'Survival of men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and adrenal-permissive HSD3B1 inheritance', The Journal of clinical investigation, 134,

Lin HM; Yang X; Centenera MM; Huynh K; Giles C; Dehairs J; Swinnen JV; Hoy AJ; Meikle PJ; Butler LM; Taplin ME; Horvath LG, 2024, 'Circulating Lipid Profiles Associated with Resistance to Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer', JCO Precision Oncology, 8,

Mahon KL; Sutherland SIM; Lin HM; Stockler MR; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Briscoe K; Marx G; Higano CS; de Bono JS; Chi KN; Clark G; Breit SN; Brown DA; Horvath LG, 2024, 'Clinical validation of circulating GDF15/MIC-1 as a marker of response to docetaxel and survival in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer', Prostate, 84, pp. 747 - 755,

Yeung N; Li T; Lin HM; Timmins HC; Goldstein D; Harrison M; Friedlander M; Mahon KL; Giles C; Meikle PJ; Park SB; Horvath LG, 2024, 'Plasma Lipidomic Profiling Identifies Elevated Triglycerides as Potential Risk Factor in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy', JCO Precision Oncology, 8,

Strach MC; Yeung N; Apostolov E; Wang T; Lin H-M; Ansari N; Koh C; Shin J-S; Kench J; Swarbrick A; Horvath L; Mahon KL, 2024, 'Abstract 5480: Single cell and spatial transcriptomic profile of appendiceal tumour peritoneal disease', Cancer Research, 84, pp. 5480 - 5480,

Scheinberg T; Lin HM; Fitzpatrick M; Azad AA; Bonnitcha P; Davies A; Heller G; Huynh K; Mak B; Mahon K; Sullivan D; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2024, 'PCPro: a clinically accessible, circulating lipid biomarker signature for poor-prognosis metastatic prostate cancer', Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 27, pp. 136 - 143,

Fang S; Zhe S; Lin HM; Azad AA; Fettke H; Kwan EM; Horvath L; Mak B; Zheng T; Du P; Jia S; Kirby RM; Kohli M, 2023, 'Multi-Omic Integration of Blood-Based Tumor-Associated Genomic and Lipidomic Profiles Using Machine Learning Models in Metastatic Prostate Cancer', JCO clinical cancer informatics, 7, pp. e2300057,

Horvath L; Lin H-M; Huynh K; Meikle T; Joshua AM; Azad A; Tan W; Butler L; Meikle P, 2023, 'Circulating ether lipids in prostate cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. e17009 - e17009,

Yeung N; Lin H-M; Timmins H; Li T; Goldstein D; Friedlander M; Harrison ML; Mahon KL; Meikle P; Park S; Horvath L, 2023, 'Plasma lipidomic profiling of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. 3031 - 3031,

Strach MC; Yeung N; Lin H-M; Ansari N; Koh C; Shin J-S; Kench J; Horvath L; Mahon KL, 2023, 'Characteristics of immune-infiltrating cells in the tumor microenvironment of appendiceal cancer with peritoneal disease.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. 217 - 217,

Horvath LG; Kench C; Mellor R; Lin H-M; Mak B; Scheinberg T; Mahon K; Graham L; Azad AA; Joshua AM; Stockler MR; Marx GM; Briscoe K; Samaras K, 2023, '1831P Dissecting the meaning of obesity in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer: Size or metabolism?', Annals of Oncology, 34, pp. S991 - S991,

Mak B; Lin HM; Kwan EM; Fettke H; Tran B; Davis ID; Mahon K; Stockler MR; Briscoe K; Marx G; Zhang A; Crumbaker M; Tan W; Huynh K; Meikle TG; Mellett NA; Hoy AJ; Du P; Yu J; Jia S; Joshua AM; Waugh DJ; Butler LM; Kohli M; Meikle PJ; Azad AA; Horvath LG, 2022, 'Combined impact of lipidomic and genetic aberrations on clinical outcomes in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer', BMC Medicine, 20,

Mak B; Lin HM; Duong T; Mahon KL; Joshua AM; Stockler MR; Gurney H; Parnis F; Zhang A; Scheinberg T; Wittert G; Butler LM; Sullivan D; Hoy AJ; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2022, 'Modulation of Plasma Lipidomic Profiles in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer by Simvastatin', Cancers, 14,

Centenera MM; Vincent AD; Moldovan M; Lin HM; Lynn DJ; Horvath LG; Butler LM, 2022, 'Harnessing the Heterogeneity of Prostate Cancer for Target Discovery Using Patient-Derived Explants', Cancers, 14,

Scheinberg T; Fitzpatrick M; Lin H-M; Azad AA; Bonnitcha P; Davies AG; Heller G; Huynh K; Mak B; Mahon K; Meikle P; Sullivan D; Horvath LG, 2022, '1409P Development of a clinically accessible, circulating prognostic lipid biomarker panel in men with mCRPC to guide potential metabolic intervention', Annals of Oncology, 33, pp. S1189 - S1189,

Lin HM; Mak B; Yeung N; Huynh K; Meikle TG; Mellett NA; Kwan EM; Fettke H; Tran B; Davis ID; Mahon KL; Zhang A; Stockler MR; Briscoe K; Marx G; Crumbaker M; Stricker PD; Du P; Yu J; Jia S; Scheinberg T; Fitzpatrick M; Bonnitcha P; Sullivan DR; Joshua AM; Azad AA; Butler LM; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2021, 'Overcoming enzalutamide resistance in metastatic prostate cancer by targeting sphingosine kinase', EBioMedicine, 72,

Lin HM; Yeung N; Hastings JF; Croucher DR; Huynh K; Meikle TG; Mellett NA; Kwan EM; Davis ID; Tran B; Mahon KL; Zhang A; Stockler MR; Briscoe K; Marx G; Bastick P; Crumbaker ML; Joshua AM; Azad AA; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2021, 'Relationship between circulating lipids and cytokines in metastatic castration‐resistant prostate cancer', Cancers, 13,

Lin HM; Huynh K; Kohli M; Tan W; Azad AA; Yeung N; Mahon KL; Mak B; Sutherland PD; Shepherd A; Mellett N; Docanto M; Giles C; Centenera MM; Butler LM; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2021, 'Aberrations in circulating ceramide levels are associated with poor clinical outcomes across localised and metastatic prostate cancer', Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 24, pp. 860 - 870,

Mahon KL; Lin HM; Lee-Ng M; Cain D; Jacobs C; Stockler MR; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Briscoe K; Marx G; Higano C; de BJS; Chi KN; Breit SN; Brown DA; Horvath LG, 2019, 'Clinical validation of circulating cytokines as markers of prognosis and response to docetaxel in men with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer', Oncology Abstracts,

Mahon KL; Qu W; Lin HM; Spielman C; Cain D; Jacobs C; Stockler MR; Higano CS; de Bono JS; Chi KN; Clark SJ; Horvath LG, 2019, 'Serum Free Methylated Glutathione S-transferase 1 DNA Levels, Survival, and Response to Docetaxel in Metastatic, Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: Post Hoc Analyses of Data from a Phase 3 Trial', European Urology, 76, pp. 306 - 312,

Balaban S; Nassar ZD; Zhang AY; Hosseini-Beheshti E; Centenera MM; Schreuder M; Lin HM; Aishah A; Varney B; Liu-Fu F; Lee LS; Nagarajan SR; Shearer RF; Hardie RA; Raftopulos NL; Kakani MS; Saunders DN; Holst J; Horvath LG; Butler LM; Hoy AJ, 2019, 'Extracellular fatty acids are the major contributor to lipid synthesis in prostate cancer', Molecular Cancer Research, 17, pp. 949 - 962,

Lin HM; Nikolic I; Yang J; Castillo L; Deng N; Chan CL; Yeung NK; Dodson E; Elsworth B; Spielman C; Lee BY; Boyer Z; Simpson KJ; Daly RJ; Horvath LG; Swarbrick A, 2018, 'MicroRNAs as potential therapeutics to enhance chemosensitivity in advanced prostate cancer', Scientific Reports, 8,

Lin HM; Lee BY; Castillo L; Spielman C; Grogan J; Yeung NK; Kench JG; Stricker PD; Haynes AM; Centenera MM; Butler LM; Shreeve SM; Horvath LG; Daly RJ, 2018, 'Effect of FAK inhibitor VS-6063 (defactinib) on docetaxel efficacy in prostate cancer', Prostate, 78, pp. 308 - 317,

Lin H-M; Nikolic I; Yang J; Castillo L; Deng N; Chan C-L; Yeung N; Dodson E; Elsworth B; Spielman C; Lee B; Boyer Z; Simpson K; Daly R; Horvath L; Swarbrick A, 2018, 'MicroRNAs as potential therapeutics to enhance chemosensitivity in advanced prostate cancer', ,

Lin HM; Mahon KL; Weir JM; Mundra PA; Spielman C; Briscoe K; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Marx G; Stockler MR; Prime C; Parton RG; Hoy AJ; Daly RJ; Meikle PJ; Horvath LG, 2017, 'A distinct plasma lipid signature associated with poor prognosis in castration-resistant prostate cancer', International Journal of Cancer, 141, pp. 2112 - 2120,

Mahon KL; Qu W; Lin H-M; Spielman C; Cain D; Jacobs C; Chi KN; De Bono JS; Higano CS; Clark SJ; Horvath L, 2017, 'Post hoc analysis of a phase III study to test the association between circulating methylated glutathione s transferase (mGSTP1) DNA levels and response to docetaxel (DTX) in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. 5014 - 5014,

Lin HM; Mahon KL; Spielman C; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Stockler MR; Bastick P; Briscoe K; Marx G; Swarbrick A; Horvath LG, 2017, 'Phase 2 study of circulating microRNA biomarkers in castration-resistant prostate cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 116, pp. 1002 - 1011,

Bruce HM; Stricker PD; Gupta R; Savdie RR; Haynes AM; Mahon KL; Lin HM; Kench JG; Horvath LG, 2016, 'Loss of AZGP1 as a Superior Predictor of Relapse in Margin-Positive Localized Prostate Cancer', Prostate, 76, pp. 1491 - 1500,

Mahon KL; Lin H-M; Spielman C; Lee-Ng M; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Stockler MR; Briscoe KP; Marx GM; Breit SN; Brown DA; Horvath L, 2016, 'Phase II trial of circulating cytokines as markers of docetaxel (DTX) resistance in metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, pp. 5039 - 5039,

Mahon KL; Lin HM; Castillo L; Lee BY; Lee-Ng M; Chatfield MD; Chiam K; Breit SN; Brown DA; Molloy MP; Marx GM; Pavlakis N; Boyer MJ; Stockler MR; Daly RJ; Henshall SM; Horvath LG, 2015, 'Cytokine profiling of docetaxel-resistant castration-resistant prostate cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 112, pp. 1340 - 1348,

Lin HM; Castillo L; Mahon KL; Chiam K; Lee BY; Nguyen Q; Boyer MJ; Stockler MR; Pavlakis N; Marx G; Mallesara G; Gurney H; Clark SJ; Swarbrick A; Daly RJ; Horvath LG, 2014, 'Circulating microRNAs are associated with docetaxel chemotherapy outcome in castration-resistant prostate cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 110, pp. 2462 - 2471,

Lee BY; Hochgraefe F; Lin H-M; Castillo L; Wu J; Raftery M; Shreeve SM; Horvath L; Daly R, 2013, 'Focal adhesion kinase: a mediator of docetaxel-resistance in castrate resistant prostate cancer', BJU INTERNATIONAL, 112, pp. 38 - 39,

Horvath L; Chatfield MD; Lee-Ng M; Lin H-M; Castillo L; Breit SN; Brown DA; Molloy MP; Marx GM; Pavlakis N; Boyer MJ; Stockler MR; Wykes R; Henshall SM; Mahon KL, 2013, 'The role of macrophages in docetaxel (DTX) resistance in castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31, pp. e22175 - e22175,

Lee BY; Hochgräfe F; Lin HM; Castillo L; Wu J; Raftery MJ; Martin Shreeve S; Horvath LG; Daly RJ, 2013, 'Phosphoproteomic profiling identifies focal adhesion kinase as a mediator of docetaxel resistance in castrate-resistant prostate cancer', Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 13, pp. 190 - 201,

Lin HM; Edmunds SJ; Zhu S; Helsby NA; Ferguson LR; Rowan DD, 2011, 'Metabolomic analysis reveals differences in urinary excretion of kiwifruit-derived metabolites in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease', Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 55, pp. 1900 - 1904,

Lin HM; Helsby NA; Rowan DD; Ferguson LR, 2011, 'Using metabolomic analysis to understand inflammatory bowel diseases', Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 17, pp. 1021 - 1029,

Otter D; Cao M; Lin HM; Fraser K; Edmunds S; Lane G; Rowan D, 2011, 'Identification of urinary biomarkers of colon inflammation in IL10 -/- mice using short-column LCMS metabolomics', Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2011,

Lin HM; Barnett MPG; Roy NC; Joyce NI; Zhu S; Armstrong K; Helsby NA; Ferguson LR; Rowan DD, 2010, 'Metabolomic analysis identifies inflammatory and noninflammatory metabolic effects of genetic modification in a mouse model of Crohn?s disease', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 1965 - 1975,

Lin HM; Edmunds SJ; Helsby NA; Ferguson LR; Rowan DD, 2009, 'Nontargeted urinary metabolite profiling of a mouse model of crohn's disease', Journal of Proteome Research, 8, pp. 2045 - 2057,

Lin HM; Chatterjee A; Lin YH; Anjomshoaa A; Fukuzawa R; McCall JL; Reeve AE, 2007, 'Genome wide expression profiling identifies genes associated with colorectal liver metastasis', Oncology Reports, 17, pp. 1541 - 1549,

Rasiah IA; Sutton KH; Low FL; Lin HM; Gerrard JA, 2005, 'Crosslinking of wheat dough proteins by glucose oxidase and the resulting effects on bread and croissants', Food Chemistry, 89, pp. 325 - 332,

Lin HM; Gerrard JA; Shaw IC, 2005, 'Stability of the insecticide cypermethrin during tomato processing and implications for endocrine activity', Food Additives and Contaminants, 22, pp. 15 - 22,

Low F; Lin HM; Gerrard JA; Cressey PJ; Shaw IC, 2004, 'Ranking the risk of pesticide dietary intake', Pest Management Science, 60, pp. 842 - 848,

Conference Papers

Horvath L; Lin H-M; Mahon KL; Weir J; Mundra P; Spielman C; Briscoe KP; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Marx GM; Stockler MR; Parton R; Hoy A; Daly RJ; Meikle P, 2017, 'The plasma lipidome in castration-resistant prostate cancer.', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, presented at 53rd Annual Clinical Science Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO) / Symposium on Old Targets, New Drugs - Her2 and MET, IL, Chicago, 02 June 2017 - 07 June 2017,

Horvath L; Chatfield MD; Lee-Ng M; Lin H-M; Castillo L; Breit SN; Brown DA; Molloy MP; Marx GM; Pavlakis N; Boyer MJ; Stockier MR; Wykes R; Henshall SM; Mahon KL, 2013, 'The role of macrophages in docetaxel (DTX) resistance in castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, IL, Chicago, presented at 49th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 31 May 2013 - 04 June 2013,

Lee BY; Hochgraefe F; Lin HM; Castillo L; Raftery M; Horvath LG; Daly RJ, 2012, 'Overcoming Docetaxel Resistance in Prostate Cancer by Targeting FAK Phosphorylation, and Its Mode of Action', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, IRELAND, European Org Res & Treatment Canc (EORTC), Dublin, pp. 48 - 49, presented at 24th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, IRELAND, European Org Res & Treatment Canc (EORTC), Dublin, 06 November 2012 - 09 November 2012,

Conference Abstracts

Strach MC; Yeung N; Apostolov E; Lin H-M; Nagaraju RT; Ansari N; Koh C; Shin J-S; Kench J; Aziz O; Swarbrick A; Horvath LG; Barriuso J; Mahon K, 2022, 'Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of appendiceal cancer peritoneal disease', in ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 33, pp. S1322 - S1322, presented at Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO), ELECTR NETWORK, 09 September 2022 - 13 September 2022,

Strach MC; Yeung N; Lin H-M; Ansari N; Koh C; Shin J-S; Kench J; Centenera M; Butler L; Horvath L; Mahon K, 2022, 'Patient-derived explant model of appendiceal cancer.', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 4160 - 4160,

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