Select Publications

Journal articles

Towers IR; Vesk PA; Wenk E; Gallagher RV; Windecker S; Wright IJ; Falster D, 2024, 'Revisiting the role of mean annual precipitation in shaping functional trait distributions at a continental scale', New Phytologist, 241, pp. 1900 - 1909,

Masoudian S; Sharples J; Jovanoski Z; Towers I; Watt S, 2023, 'Incorporating Stochastic Wind Vectors in Wildfire Spread Prediction', Atmosphere, 14,

McLennan-Smith TA; Kalloniatis AC; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS; Roberts DO; Watt S; Towers IN, 2021, 'A Mathematical Model of Humanitarian Aid Agencies in Attritional Conflict Environments', Operations Research, 69, pp. 1696 - 1714,

Zazali HH; Towers IN; Sharples JJ, 2020, 'A critical review of fuel accumulation models used in Australian fire management', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 30, pp. 42 - 56,

Amirian MM; Towers IN; Jovanoski Z; Irwin AJ, 2020, 'Memory and mutualism in species sustainability: A time-fractional Lotka-Volterra model with harvesting', Heliyon, 6, pp. e04816,

Huang Z; Sidhu HS; Towers IN; Jovanoski Z; Watt S; Gubernov VV, 2020, 'Properties of nonadiabatic combustion waves in competitive exothermic reactions', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77, pp. 1216 - 1228,

Ang TK; Safuan HM; Sidhu HS; Jovanoski Z; Towers IN, 2019, 'Impact of Harvesting on a Bioeconomic Predator–Prey Fishery Model Subject to Environmental Toxicant', Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81, pp. 2748 - 2767,

Watt SD; Sidhu HS; Jovanoski Z; Towers IN; Huang Z, 2019, 'Watershed initial conditions for propagating waves in a system with bistability: A weight-function approach', Applied Mathematics Letters, 91, pp. 106 - 112,

Huang Z; Sidhu H; Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Watt S, 2018, 'On the route to extinction in non-adiabatic flames from competitive exothermic reactions', Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 13,

Huang Z; Sidhu H; Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Gubernov V, 2017, 'Stability analysis of combustion waves for competitive exothermic reactions using Evans function', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 54, pp. 347 - 360,

Dose T; Jovanoski Z; Safuan HM; Sidhu H; Towers I, 2017, 'Dynamics of a Discrete Non-Autonomous Ricker Model', Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 12, pp. 2304 - 2309,

Saifuddin R; Jovanoski Z; Safuan HM; Towers I; Sidhu H, 2017, 'Stability of a Population in a Model with Delayed Environmental Response', Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12, pp. 2299 - 2303,

Huang Z; Sidhu HS; Towers IN; Jovanoski Z; Gubernov VV, 2017, 'Properties of combustion waves in a model with competitive exothermic reactions', Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 55, pp. 1187 - 1201,

Anderson C; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS; Towers IN, 2016, 'Logistic equation is a simple stochastic carrying capacity', ANZIAM Journal, 56, pp. 431 - 431,

Anderson C; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu H; Towers I, 2016, 'Logistic equation with a simple stochastic carrying capacity', ANZIAM Journal, 56, pp. C431 - C445,

Huang Z; Sidhu HS; Towers IN; Jovanoski Z; Gubernov VV, 2016, 'Nonadiabatic combustion waves in a two-step competitive exothermic-reaction model', Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) Journal, 57, pp. C14 - C31,

Huang Z; Sidhu H; Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Gubernov V, 2015, 'Reaction waves in solid fuels for adiabatic competitive exothermic reactions', ANZIAM Journal, 56, pp. C148 - C162,

Huang Z; Sidhu H; Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Gubernov V, 2015, 'Reaction waves in solid fuels for adiabatic competitive exothermic reactions', ANZIAM Journal, 55, pp. 148 - 148,

Towers IN; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS; Safuan H, 2015, 'On travelling wave solutions of the diffusive Leslie–Gower model', Applied Mathematics and Computation, 274, pp. 362 - 371,

Mohd Safuan H; Sidhu HS; Jovanoski Z; Towers IN, 2014, 'A two-species predator-prey model in an environment enriched by a biotic resource', ANZIAM Journal, 54, pp. 768 - 768,

Safuan H; Sidhu H; Jovanoski Z; Towers I, 2014, 'A two-species predator-prey model in an environment enriched by a biotic resource', ANZIAM Journal, 54, pp. C768 - C787,

Sidhu H; Sharples J; Towers I; Gubernov V; wee W, 2013, 'Properties of reaction fronts in a non-adiabatic two stage exothermic-endothermic competitive reaction scheme', ANZIAM Journal, 54,

Wee W; Sidhu H; Sharples J; Towers I; Gubernov V, 2013, 'Properties of reaction fronts in a non-adiabatic two stage exothermic-endothermic competitive reaction scheme', ANZIAM Journal, 54, pp. 646 - 646,

Towers I; Gubernov V; Kolobov AV; Polezhaev AA; Sidhu HS, 2013, 'Bistability of flame propagation in a model with competing exothermic reactions', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 469, pp. 20130315-1 - 20130315-19,

Jovanoski Z; Towers I; Sidhu HS; Mohd Safuan H, 2013, 'Exact solution of a non-autonomous logistic population model', Ecological Modelling, 251, pp. 99 - 102,

Safuan H; Sidhu HS; Jovanoski Z; Towers I, 2013, 'Impacts of Biotic Resource Enrichment on a Predator-Prey Population', Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, on-line July 2013,

Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS; mohd safuan H, 2012, 'Coupled logistic carrying capacity model', The ANZIAM Journal, 53, pp. C172 - C184,

Towers I; Jovanoski Z, 2012, 'Shepherded solitons', The ANZIAM Journal, 53, pp. C312 - C324,

Konar S; Jovanoski Z; Towers I, 2011, 'Incoherent spatial optical solitons in photorefractive crystals', Optics and Laser Technology, 43, pp. 1466 - 1469,

Konar S; Jovanoski Z; Towers I, 2011, 'Two-color bright solitons in a three-level atomic system in the cascade configuration', Journal of Modern Optics, 58, pp. 1035 - 1040,

Oslington P; Towers I, 2010, 'Trade, Migration, and Inequality in a World without Factor Price Equalization', Review of International Economics, 18, pp. 650 - 662,

Towers I; Robinson G, 2009, 'A model for multiple isothermal circumstellar dust shells', Physica Scripta T, 80

Jovanoski Z; Towers I; Ansari NA, 2009, 'Domain walls and their stability', The ANZIAM Journal, 50, pp. C1052 - C1065

Robinson G; Towers I; Jovanoski Z, 2009, 'Isothermal circumstellar dust shell model for teaching', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40, pp. 795 - 845

Oslington PR; Towers I, 2009, 'Pushing Economies (and Students)Outside the Factor Price Equalization Zone', Journal of Economic Education, 40, pp. 422 - 436

Towers I; Jovanoski Z, 2008, 'Application of rational Chebyshev polynomials to optical problems', The ANZIAM Journal, 50, pp. C60 - C74

Jovanoski Z; Ansari NA; Towers I; Sammut RA, 2008, 'Exact domain-wall solitons', Physics Letters, Section A, 372, pp. 610 - 612

Ansari NA; Towers I; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS, 2007, 'A semi-classical approach to two-frequency solitons in a three-level cascade atomic system', Optics Communications, 274, pp. 66 - 73,

Ansari NA; Jovanoski Z; Sidhu HS; Towers I, 2006, 'Non-Linear Interactions of Two Intense Fields with a Three-Level Atomic System', Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 15, pp. 401 - 414

Jovanoski Z; Towers I; Ansari NA; Sammut RA, 2005, 'Approximate analysis of circular bends in nonlinear planar waveguides', Optics Communications, 244, pp. 399 - 409,

Towers I, 2005, 'Interrogating functions', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 36, pp. 922 - 930

Jovanoski Z; Towers I; Garth SJ; Sammut RA, 2005, 'Modes on a bent nonlinear waveguide: solutions based upon the method of perturbations', Journal of Modern Optics, 52, pp. 707 - 723

Towers IN; Malomed BA; Wise FW, 2003, 'Light Bullets in Quadratic Media with Normal Dispersion at the Second Harmonic', Physical Review Letters, 90, pp. 123902,

Band YB; Towers I; Malomed BA, 2003, 'Unified semiclassical approximation for Bose-Einstein condensates: Application to a BEC in an optical potential', Physical Review A, 67, pp. 023602,

Mihalache D; Mazilu D; Towers I; Malomed BA; Lederer F, 2003, 'Stable spatiiotemporal spinning solitons in a bimodal cubic-quintic medium', Physical Review E, 67, pp. 566081 - 566089,

Mihalache D; Mazilu D; Towers I; Malomed BA; Lederer F, 2002, 'Stable two-dimensional spinning solitons in a bimodal cubic-quintic model with four-wave mixing', JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 4, pp. 615 - 623,

Towers IN; Malomed BA, 2002, 'Polychromatic solitons in a quadratic medium', Physical Review E, 66, pp. 046620,

Towers I; Malomed BA, 2002, 'Stable (2+1)-dimensional solitons in a layered medium with sign-alternating Kerr nonlinearity', Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 19, pp. 537 - 543

Mihalache D; Mazilu D; Crasovan L; Towers I; Buryak AV; Malomed BA; Torner L; Torres JP; Lederer F, 2002, 'Stable Spinning Optical Solitons in Three Dimensions', Physical Review Letters, 88, pp. 1 - 4,

Mihalache D; Mazilu D; Crasovan L; Towers I; Malomed BA; Buryak AV; Torner L; Lederer F, 2002, 'Stable three-dimensional spinning optical solitons supported by competing quadratic and cubic nonlinearities', Physical Review E, 66, pp. 1 - 7,

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