Select Publications

Conference Papers

Pluta I, 2015, 'Nostalgia: the misalignment of place, time and experience', in Contemphoto 15' Urban Identities, DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Centre, Nâzım Hikmet Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, presented at Contemphoto 15', Nâzım Hikmet Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 09 June 2015 - 10 June 2015

Pluta I, 2015, 'Contemporary gleaning: shaping materiality in art', in Contempart'15, Urban Identity, Space Studies and Contemporary Arts, DAKAM Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Centre, Nâzım Hikmet Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, presented at Contempart'15, Nâzım Hikmet Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 08 June 2015 - 09 June 2015

Pluta I, 2013, 'A la derive', in Duyan E; Atak Ö (ed.), DAKAM / Visualisation & Urban History In Contemporary Photography (Contemphoto '13 Contemporary Photography), DAKAM Publishing, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 187 - 192, presented at CONTEMPHOTO '13, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul, 12 June 2013 - 14 June 2013,

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