Select Publications

Conference Papers

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Durham University, presented at 112th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham University, 31 August 2021

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Monash Law School, presented at The Critical Tax Symposium, Monash Law School, 15 July 2021

Kayis-Kumar A; Walpole M; Noone J; Lim Y; Mackenzie G, 2020, 'Up hardship creek without a paddle? Quantifying the nation-wide unmet need for tax advice', presented at 14th International Tax Administration Conference, 07 April 2020

Kayis-Kumar A; Walpole M; Noone J; Mackenzie G; Lim Y, 2020, 'The tax advice gap – A nation-wide survey of financial counsellors', Sydney, presented at 4th Financial Inclusion Conference - Roads to Resilience, Sydney, 18 March 2020 - 19 March 2020

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