Select Publications

Journal articles

Gray J, 2021, '‘”Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry”: prosecuting water theft in the Murray Darling Basin in Australia’,', The Resolution Journal, 1, pp. 1 - 33,

Gray J, 2019, ''Ecological Integrity as an Alternative Frame for the Water, Unconventional Gas, and Food Nexus'', Jurimetrics, 59, pp. 193 - 232,

Gray J, 2018, 'Home Sweet Home - Happiness, Housing and the Law', Journal of Comparative Law, 13,

Holley C; Carmody E; Cosens B; Gardner A; Godden L; Gray J; Lee L; Lindsay B; Macpherson B; Nelson R; O’Donnell E; O’Neill L; Owens K; Sinclair D, 2016, 'The future of water reform in Australia — starting a conversation', Australian Environment Review, 31, pp. 132 - 137,

Gray JS; Lee L, 2016, 'National Water Initiative styled water entitlements as property Legal and practical perspectives', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 33, pp. 284 - 300

Gray J; Williams J; Hagare P; Lopes A; Sankaran S, 2014, 'Lessons Learnt from Educating University Students through a Trans-Disciplinary Project for Sustainable Sanitation Using a Systems Approach and Problem-Based Learning', Systems, 2, pp. 243 - 272,

Sankaran S; Abeysuriya K; Gray J; Kachenko A, 2013, 'Mellow Yellow: Taking a Systems Thinking Approach to Designing Research on Transitioning to More Sustainable Sewage Management', Systems Research and Behavioral Science,

Gray J, 2013, 'Snags in the System? Water trading and the market: a review of the negatives', Australian Environment Review

Gray JS, 2012, 'The legal framework for water trading in the Murray-Darling Basin: An overwhelming success?', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 29, pp. 328 - 349,

Walpole M; Gray J, 2010, 'Taxing virtually everything: - cyberspace profits, property law and taxation liability', Australian Taxation Review

Walpole M; Gray JS, 2010, 'Taxing virtually everything: cyberspace profits, property law and taxation liability', Australian Tax Review, 39, pp. 39 - 60

Gray JS; Gardner T, 2008, 'Legal Access to Sewage and the re-invention of Wastewater', The Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, 12, pp. 115 - 159

Gray JS, 2006, 'Legal Approaches to the Ownership, Management and Regulation of Water from Riparian Rights to Commodification', Transforming Cultures eJournal, 1, pp. 64 - 95

Gray JS, 2006, 'The Water Problem - Directions and Alternatives for Management', Continuing Legal Education Seminar Papers, June 2006, pp. 1 - 40

Gray JS, 2005, 'Stories from a favela: the limits of (property) law', Alternative Law Journal, 30, pp. 184 - 189

Gray JS, 2004, 'The Lost Promise of Mabo: An Update on the Legal Struggle for Land Rights in Australia with particular reference to the Ward and Yorta Yorta decisions', Canadian Journal of Native Studies, xxii no.1, pp. 305 - 348

Gray JS, 2002, 'Is native title a proprietary right?', E Law: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, 9

Gray J, 2001, '"Teaching Excellence In The New Millennium Interviews With Professor Michael Adams And Ms Irene Nemes"', University of Technology Sydney Law Review, 3, pp. 147 - 147

Gray JS, 1997, 'O Canada! Van der Peet as Guidance on the Construction of Native Rights', Australian Indigenous Law Review, pp. 18 - 34

Gray JS, 1997, 'Review of `Introduction to Property Law` by Tooher, Dwyer and Teh', University of New South Wales Law Journal, pp. 526 - 528

Gray JS, 1997, 'The Mabo Case: A Radical Decision?', Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 17, pp. 33 - 74

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