
Dr Jasmine Fardouly



My research focuses on social influences on young people’s mental and physical health. Given the widespread popularity of social media among young people, I am particularly interested in understanding how social media use may impact users’ body image, mood, and eating pathology. I am also interested in positive uses of social media for wellbeing. Beyond social media, I am interested in other factors that influence body image and any stigma...view more

My research focuses on social influences on young people’s mental and physical health. Given the widespread popularity of social media among young people, I am particularly interested in understanding how social media use may impact users’ body image, mood, and eating pathology. I am also interested in positive uses of social media for wellbeing. Beyond social media, I am interested in other factors that influence body image and any stigma experienced because of one’s physical appearance.

My Engagement

My research has featured in more than 50 reputable media outlets around the world, such as the ABCBBCHuffPostWashington Post, TIMES MagazineCNN, and The Guardian. I have also discussed my research on radio programs such as ABC’s Triple J Hack program and ABC’s 666 radio, and on television programs, such as Todd Sampson's Mirror Mirror7News, SBS, and the Today Show.

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