Select Publications

Book Chapters

Laeuchli J, 2020, 'Fast Community Detection with Graph Sparsification', in , pp. 291 - 304,

Journal articles

Laeuchli J; Trujillo-Rasua R, 2024, 'Software-based remote memory attestation using quantum entanglement', Quantum Information Processing, 23,

Laeuchli J; Ramírez-Cruz Y; Trujillo-Rasua R, 2022, 'Analysis of centrality measures under differential privacy models', Applied Mathematics and Computation, 412,

Switzer HM; Stathopoulos A; Romero E; Laeuchli J; Orginos K, 2022, 'PROBING FOR THE TRACE ESTIMATION OF A PERMUTED MATRIX INVERSE CORRESPONDING TO A LATTICE DISPLACEMENT', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44,

Laeuchli J; Stathopoulos A, 2020, 'Extending hierarchical probing for computing the trace of matrix inverses', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42, pp. A1459 - A1485,

Green J; Hasan N; Meinel S; Engelhardt M; Krieg S; Laeuchli J; Negele J; Orginos K; Pochinsky A; Syritsyn S, 2017, 'Up, down, and strange nucleon axial form factors from lattice QCD', Physical Review D, 95,

Wu L; Laeuchli J; Kalantzis V; Stathopoulos A; Gallopoulos E, 2016, 'Estimating the trace of the matrix inverse by interpolating from the diagonal of an approximate inverse', Journal of Computational Physics, 326, pp. 828 - 844,

Green J; Meinel S; Engelhardt M; Krieg S; Laeuchli J; Negele J; Orginos K; Pochinsky A; Syritsyn S, 2015, 'High-precision calculation of the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors', Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 92,

Conference Papers

Stathopoulos A; Laeuchli J; Orginos K, 2013, 'Hierarchical probing for estimating the trace of the matrix inverse on toroidal lattices', in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,

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