My Expertise
As a researcher, I am interested in how healthcare innovations (models of care, digital health), health system changes and interprofessional collaboration can improve eye health outcomes and the quality of eye care delivery. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I have investigated barriers to eye care access and the role of collaborative care models and remote monitoring on patient care. The overarching aim of my research is to optimise access to eye care to prevent vision loss, promote health and enhance quality of life.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Ophthalmology and optometry, Health services and systems, Public healthBiography
As a researcher, I am interested in how healthcare innovations (models of care, digital health), health system changes and interprofessional collaboration can improve eye health outcomes and the quality of eye care delivery. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I have investigated barriers to eye care access and the role of collaborative care models and remote monitoring on patient care. The overarching aim of my research is to optimise...view more
As a researcher, I am interested in how healthcare innovations (models of care, digital health), health system changes and interprofessional collaboration can improve eye health outcomes and the quality of eye care delivery. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I have investigated barriers to eye care access and the role of collaborative care models and remote monitoring on patient care. The overarching aim of my research is to optimise access to eye care to prevent vision loss, promote health and enhance quality of life.
I am interested in supporting my fellow early career academics, and currently serve as the Co-Chair of the Early Career Academic Network, Medicine & Health Subcommittee and on the UNSW Health Systems Research EMCR Committee.
I have previously held clinical positions at the Centre for Eye Health, The Australian College of Optometry and in corporate and independent practices in NSW and Victoria. I am an Australian Volunteers Program Alumni, having contributed to the establishment of optometry education program at the University of Medicine Pham Ngoc Thach in Vietnam, in partnership with the Brien Holden Foundation.
My Qualifications
PhD BOptom (Hons) GCertOcTher
My Awards
2023 Public Health Research & Practice Best Paper Award for “The true cost of hidden waiting times for cataract surgery in Australia.” DOI: 10.17061/phrp31342116
Public Health Research & Practice is Australia's #1 journal for health policy, and public health, environmental and occupational health.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Currently supervising
Eleanor Yang: Epidemiological study of prevalence, determinants and temporal trends of eye diseases in the Australian Ear and Eye Health Survey.
ORCID as entered in ROS