Select Publications

Journal articles

Thanapongpibul C; Rifaie-Graham O; Ojansivu M; Najer A; Kim H; Bakker SE; Chami M; Peeler DJ; Liu C; Yeow J; Stevens MM, 2024, 'Unlocking Intracellular Protein Delivery by Harnessing Polymersomes Synthesized at Microliter Volumes using Photo-PISA', Advanced Materials, 36,

Fu L; Bridges CA; Kim HN; Ding C; Bao Hou NC; Yeow J; Fok S; Macmillan A; Sterling JD; Baker SM; Lord MS, 2024, 'Cationic Polysaccharides Bind to the Endothelial Cell Surface Extracellular Matrix Involving Heparan Sulfate', Biomacromolecules, 25, pp. 3850 - 3862,

Chen Y; Lin X; Liu X; Liu Y; Bui-Le L; Blakney AK; Yeow J; Zhu Y; Stevens MM; Shattock RJ; Chen R; Brogan APS; Hallett JP, 2024, 'Thermally Robust Solvent-Free Liquid Polyplexes for Heat-Shock Protection and Long-Term Room Temperature Storage of Therapeutic Nucleic Acids', Biomacromolecules, 25, pp. 2965 - 2972,

Zhou K; Sun R; Wojciechowski JP; Wang R; Yeow J; Zuo Y; Song X; Wang C; Shao Y; Stevens MM, 2024, '4D Multimaterial Printing of Soft Actuators with Spatial and Temporal Control', Advanced Materials, 36,

Liu L; Fan X; Lu Q; Wang P; Wang X; Han Y; Wang R; Zhang C; Han S; Tsuboi T; Dai H; Yeow J; Geng H, 2024, 'Antimicrobial research of carbohydrate polymer- and protein-based hydrogels as reservoirs for the generation of reactive oxygen species: A review', International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 260,

Xiao T; Dai H; Wu Y; Liu Z; Yeow J; Xing X; Geng H, 2024, 'Tailoring Physicochemical Properties of Photothermal Hydrogels Toward Intrinsically Regenerative Therapies', Advanced Functional Materials,

Najer A; Rifaie-Graham O; Yeow J; Adrianus C; Chami M; Stevens MM, 2023, 'Differences in Human Plasma Protein Interactions between Various Polymersomes and Stealth Liposomes as Observed by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy', Macromolecular Bioscience, 23,

Lee J; Mulay P; Tamasi MJ; Yeow J; Stevens MM; Gormley AJ, 2023, 'A fully automated platform for photoinitiated RAFT polymerization', Digital Discovery, 2, pp. 219 - 233,

Rifaie-Graham O; Yeow J; Najer A; Wang R; Sun R; Zhou K; Dell TN; Adrianus C; Thanapongpibul C; Chami M; Mann S; de Alaniz JR; Stevens MM, 2023, 'Photoswitchable gating of non-equilibrium enzymatic feedback in chemically communicating polymersome nanoreactors', Nature Chemistry, 15, pp. 110 - 118,

Najer A; Blight J; Ducker CB; Gasbarri M; Brown JC; Che J; Høgset H; Saunders C; Ojansivu M; Lu Z; Lin Y; Yeow J; Rifaie-Graham O; Potter M; Tonkin R; Penders J; Doutch JJ; Georgiadou A; Barriga HMG; Holme MN; Cunnington AJ; Bugeon L; Dallman MJ; Barclay WS; Stellacci F; Baum J; Stevens MM, 2022, 'Potent Virustatic Polymer-Lipid Nanomimics Block Viral Entry and Inhibit Malaria Parasites in Vivo', ACS Central Science, 8, pp. 1238 - 1257,

Kim H; Yeow J; Najer A; Kit-Anan W; Wang R; Rifaie-Graham O; Thanapongpibul C; Stevens MM, 2022, 'Microliter Scale Synthesis of Luciferase-Encapsulated Polymersomes as Artificial Organelles for Optogenetic Modulation of Cardiomyocyte Beating', Advanced Science, 9,

Blakney AK; McKay PF; Hu K; Samnuan K; Jain N; Brown A; Thomas A; Rogers P; Polra K; Sallah H; Yeow J; Zhu Y; Stevens MM; Geall A; Shattock RJ, 2021, 'Polymeric and lipid nanoparticles for delivery of self-amplifying RNA vaccines', Journal of Controlled Release, 338, pp. 201 - 210,

Ng G; Li M; Yeow J; Jung K; Pester CW; Boyer C, 2020, 'Benchtop Preparation of Polymer Brushes by SI-PET-RAFT: The Effect of the Polymer Composition and Structure on Inhibition of a Pseudomonas Biofilm', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, pp. 55243 - 55254,

Gurnani P; Blakney AK; Yeow J; Bouton CR; Shattock RJ; Stevens MM; Alexander C, 2020, 'An improved synthesis of poly(amidoamine)s for complexation with self-amplifying RNA and effective transfection', Polymer Chemistry, 11, pp. 5861 - 5869,

Blakney AK; Zhu Y; McKay PF; Bouton CR; Yeow J; Tang J; Hu K; Samnuan K; Grigsby CL; Shattock RJ; Stevens MM, 2020, 'Big Is Beautiful: Enhanced saRNA Delivery and Immunogenicity by a Higher Molecular Weight, Bioreducible, Cationic Polymer', ACS Nano, 14, pp. 5711 - 5727,

Xu S; Zhang T; Kuchel RP; Yeow J; Boyer C, 2020, 'Gradient Polymerization–Induced Self-Assembly: A One-Step Approach', Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 41,

Zhang T; Yeow J; Boyer C, 2019, 'A cocktail of vitamins for aqueous RAFT polymerization in an open-to-air microtiter plate', Polymer Chemistry, 10, pp. 4643 - 4654,

Penfold NJW; Yeow J; Boyer C; Armes SP, 2019, 'Emerging Trends in Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly', ACS Macro Letters, 8, pp. 1029 - 1054,

Zaquen N; Azizi WAAW; Yeow J; Kuchel RP; Junkers T; Zetterlund PB; Boyer C, 2019, 'Alcohol-based PISA in batch and flow: Exploring the role of photoinitiators', Polymer Chemistry, 10, pp. 2406 - 2414,

Corrigan N; Yeow J; Judzewitsch P; Xu J; Boyer C, 2019, 'Seeing the Light: Advancing Materials Chemistry through Photopolymerization', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 58, pp. 5170 - 5189,

Corrigan N; Yeow J; Judzewitsch P; Xu J; Boyer C, 2019, 'Seeing the Light: Advancing Materials Chemistry through Photopolymerization', Angewandte Chemie, 131, pp. 5224 - 5243,

Xu S; Yeow J; Boyer C, 2018, 'Exploiting Wavelength Orthogonality for Successive Photoinduced Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly and Photo-Crosslinking', ACS Macro Letters, 7, pp. 1376 - 1382,

Ng G; Yeow J; Chapman R; Isahak N; Wolvetang E; Cooper-White JJ; Boyer C, 2018, 'Pushing the Limits of High Throughput PET-RAFT Polymerization', Macromolecules, 51, pp. 7600 - 7607,

Yeow J; Joshi S; Chapman R; Boyer C, 2018, 'A Self-Reporting Photocatalyst for Online Fluorescence Monitoring of High Throughput RAFT Polymerization', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57, pp. 10102 - 10106,

Yeow J; Joshi S; Chapman R; Boyer C, 2018, 'A Self‐Reporting Photocatalyst for Online Fluorescence Monitoring of High Throughput RAFT Polymerization', Angewandte Chemie, 130, pp. 10259 - 10263,

Zaquen N; Yeow J; Junkers T; Boyer C; Zetterlund PB, 2018, 'Visible Light-Mediated Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly Using Continuous Flow Reactors', Macromolecules, 51, pp. 5165 - 5172,

Corrigan N; Manahan R; Lew ZT; Yeow J; Xu J; Boyer C, 2018, 'Copolymers with Controlled Molecular Weight Distributions and Compositional Gradients through Flow Polymerization', Macromolecules, 51, pp. 4553 - 4563,

Yeow J; Chapman R; Gormley AJ; Boyer C, 2018, 'Up in the air: Oxygen tolerance in controlled/living radical polymerisation', Chemical Society Reviews, 47, pp. 4357 - 4387,

Namivandi-Zangeneh R; Kwan RJ; Nguyen TK; Yeow J; Byrne FL; Oehlers SH; Wong EHH; Boyer C; Namivandi Zangeneh R, 2018, 'The effects of polymer topology and chain length on the antimicrobial activity and hemocompatibility of amphiphilic ternary copolymers', Polymer Chemistry, 9, pp. 1735 - 1744,

Gormley AJ; Yeow J; Ng G; Conway Ó; Boyer C; Chapman R, 2018, 'An Oxygen-Tolerant PET-RAFT Polymerization for Screening Structure–Activity Relationships', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57, pp. 1557 - 1562,

Gormley AJ; Yeow J; Ng G; Conway Ó; Boyer C; Chapman R, 2018, 'An Oxygen‐Tolerant PET‐RAFT Polymerization for Screening Structure–Activity Relationships', Angewandte Chemie, 130, pp. 1573 - 1578,

Namivandi-Zangeneh R; Kwan RJ; Nguyen T-K; Yeow J; Byrne FL; Oehlers SH; Wong EHH; Boyer C; Namivandi Zangeneh R, 2018, 'Correction: The effects of polymer topology and chain length on the antimicrobial activity and hemocompatibility of amphiphilic ternary copolymers', Polymer Chemistry, 9, pp. 1745 - 1745,

Xu S; Ng G; Xu J; Kuchel RP; Yeow J; Boyer C, 2017, '2-(Methylthio)ethyl Methacrylate: A Versatile Monomer for Stimuli Responsiveness and Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly in the Presence of Air', ACS Macro Letters, 6, pp. 1237 - 1244,

Yeow J; Chapman R; Xu J; Boyer C, 2017, 'Oxygen tolerant photopolymerization for ultralow volumes', Polymer Chemistry, 8, pp. 5012 - 5022,

Yeow J; Boyer C, 2017, 'Photoinitiated Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly (Photo-PISA): New Insights and Opportunities', Advanced Science, 4,

Ng G; Yeow J; Xu J; Boyer C, 2017, 'Application of oxygen tolerant PET-RAFT to polymerization-induced self-assembly', Polymer Chemistry, 8, pp. 2841 - 2851,

Hinde E; Thammasiraphop K; Duong HTT; Yeow J; Karagoz B; Boyer C; Gooding JJ; Gaus K, 2017, 'Pair correlation microscopy reveals the role of nanoparticle shape in intracellular transport and site of drug release', Nature Nanotechnology, 12, pp. 81 - 89,

Sadrearhami Z; Yeow J; Nguyen TK; Ho KKK; Kumar N; Boyer C, 2017, 'Biofilm dispersal using nitric oxide loaded nanoparticles fabricated by photo-PISA: Influence of morphology', Chemical Communications, 53, pp. 12894 - 12897,

Yeow J; Shanmugam S; Corrigan N; Kuchel RP; Xu J; Boyer C, 2016, 'A polymerization-induced self-assembly approach to nanoparticles loaded with singlet oxygen generators', Macromolecules, 49, pp. 7277 - 7285,

Yeow J; Xu J; Boyer C, 2016, 'Facile synthesis of worm-like micelles by visible light mediated dispersion polymerization using photoredox catalyst', Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016,

Bagheri A; Yeow J; Arandiyan H; Xu J; Boyer C; Lim M, 2016, 'Polymerization of a Photocleavable Monomer Using Visible Light', Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 37, pp. 905 - 910,

Yeow J; Sugita OR; Boyer C, 2016, 'Visible Light-Mediated Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly in the Absence of External Catalyst or Initiator', ACS Macro Letters, 5, pp. 558 - 564,

Boyer C; Corrigan NA; Jung K; Nguyen D; Nguyen TK; Adnan NNM; Oliver S; Shanmugam S; Yeow J, 2016, 'Copper-mediated living radical polymerization (atom transfer radical polymerization and copper(0) mediated polymerization): From fundamentals to bioapplications', Chemical Reviews, 116, pp. 1803 - 1949,

Bagheri A; Yeow J; Arandiyan H; Xu J; Boyer C; Lim M, 2016, 'Macromol. Rapid Commun. 11/2016.', Macromol Rapid Commun, 37, pp. 940,

Yeow J; Xu J; Boyer C, 2015, 'Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly Using Visible Light Mediated Photoinduced Electron Transfer-Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization', ACS Macro Letters, 4, pp. 984 - 990,

Karagoz B; Yeow J; Esser L; Prakash SM; Kuchel RP; Davis TP; Boyer C, 2014, 'An efficient and highly versatile synthetic route to prepare iron oxide nanoparticles/nanocomposites with tunable morphologies', Langmuir, 30, pp. 10493 - 10502,

Yeow J; Kaur A; Anscomb MD; New EJ, 2014, 'A novel flavin derivative reveals the impact of glucose on oxidative stress in adipocytes', Chemical Communications, 50, pp. 8181 - 8184,

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