Select Publications
2010, Vocal communication in Australian fur seals., VDM Publishing House
,Journal articles
2024, 'Using decision analysis to develop a framework for nest protection for threatened birds', Oryx, pp. 1 - 10,
,2023, 'Incidence and risk factors of heat-related illness in dogs from New South Wales, Australia (1997–2017)', Australian Veterinary Journal, 101, pp. 490 - 501,
,2023, 'Zoo-bred female birds prefer songs of zoo-bred males: Implications for adaptive management of reintroduction programs', Biological Conservation, 284,
,2022, 'Population viability in data deficient nomadic species: What it will take to save regent honeyeaters from extinction', Biological Conservation, 266,
,2021, 'Policy implications for protecting health from the hazards of fire smoke. A panel discussion report from the workshop Landscape fire smoke: Protecting health in an era of escalating fire risk', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
,2021, 'Born to Be Wild: Evaluating the Zoo-Based Regent Honeyeater Breed for Release Program to Optimise Individual Success and Conservation Outcomes in the Wild', Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, pp. 669563,
,2016, 'Click-evoked auditory brainstem responses in an Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea)', Aquatic Mammals, 42, pp. 210 - 217,
,2015, 'Calls reveal population structure of blue whales across the Southeast Indian Ocean and the Southwest Pacific Ocean', Journal of Mammalogy, 96, pp. 1184 - 1193,
,2015, 'Temporal Segregation of the Australian and Antarctic Blue Whale Call Types (Balaenoptera musculus spp.)', Journal of Mammalogy, 96, pp. 603 - 610,
,2012, 'The behavioural response of australian fur seals to motor boat noise', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e37228,
,2012, 'Vocal characteristics of pygmy blue whales and their change over time', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, pp. 3651 - 3660,
,2011, 'Toneburst-evoked auditory brainstem response in a leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, pp. 483 - 487,
,2006, 'Individual variation in the pup attraction call produced by female Australian fur seals during early lactation', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, pp. 502 - 509
,Conference Papers
2014, 'Using acoustics to reveal population structure of the elusive blue whale', in Papadakis JS; Bjorno L (ed.), Rhodes Greece, pp. 73 - 77, presented at UA2014 - 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, Rhodes Greece, 22 June 2014 - 22 June 2014,
,Conference Presentations
2016, 'Nuclear bombs and whales: using passive acoustic monitoring to identify blue whale migration patterns in the southern hemisphere', presented at Joint NZMSS-AUstralian Marine Science Association (AMSA) Conference, 04 July 2016 - 07 July 2017
2020, Submission on the National Environmental Prediction System (NEPS)
,2019, Submission on the proposed variation to the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (AAQ NEPM) standards for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide
2024, Reintroduction of wild song culture to a critically endangered songbird,