Select Publications
2019, Developing technology-neutral road rules for driver distraction: Submission to the National Transport Commission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, TARS Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,
,2019, Evaluation of the NSW Motorcycle Graduated Licensing Scheme, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Final Report,,
,2019, Sydney CBD Noise and Vibration Construction Study, UNSW Sydney, Stage 1
,2018, Road safety data in NSW – How can we better inform safety policy and practice? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney, 21,
,2017, Evaluation of the NSW in-ground pedestrian light (IPL) trial, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Final Report
,2017, Process Evaluation of the Safer Drivers Course, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Draft Report
,2017, Evaluation of Queensland’s Graduated Licensing System, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Final Report,,
,2017, Active Streets Evaluation, Final Report
,2017, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System, Draft Final Report
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 4: Survey of NZ License-holders: Methods and Results Summary, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Active Streets Evaluation: Analysis of pre-intervention data, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
,2016, Evaluation Plan: Evaluation of the NSW in-ground pedestrian warning light trial
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System Part 1: Literature review, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 2: Data interrogation, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 3: Focus Groups, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 5: High-Level Recommendations, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, he University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2015, Road Crash Injuries: Cost and Prevention, Austroads Ltd., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia, AP-R491-15,
,2015, An evaluation of the effects of a school-based cycling education program on participation and safety, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW,
,2014, P Drivers Project Process Evaluation, Monash University
,2014, Pedestrian and cyclist safety on shared paths: Observational field study and user survey
,2013, Pedestrian and cyclist safety on shared paths: Review of relevant literature, guidelines, rules, and practice., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, The feasibility of psychological testing for young drivers., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2012, Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Road safety (StaySAFE) Inquiry into Driver and Road user Distraction
,2008, Roadside electronic advertising installments and road safety: Literature review and recommendations, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2007, The role of risk propensity in the risky driving of younger and older drivers, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
,2006, An implicit association test to measure attitudes toward speeding: Development and evaluation of validity and test-retest reliability, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
,2006, Design for a study of reaction to engine brake noise, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2006, Examination of the different predictors of different risky driving behaviours in young NSW drivers, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW
,2006, Expert Witness Report in the Matter FAM:LSK:CB0047; relating to the road safety implications of an electronic advertising sign, Pike Pike & Fenwick Lawyers
,2006, Predictors of speeding among metropolitan Sydney and rural NSW drivers, and formulation of an instrument to assess relevant factors for young recidivist speeding offenders, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2005, Literature review regarding the effects of advertising instalments on road safety, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2005, Risk perceptions, attitudes and behaviours regarding driver fatigue in NSW youth: The development of an evidence-based driver fatigue educational intervention strategy, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW,
,2005, Risk perceptions, attitudes and behaviours regarding driver fatigue in NSW Youth: The development of an evidence-based driver fatigue educational intervention strategy, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW
,2005, The development of messages and experiences to reduce road-related illusory invulnerability and risky driving, for young drivers, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW
,2005, The effects of in-vehicle audiovisual display units on simulated driving, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2004, Beliefs and attitudes about speeding and its countermeasures, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
,2004, Perceptions of priority rules at pedestrian crossings by pedestrians and drivers, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW
,2004, Recommendations regarding crash outcome measures alternative to crashes for the Driver Development Program evaluation, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW
,2004, Study of pedestrian safety and concurrent mobile use, Telstra