My Expertise
Behavioural Neuroscience
Fields of Research (FoR)
Behavioural neuroscience, Neurosciences, Biological psychology, Animal behaviour, Decision making, Cognition, Learning, motivation and emotion, Animal Behaviour, Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology), Mental HealthSEO tags
I am a behavioural neuroscientist interested in cognitive processes that go awry in neuropsychiatric disorders. Using animal models I study the brain circuits underlying attention, learning and decision-making. We use sophisticated behavioural paradigms to dissect the psychological mechanisms underlying complex behaviour, in combination with various tools including chemogenetics, optogenetics and pharmacology to manipulate brain circuits. I am...view more
I am a behavioural neuroscientist interested in cognitive processes that go awry in neuropsychiatric disorders. Using animal models I study the brain circuits underlying attention, learning and decision-making. We use sophisticated behavioural paradigms to dissect the psychological mechanisms underlying complex behaviour, in combination with various tools including chemogenetics, optogenetics and pharmacology to manipulate brain circuits. I am particularly interested in translational preclinical mental health research to bridge the bench to bedside gap, with my current project focused on understanding habits, impulsive and compulsive responding in disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia.
My Grants
2024-2028 NHMRC Ideas Grant
2023 BBRF NARSAD Young Investigator Grant
2021-2023 UNSW Safety Net Fellowship
2021 UNSW Science Covid-19 Strategic Support Grant
2017-2021 NHMRC CJ Martin Early Career Fellowship
2019 Goldstar Award, UNSW Faculty of Science
My Qualifications
PhD (Neuroscience), Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, 2016
Bachelor of Science (Zoology) Honours Class I, The University of Queensland, 2007
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), The University of Queensland, 2006
My Awards
2021: 1st Prize, Postdoc presentation, Stay Connected Neuro
2019: IBNS Travel Award
2018: Charles Slater Travel Award, University of Cambridge
2018: IBRO International Travel Grant
2018: FENS-IBRO/PERC Travel Grant
2017: Guarantors of Brain Travel Grant
2015-2016: QBI Top-up Scholarship, QBI, The University of Queensland
2014: Best Short Talk Prize, QBI Graduate Student Symposium
2014: SfN Chapter Travel Award, Society for Neuroscience
2014: ANS Student Travel Award, Australian Neuroscience Society
2013: Runner-up and People’s Choice Award, 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, QBI
2013: ANS Student Travel Award, Australian Neuroscience Society
2012: ATSE Young Science Ambassador Award, Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering
2012: Istvan Tork Student Oral Prize, Australian Neuroscience Society
2012-2016: Australian Postgraduate Award, Australian Government
2012-2015: Smart Futures PhD Scholarship Award, Queensland Government
My Research Activities
For publications see my Google Scholar page
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
I am looking for Honours, Masters or PhD students. Please email me if you are interested.
Past Students:
2023: Sophie Welch, Honours I, "Refining the measurement of habits"
2022: Kelly Marr, Honours 2a, "The role of discriminative stimuli on habitual behaviour in the laboratory rat"
2020: Vanessa Huang, Honours I, "The roles of medial and orbitofrontal cortex to nucleus accumbens pathways in the performance of instrumental actions"
2018: Anna Svegborn, Undergraduate Research Project, University of Cambridge
2016: Mia Langguth, Honours I, “The effect of developmental vitamin D deficiency on behaviour in mouse models with relevance to Autism Spectrum Disorders”
2015: Kyna-Anne Conn, Honours I, “Reverse translation of a cognitive task in rodents”
2014: Kyna-Anne Conn, Undergraduate Research Project
2013: James Peak, Honours I, “The impact of developmental vitamin D deficiency on risk-based decision-making: modelling the negative and neurocognitive symptoms of schizophrenia”
Currently supervising
Honours - Maddison Fisher
PhD - Mia Langguth (University of Sydney)
Phd/Master - Sophie Welch
My Engagement
Various activities including Young Science Ambassador for Wonders of Science Program in schools by ATSE; public demonstrations at events such as BRAINFest and university open days; lab tours and demonstrations for visitors from schools (NYSF, Brain Bee Competition) and university events; 2021 UNSW Women in Math and Science Champion.
Media interviews:
Neuroscience of habits: ABC Science
Breaking bad habits: Sunrise, Channel 7
My Teaching
- 2023-present: PSYC4093/4103, Honours elective, Course coordinator
- 2023-present: PSYC5005, Graduate Diploma Course, Course coordinator
- 2020-present: NEUR4411, Lecturer
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