Select Publications

Journal articles

Brady K; Gallagher C; Molyneaux R; Sanderson D; Heffernan T; Gibbs L, 2024, 'Improving long-term disaster recovery research in Australia through boosting dataset comparability', Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 39, pp. 79 - 80,

Pacella BJ; Cowlishaw S; Gibbs L; Bryant RA; Brady K; Gallagher C; Molyneaux R; Gibson K; Block K; Harms L; Forbes D; O'Donnell ML, 2024, 'Trajectory of adjustment difficulties following disaster: 10-year longitudinal cohort study', BJPsych Open, 10,

Brady K; Gibbs L; Harms L, 2023, 'Recovery workers who have also been personally affected by disasters: Exploring the perspective of people who have dual experiences of disaster recovery', Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 27,

Brady K; Gibbs L; Harms L, 2023, 'Who is worst off after a disaster?.', The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 38, pp. 21 - 23,

Harms L; Gibbs L; Ireton G; MacDougall C; Brady K; Kosta L; Block K; Baker E; Colin Gallagher H; Kellett C; Forbes D; Bryant R, 2021, 'Stressors and Supports in Postdisaster Recovery: Experiences After the Black Saturday Bushfires', Australian Social Work, 74, pp. 332 - 347,

Brady K; Gibbs L; Harms L, 2021, 'Hierarchies of affectedness after disasters.', Health Place, 72, pp. 102687,

Eriksen C; Simon GL; Roth F; Lakhina SJ; Wisner B; Adler C; Thomalla F; Scolobig A; Brady K; Bründl M; Neisser F; Grenfell M; Maduz L; Prior T, 2020, 'Rethinking the interplay between affluence and vulnerability to aid climate change adaptive capacity', Climatic Change, 162, pp. 25 - 39,

Eyre A; Brady K, 2013, 'Addressing psychosocial and community recovery in emergency management', International Journal of Emergency Services, 2, pp. 60 - 72,


Bird E; D'Antoine D; Davis S; Leadbeater A; Harkin J; Keddle L; Moreton M; Pelly E; Aldrich D; O'Hara D; Sanderson D; Williamson B, 2024, Disaster Recovery Almanac, HowWeSurvive UNSW, Sydney, Volume 1,

Brady K; Gallagher HC; Morrice H; Gibbs L, 2023, Community-led Recovery: Evidence, dimensions and supports Phase 2 ReGroup Final Report,

Gallagher HC; Brady K; Molyneaux R; O'Donnell M; Glenister K; Harms L; Leppold C; Gibbs L, 2023, Community Recovery study: Recovery from the 2019-2020 bushfires, 1,

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