Select Publications

Journal articles

Feng MK; Yoneda J; Huang W; Su Y; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Cifuentes JD; Chan KW; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, 'Control of dephasing in spin qubits during coherent transport in silicon', Physical Review B, 107,

Marxer F; Vepsäläinen A; Jolin SW; Tuorila J; Landra A; Ockeloen-Korppi C; Liu W; Ahonen O; Auer A; Belzane L; Bergholm V; Chan CF; Chan KW; Hiltunen T; Hotari J; Hyyppä E; Ikonen J; Janzso D; Koistinen M; Kotilahti J; Li T; Luus J; Papic M; Partanen M; Räbinä J; Rosti J; Savytskyi M; Seppälä M; Sevriuk V; Takala E; Tarasinski B; Thapa MJ; Tosto F; Vorobeva N; Yu L; Tan KY; Hassel J; Möttönen M; Heinsoo J, 2023, 'Long-Distance Transmon Coupler with cz -Gate Fidelity above 99.8 %', PRX Quantum, 4,

Sevriuk VA; Liu W; Rönkkö J; Hsu H; Marxer F; Mörstedt TF; Partanen M; Räbinä J; Venkatesh M; Hotari J; Grönberg L; Heinsoo J; Li T; Tuorila J; Chan KW; Hassel J; Tan KY; Möttönen M, 2022, 'Initial experimental results on a superconducting-qubit reset based on photon-assisted quasiparticle tunneling', Applied Physics Letters, 121,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS, 2022, 'Implementation of an advanced dressing protocol for global qubit control in silicon', Applied Physics Reviews, 9,

Evans TJ; Huang W; Yoneda J; Harper R; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Bartlett SD, 2022, 'Fast Bayesian Tomography of a Two-Qubit Gate Set in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Yoneda J; Huang W; Feng M; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Coherent spin qubit transport in silicon', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 4114,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Chan KW; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Implementation of the SMART protocol for global qubit control in silicon', Applied Physics Reviews, 9, pp. 031409,

Evans TJ; Huang W; Yoneda J; Harper R; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Bartlett SD, 2021, 'Fast Bayesian tomography of a two-qubit gate set in silicon', Phys. Rev. Applied, 17, pp. 024068,

Chan KW; Sahasrabudhe H; Huang W; Wang Y; Yang HC; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Mohiyaddin FA; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Morello A; Laucht A; Rahman R; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Exchange Coupling in a Linear Chain of Three Quantum-Dot Spin Qubits in Silicon', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 1517 - 1522,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Lemyre JC; Tanttu T; Huang W; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Coherent spin control of s-, p-, d- and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot', Nature Communications, 11,

Kokkoniemi R; Girard JP; Hazra D; Laitinen A; Govenius J; Lake RE; Sallinen I; Vesterinen V; Partanen M; Tan JY; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hakonen P; Möttönen M, 2020, 'Bolometer operating at the threshold for circuit quantum electrodynamics', Nature, 586, pp. 47 - 51,

Darulová J; Pauka SJ; Wiebe N; Chan KW; Gardener GC; Manfra MJ; Cassidy MC; Troyer M, 2020, 'Autonomous Tuning and Charge-State Detection of Gate-Defined Quantum Dots', Physical Review Applied, 13,

Yang CH; Leon RCC; Hwang JCC; Saraiva A; Tanttu T; Huang W; Camirand Lemyre J; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Operation of a silicon quantum processor unit cell above one kelvin', Nature, 580, pp. 350 - 354,

Hensen B; Wei Huang W; Yang CH; Wai Chan K; Yoneda J; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Laucht A; Itoh KM; Ladd TD; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'A silicon quantum-dot-coupled nuclear spin qubit', Nature Nanotechnology, 15, pp. 13 - 17,

Zhao R; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Hensen B; Chan KW; Hwang JCC; Leon RCC; Yang CH; Gilbert W; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Kiselev AA; Ladd TD; Morello A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Single-spin qubits in isotopically enriched silicon at low magnetic field', Nature Communications, 10,

Jenei M; Zhao R; Tan KY; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Sun Y; Sevriuk V; Hudson F; Rossi A; Dzurak A; Möttönen M, 2019, 'Superconducting charge sensor coupled to an electron layer in silicon', ,

Huang W; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Hensen B; Leon RCC; Fogarty MA; Hwang JCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Fidelity benchmarks for two-qubit gates in silicon', Nature, 569, pp. 532 - 536,

Tanttu T; Hensen B; Chan KW; Yang CH; Huang WW; Fogarty M; Hudson F; Itoh K; Culcer D; Laucht A; Morello A; Dzurak A, 2019, 'Controlling Spin-Orbit Interactions in Silicon Quantum Dots Using Magnetic Field Direction', Physical Review X, 9,

Yang CH; Chan KW; Harper R; Huang W; Evans T; Hwang JCC; Hensen B; Laucht A; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Flammia ST; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Silicon qubit fidelities approaching incoherent noise limits via pulse engineering', Nature Electronics, 2, pp. 151 - 158,

Jenei M; Potanina E; Zhao R; Tan KY; Rossi A; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Sevriuk V; Möttönen M; Dzurak A, 2019, 'Waiting time distributions in a two-level fluctuator coupled to a superconducting charge detector', Physical Review Research, 1,

Fogarty MA; Chan KW; Hensen B; Huang W; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Laucht A; Veldhorst M; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Culcer D; Ladd TD; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2018, 'Integrated silicon qubit platform with single-spin addressability, exchange control and single-shot singlet-triplet readout', Nature Communications, 9,

Chan KW; Huang W; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Hensen B; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2018, 'Assessment of a Silicon Quantum Dot Spin Qubit Environment via Noise Spectroscopy', Physical Review Applied, 10,

Ferdous R; Chan KW; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Yang CH; Sahasrabudhe H; Klimeck G; Morello A; Dzurak AS; Rahman R, 2018, 'Interface-induced spin-orbit interaction in silicon quantum dots and prospects for scalability', Physical Review B, 97,

Tanttu T; Rossi A; Tan KY; Mäkinen A; Chan KW; Dzurak AS; Möttönen M, 2016, 'Three-waveform bidirectional pumping of single electrons with a silicon quantum dot', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 36381,

Tanttu T; Rossi A; Tan KY; Huhtinen KE; Chan KW; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2015, 'Electron counting in a silicon single-electron pump', New Journal of Physics, 17,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Iisakka I; Zhao R; Chan KW; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Möttönen M, 2014, 'An accurate single-electron pump based on a highly tunable silicon quantum dot', Nano Letters, 14, pp. 3405 - 3411,

Chan KW; Mottonen M; Kemppinen A; Lai ; Tan K; Lim WH; Dzurak A, 2011, 'Single-electron shuttle based on a silicon quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 98, pp. Article number: 212103,

Morello A; Pla J; Zwanenburg FA; Chan KW; Tan K; Huebl H; Mottonen M; Nugroho C; Yang C; Van donkeelar J; Alves A; Jamieson DN; Escott CC; Hollenberg L; Clark RG; Dzurak A, 2010, 'Single-shot readout of an electron spin in silicon', Nature, 467, pp. 687 - 691,

Tan K; Chan KW; Mottonen M; Morello A; Yang C; Van donkeelar J; Alves A; Pirkkalainen J-M; Jamieson DN; Clark RG; Dzurak A, 2010, 'Transport Spectroscopy of Single Phosphorus Donors in a Silicon Nanoscale Transistor', Nano Letters, 10, pp. 11 - 15,

Lim WH; Zwanenburg FA; Huebl H; Mottonen M; Chan KW; Morello A; Dzurak A, 2009, 'Observation of the single-electron regime in a highly tunable silicon quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 95, pp. 242102-1 - 242102-3,

Conference Papers

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Mottonen M, 2015, 'A silicon single-electron pump with tunable electrostatic confinement', in 2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2014, 'Effects of electrostatic confinement in a silicon single-electron pump', in CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 440 - 441, presented at 29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 24 August 2014 - 29 August 2014,

Lim WH; Zwanenburg FA; Yang CH; Huebl H; Möttönen M; Chan KW; Escott CC; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2011, 'Independent control of dot occupancy and reservoir electron density in a one-electron quantum dot', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 349 - 350,


Lim WH; Tanttu T; Youn T; Huang JY; Serrano S; Dickie A; Yianni S; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Yang CH; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Chan KW; Cifuentes JD; Dzurak AS, 2024, A 2x2 quantum dot array in silicon with fully tuneable pairwise interdot coupling,

Steinacker P; Stuyck ND; Lim WH; Tanttu T; Feng M; Nickl A; Serrano S; Candido M; Cifuentes JD; Hudson FE; Chan KW; Kubicek S; Jussot J; Canvel Y; Beyne S; Shimura Y; Loo R; Godfrin C; Raes B; Baudot S; Wan D; Laucht A; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Escott CC; Greve KD; Dzurak AS, 2024, A 300 mm foundry silicon spin qubit unit cell exceeding 99% fidelity in all operations,

Guo KS; Feng M; Huang JY; Gilbert W; Itoh KM; Hudson FE; Chan KW; Lim WH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, Methods for transverse and longitudinal spin-photon coupling in silicon quantum dots with intrinsic spin-orbit effect,

Su RY; Huang JY; Stuyck ND; Feng MK; Gilbert W; Evans TJ; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Chan KW; Huang W; Itoh KM; Harper R; Bartlett SD; Yang CH; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Tanttu T; Dzurak AS, 2023, Characterizing non-Markovian Quantum Process by Fast Bayesian Tomography,

Sevriuk VA; Liu W; Rönkkö J; Hsu H; Marxer F; Mörstedt TF; Partanen M; Räbinä J; Venkatesh M; Hotari J; Grönberg L; Heinsoo J; Li T; Tuorila J; Chan KW; Hassel J; Tan KY; Möttönen M, 2022, Initial experimental results on a superconducting-qubit reset based on photon-assisted quasiparticle tunneling,

Marxer F; Vepsäläinen A; Jolin SW; Tuorila J; Landra A; Ockeloen-Korppi C; Liu W; Ahonen O; Auer A; Belzane L; Bergholm V; Chan CF; Chan KW; Hiltunen T; Hotari J; Hyyppä E; Ikonen J; Janzso D; Koistinen M; Kotilahti J; Li T; Luus J; Papic M; Partanen M; Räbinä J; Rosti J; Savytskyi M; Seppälä M; Sevriuk V; Takala E; Tarasinski B; Thapa MJ; Tosto F; Vorobeva N; Yu L; Tan KY; Hassel J; Möttönen M; Heinsoo J, 2022, Long-distance transmon coupler with CZ gate fidelity above $99.8\%$,

Feng M; Yoneda J; Huang W; Su Y; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Cifuentes JD; Chan KW; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2022, Control of dephasing in spin qubits during coherent transport in silicon,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Chan KW; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS, 2021, Implementation of the SMART protocol for global qubit control in silicon,

Evans TJ; Huang W; Yoneda J; Harper R; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Bartlett SD, 2021, Fast Bayesian tomography of a two-qubit gate set in silicon,

Yoneda J; Huang W; Feng M; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2020, Coherent spin qubit transport in silicon,

Chan KW; Sahasrabudhe H; Huang W; Wang Y; Yang HC; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Mohiyaddin FA; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Morello A; Laucht A; Rahman R; Dzurak AS, 2020, Exchange coupling in a linear chain of three quantum-dot spin qubits in silicon,

Darulová J; Pauka SJ; Wiebe N; Chan KW; Gardener GC; Manfra MJ; Cassidy MC; Troyer M, 2019, Autonomous tuning and charge state detection of gate defined quantum dots,

Jenei M; Zhao R; Tan KY; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Sun Y; Sevriuk V; Hudson F; Rossi A; Dzurak A; Möttönen M, 2019, Superconducting charge sensor coupled to an electron layer in silicon,

Jenei M; Potanina E; Zhao R; Tan KY; Rossi A; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Sevriuk V; Möttönen M; Dzurak A, 2019, Waiting time distributions in a two-level fluctuator coupled to a superconducting charge detector,

Hensen B; Huang WW; Yang C-H; Chan KW; Yoneda J; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Laucht A; Itoh KM; Ladd TD; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2019, A silicon quantum-dot-coupled nuclear spin qubit,

Yang CH; Leon RCC; Hwang JCC; Saraiva A; Tanttu T; Huang W; Lemyre JC; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2019, Silicon quantum processor unit cell operation above one Kelvin,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Lemyre JC; Tanttu T; Huang W; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladriere M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2019, Coherent spin control of s-, p-, d- and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot,

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