Select Publications

Journal articles

McLauchlan L, 2025, 'Deborah BirdRose. Dreaming ecology: Nomadics and indigenous ecological knowledge, Victoria River, Northern Australia. DarrellLewisMargaretJolly (Eds.), Canberra: ANU Press. 2024. pp. xvi+337, notes, figures, bibliography, index, appendix, $59.99 AUD, ISBN 978‐1‐76046‐627‐5 (paperback)', The Australian Journal of Anthropology,

McLauchlan L, 2024, 'Dregs: Love and Monsters in Small Town New Zealand', ,

Palmer A; McLauchlan L, 2023, 'Landing among the stars: Risks and benefits of Predator Free 2050 and other ambitious conservation targets', Biological Conservation, 284,

McLauchlan L; Kelaita P; Kowalski M; Ritter A, 2023, 'Post-retirement enlightenment syndrome: Worthy of investigation', International Journal of Drug Policy, 117, pp. 104059,

Ritter A; McLauchlan L, 2023, 'Citizens’ juries and their role in improved alcohol policy: damp squib, or useful tool?', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 30, pp. 413 - 424,

McLauchlan L; Lancaster K; Kearnes M; Mellor R; Ritter A, 2022, '“It's professional but it's personal”: Participation, personal connection, and sustained disagreement in drug policy reform', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110, pp. 103903,

Mellor R; Kearnes M; Lancaster K; McLauchlan L; Ritter A, 2022, 'Established Tables and Emergent Huddles: Exploring the Processes of Participation Associated With the Policy Changes to Opioid Pharmacotherapy Treatment in Australia in the Context of COVID-19', Contemporary Drug Problems, 49, pp. 385 - 404,

Barrett L; Mellor R; Ritter A; McLauchlan L; Kearnes M, 2022, 'Navigating the grey: Experiences of incremental cannabis reform in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 1621 - 1629,

Neimanis A; McLauchlan L, 2022, 'Composting (in) the gender studies classroom: Growing feminisms for climate changing pedagogies', Curriculum Inquiry, 52, pp. 218 - 234,

McLauchlan L, 2019, 'Wild Disciplines and Multispecies Erotics: On the Power of Wanting Like a Hedgehog Champion', Australian Feminist Studies, 34, pp. 509 - 523,

McLauchlan L, 2019, 'A multispecies collective planting trees: Tending to life and making meaning outside of the conservation heroic', Cultural Studies Review, 25, pp. 135 - 153,

McLauchlan L, 2019, 'A Multispecies Collective Planting Trees: Tending to Life and Making Meaning Outside of the Conservation Heroic', Cultural Studies Review, 25, pp. 135 - 153,

McLauchlan L, 2018, 'Sadness and the Noir of Urban Hedgehog Conservation', Green Letters, 22, pp. 101 - 112,

McLauchlan L, 2018, 'Lively Collaborations: Feminist Reading Group Erotics for Liveable Futures', Transformations The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 28, pp. 86 - 95,

McLauchlan L; Treadwell S, 2014, 'Earthquake weather and other tentative correspondences', Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts,

Trnka S; McLaughlan L, 2012, 'Becoming 'Half a Doctor': Parent-Experts and the Normalisation of Childhood Asthma in Aotearoa/New Zealand', Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 9, pp. 3 - 22,

Shore C; Mclauchlan L, 2012, ''Third mission' activities, commercialisation and academic entrepreneurs', Social Anthropology, 20, pp. 267 - 286,

Shore C; Mclauchlan L, 2012, 'Universities and the commercial construction of reality: Reply to commentaries', Social Anthropology, 20, pp. 298 - 303,

McLauchlan L; Park JK, 2010, '‘Quiet as lambs’: Communicative Action in the New Zealand Parliamentary Debates on Human Assisted Reproductive Technology', Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 7, pp. 101 - 122,

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