Select Publications

Journal articles

Doctors LJ, 2023, 'Curiosities of two-dimensional planing', Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 74,

Doctors LJ, 2021, 'A reanalysis of the towing-tank data for the performance of prismatic planing boats', Applied Ocean Research, 110,

Doctors LJ, 2021, 'Reanalysis of the sydney harbor rivercat ferry', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, pp. 1 - 16,

Doctors LJ, 2020, 'Hydrodynamics of transom-stern flaps for planing boats', Ocean Engineering, 216,

Doctors LJ, 2020, 'Optimization of marine vessels on the basis of tests on model series', Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Japan), 25, pp. 887 - 900,

Peacock D; Smith WF; Pal PK; Doctors LJ, 2017, '6-6 Decision-Based Design of a High-Speed River Catamaran', , pp. 129 - 132,

Doctors LJ, 2017, 'Hydrodynamics of High-Performance Marine Vessels', The Australian Naval Architect, 21, pp. 30 - 36

Doctors LJ, 2016, 'Discussion', Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 123, pp. 283 - 286

Doctors LJ, 2015, 'A Theoretical Study of the Optimal Dynaplane Vessel', Transactions Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 123, pp. 290 - 302

Wiggins AD; Zalek SF; Perlin M; Ceccio SL; Doctors LJ; Etter RJ, 2015, 'Development of a large-scale surface effect ship bow seal testing platform', Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 121, pp. 784 - 791

McKesson CB; Doctors LJ, 2015, 'Scaling of resistance from surface-effect ship model tests', Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 121, pp. 611 - 620

Wiggins AD; Zalek SF; Perlin M; Ceccio SL; Doctors LJ; Etter RJ, 2013, 'Development of a large-scale surface effect ship bow seal testing platform', Journal of Ship Production and Design, 29, pp. 191 - 198,

Wiggins AD; Zalek SF; Perlin M; Ceccio SL; Doctors LJ; Etter RJ, 2013, 'Development of a Large-scale Surface Effect Ship Bow Seal Testing Platform', Journal of Ship Production and Design, 29, pp. 191 - 198,

Doctors LJ, 2013, 'Near-field hydrodynamics of a surface-effect ship', Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 120, pp. 513 - 526

Doctors LJ, 2013, 'Near-field hydrodynamics of a surface-effect ship', Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 120, pp. 513 - 526

Maki KJ; Broglia R; Doctors LJ; Di Mascio A, 2013, 'Numerical investigation of the components of calm-water resistance of a surface-effect ship', Ocean Engineering, 72, pp. 375 - 385,

McKesson CB; Doctors LJ, 2013, 'Scaling of Resistance From Surface-Effect Ship Model Tests', Journal of Ship Production and Design, 29, pp. 66 - 75,

McKesson C; Doctors LJ, 2013, 'Scaling of resistance from surface-effect ship model tests', Journal of Ship Production and Design, 29, pp. 66 - 75,

Doctors LJ, 2012, 'Near-field hydrodynamics of a surface-effect ship', Journal of Ship Research, 56, pp. 183 - 196,

Maki KJ; Broglia R; Doctors LJ; Di Mascio A, 2012, 'Nonlinear wave resistance of a two-dimensional pressure patch moving on a free surface', Ocean Engineering, 39, pp. 62 - 71,

Doctors LJ, 2011, 'Current Research on Linear Hydrodynamic Theory for Ship Resistance', The Australian Naval Architect, 15, pp. 29 - 33

Day AH; Campbell I; Clelland D; Doctors LJ; Cichowicz , 2011, 'Realistic Evaluation of Hull Performance for Rowing Shells, Canoes and Kayaks in Unsteady Flow', Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, pp. 1059 - 1069,

Bhusan ; Stern ; Doctors LJ, 2011, 'Verification and Validation of URANS Wave Resistance for Air Cushion Vehicles, and Comparison with Linear Theory', Journal of Ship Research, 55, pp. 249 - 267,

McKesson CB; Doctors LJ, 2010, 'Whole-ship simulation in the design of surface-effect ships', Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Symposium, GCMS 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2010, pp. 121 - 128

Doctors LJ; Day AH; Clelland D, 2010, 'Resistance of a Ship Undergoing Oscillatory Motion', Journal of Ship Research, 54, pp. 120 - 132,

Day AH; Clelland D; Doctors LJ; Philip B, 2010, 'Resistance of a Compartmented Surface-Effect Ship', Journal of Ship Production, 26, pp. 219 - 230

Doctors LJ; Day AH; Clelland D, 2010, 'Resistance of a Ship Undergoing Oscillatory Motion', Journal of Ship Research, 54, pp. 120 - 132

Doctors LJ; Day AH; Clelland D; Philip B, 2010, 'Wave Generation of a Compartmented Surface-Effect Ship', Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 15, pp. 345 - 358,

Maki KJ; Doctors LJ; Broglia R; Di Mascio A; McKesson C, 2009, 'Calm-water resistance prediction of a surface-effect ship', International Conference on Air Cushion Vehicles and Surface Effect Craft 2009, pp. 177 - 222

Thomas G; Lilienthal T; Magnuson T; Davis M; Holloway D; Doctors LJ; Couser P, 2009, 'Motions of catamarans in oblique seas at speed', Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 151, pp. 13 - 24,

Thomas GN; Lilienthal T; Magnuson T; Davis MJ; Holloway D; Doctors LJ; Couser P, 2009, 'Motions of catamarans in oblique seas at speed', Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A - International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 151, pp. 13 - 24

Day AH; Clelland D; Doctors LJ, 2009, 'Unsteady finite-depth effects during resistance tests on a ship model in a towing tank', Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14, pp. 387 - 397,

Doctors LJ; Day AH; Clelland D, 2008, 'Unsteady Effects During Resistance Tests on a Ship Model in a Towing Tank', Journal of Ship Research, 52, pp. 263 - 273,

Doctors LJ; Day AH; Clelland D, 2008, 'Unsteady Effects During Resistance Tests on a Ship Model in a Towing Tank', Journal of Ship Research, 52, pp. 263 - 273

Doctors LJ, 2008, 'Unsteady effects on wave generation of ships', The Australian Naval Architect, 12, pp. 28 - 31

Doctors LJ; MacFarlane GJ; Young R, 2007, 'A study of transom-stern ventilation', International Shipbuilding Progress, 54, pp. 145 - 163

Doctors LJ; MacFarlane G; Young R, 2007, 'A study of transom-stern ventilation', International Shipbuilding Progress, 54, pp. 145 - 163

Doctors LJ; Sahoo PK, 2006, 'The waves generated by a trimaran', Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3, pp. 183 - 190

Maki KJ; Doctors LJ; Beck RF; Troesch AW, 2006, 'Transom-stern flow for high-speed craft', Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3, pp. 191 - 199

Doctors LJ, 2005, 'Theoretical study of the tradeoff between stabilizer drag and hull motion', Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 146, pp. 289 - 298

Day AH; Doctors LJ, 2001, 'Rapid Estimation of Near-and Far-Field Wave Wake from Ships and Application to Hull Form Design and Optimization', Journal of Ship Research, 45, pp. 73 - 84,

Doctors LJ; Helmore PJ; Loadman DR; Robards SW, 2001, 'Directional effects on sinkage, trim and resistance.', The Australian Naval Architect, pp. 29 - 33

Day AH; Doctors LJ, 2001, 'Rapid estimation of near- and far-field wave wake from ships and application to hull form design and optimization.', Journal of Ship Research, pp. 73 - 84

Day AH; Doctors LJ, 2001, 'Wave-wake criteria and low-wash hullform design', Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 143, pp. 253 - 265

Day AH; Doctors LJ, 2000, 'The survival of the fittest - evolutionary tools for hydrodynamic design of ship hull form', Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 142, pp. 182 - 194

Doctors LJ, 1998, 'Prediction of resistance for ships with a transom stern', The Australian Naval Architect, 2, pp. 26 - 33

Doctors LJ, 1997, 'Optimal pressure distributions for river-based air-cushion vehicles', Ship Technology Research, 44, pp. 32 - 36

Day AH; Doctors LJ, 1997, 'Resistance optimization of displacement vessels on the basis of principal parameters', Journal of Ship Research, 41, pp. 249 - 259

Zilman G; Doctors LJ; Miloh T, 1996, 'The influoence of a bottom mud layer on the resistance of marine vehicles', Ship Technology Research, pp. 51 - 61

DOCTORS LJ, 1993, 'On the Use of Pressure Distributions to Model the Hydrodynamics of Air‐Cushion Vehicles and Surface‐Effect Ships', Naval Engineers Journal, 105, pp. 69 - 89,

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