Select Publications

Book Chapters

Williams L; Stapleton F; Carnt N, 2019, 'Microbiology, lens care and maintenance', in Contact Lenses, pp. 65 - 96,

Williams LJ; Stapleton FJ, 2007, 'Microbiology, Lens Care and Maintenance', in Phillips, Speedwell & Morris (ed.), Contact Lenses (5th Ed), Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 79 - 109

Journal articles

O Brien P; Williams LJ, 2007, 'Associate Professor George Amigo 1921-2006', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 90, pp. 217 - 219

Gross TG; Filipovitich AH; Conley ME; Pracher E; Schmiegelow K; Verdirame JD; Vowels MR; Williams LJ; Seemayer TA, 1996, 'Cure of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XL) with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT): Report from XLP Registry', Bone Marrow Transplantation, 17, pp. 741 - 744

Dain S; Chan T; Williams L, 1985, 'Visual and ocular changes in VDU operators', Public Health, 99, pp. 275 - 287,

Conference Papers

Williams LJ; Scott H; Nicolle M; Tuch BE; Rawlinson WD; Lim H; Ng R; Pineda P; Tan CK; Chow P, 2004, 'Transplantation of fetal porcine islet-like cell clusters (FP-ICCs)into cynomolgus monkeys', in Immunology and Cell Biology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, pp. A26 - A26

Cronje S; Williams LJ; Sweeney DF; Fonn D; Sorbara L; Holden BA, 2003, 'IACLE: Providing educational support to contact lens educators', in Optometry and Vision Science, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 68 - 68, presented at American Academy of Optometry (2003), Dallas Texas, USA, 04 December 2003 - 07 December 2003

Cronje S; Williams LJ; Sweeney DF; Fonn D; Sulaiman S; Holden BA, 2003, 'Assessing contact lens educators` knowledge levels: The IACLE accreditation examination', in McBrien NA (ed.), 4th Educators / 10th Scientific Meeting in Optometry, Melbourne, pp. 33 - 33, presented at 4th Educators / 10th Scientific Meeting in Optometry, Melbourne, 02 July 2003 - 04 July 2003

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