Select Publications


Pittaway E; Bartolomei L; Doney G, 2020, ADDRESSING SGBV AND EMPOWERING REFUGEE WOMEN Consolidated Report of 24 Research Consultations and Workshops Rohingya Refugee Camps, Cox’s Bazar, Forced Migration Research Newtwork UNSW, Sydney

Bartolomei L; Doney G; Pittaway E, 2020, Report from Community Consultations with Refugee Women in Seven Camps COX’S BAZAR, BANGLADESH, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, Sydney

Bartolomei L; Pittaway E, 2020, Global Refugee Forum - Gender Audit Report, Final Report, UNHCR, Geneva

Bartolomei L, 2020,, Malaysia, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, Sydney

Bartolomei L; Pittaway E, 2019, Global Refugee Forum - Gender Audit Report, third Preparatory Meeting, UNHCR Geneva, Geneva, UNHCR, Geneva,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L; Doney G; Petcharamesree S; Tan R; Ouaprachanon R, 2019, Refugee Women and Girls: Key to The Global Compact on Refugees THAI BURMA/MYANMAR BORDER CONSULTATIONS REPORT, Forced Migration Resaerch Network UNSW, Sydney

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L; Doney G; Thambiah S; Faiz A; Tan R, 2019, Refugee Women and Girls: Key to The Global Compact on Refugees: Kuala Lumpur Consultations Report, Forced Migration Resaerch Network UNSW, Sydney,

Bartolomei L; Pittaway E, 2019, Gender Audit Report UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs 3rd - 5th July 2019, Meeting Report, UNHCR Geneva, Geneva,

Bartolomei L; Pittaway E, 2019, Global Refugee Forum - Gender Audit Report, Second Preparatory Meeting, UNHCR Geneva, Geneva, UNHCR Geneva,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L, 2019, Global Refugee Forum - Gender Audit Report, First Preparatory Meeting, UNHCR Geneva, Geneva,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L, 2018, From Rhetoric to Reality: Achieving Gender Equality for Refugee Women and Girls, Centre for International Governance innovation, Ottawa canada, 3,,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L, 2018, Achieving Gender Equality and addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Global Compact on Refugees Major themes and key recommendations from the 5 Thematic Meetings and The High Commissioner’s Dialogue, UNHCR Geneva, Geneva,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Zahau C; Sheikh-Eldin M; Dixson T; Biar A; Al Rihawi S, 2018, Gender Audit Report of the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges, Forced Migration research Network UNSW, Sydney

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Zahau C; Sheikh-Eldin M; Dixson T; Biar A; Al Rihawi S, 2017, Gender Audit Report on the Fourth and Fifth Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees, Forced Migration Research Networkk UNSW, Sydney, 1,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Dixson T; Sheikh-Eldin M; Zahau C, 2017, Gender Audit Report on the Second and Third Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, Sydney, 1,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei LA, 2017, GENDER NOTES ON THE FIRST THEMATIC DISCUSSION ON THE GLOBAL COMPACT ON REFUGEES, UNSW Forced Migration Research Network, UNsw Sydney,,

Pittaway E; Bell C; Bartolomei LA, 2017, Refugee women and Girls in the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, UNSW Sydney,,

Bartolomei LA, 2013, Australian Political Party Poverty Audit, August 2013, ASAP Oceania, Social Justoce Network UNSW, Sydney, ASAP: Academics Stand Against Poverty, 1,

Bartolomei LA, 2011, Report of the Annual Consultations with NGOS,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E, 2011, Survivors, Protectors, Providers: Refugee Women Speak Out, UNHCR, Geneva

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