Select Publications

Journal articles

Dressler M; Krone R, 2025, 'Multiple typical ranks in matrix completion', Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 710, pp. 165 - 182,

Dressler M; Foucart S; Joldes M; de Klerk E; Lasserre JB; Xu Y, 2025, 'Optimization-aided construction of multivariate Chebyshev polynomials', Journal of Approximation Theory, 305,

Dressler M; Kuhlmann S; Schick M, 2025, 'Study of the cone of sums of squares plus sums of nonnegative circuit forms', Advances in Geometry, 25, pp. 127 - 146,

Dressler M; Garrote-López M; Montúfar G; Müller J; Rose K, 2024, 'Algebraic optimization of sequential decision problems', Journal of Symbolic Computation, 121,

Dao MN; Dressler M; Liao H; Roshchina V, 2024, 'Douglas–Rachford is the best projection method in its family', Optimization,

Bellon A; Dressler M; Kungurtsev V; Marecek J; Uschmajew A, 2024, 'TIME-VARYING SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING: PATH FOLLOWING A BURER-MONTEIRO FACTORIZATION', SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34,

Dressler M; Uschmajew A; Chandrasekaran V, 2023, 'KRONECKER PRODUCT APPROXIMATION OF OPERATORS IN SPECTRAL NORM VIA ALTERNATING SDP', SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 44, pp. 1693 - 1708,

Dressler M; Kurpisz A; de Wolff T, 2022, 'Optimization Over the Boolean Hypercube Via Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials', Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 22, pp. 365 - 387,

Dressler M; Murray R, 2022, 'Algebraic Perspectives on Signomial Optimization', SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 6, pp. 650 - 684,

Dressler M; Nie J; Yang Z, 2022, 'Separability of Hermitian tensors and PSD decompositions', Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70, pp. 6581 - 6608,

Dressler M; Knop A; Klement L; Hadjipieris P, 2022, 'Fostering Proving Skills in Upper-Division Mathematics Classes through Peer Feedback Assignments', Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 14,

Dressler M, 2021, 'Real zeros of SONC polynomials', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225,

Dressler M; Naumann H; Theobald T, 2021, 'The dual cone of sums of non-negative circuit polynomials', Advances in Geometry, 21, pp. 227 - 236,

Dressler M; Iliman S; de Wolff T, 2019, 'An approach to constrained polynomial optimization via nonnegative circuit polynomials and geometric programming', Journal of Symbolic Computation, 91, pp. 149 - 172,

Dressler M; Iliman S; de Wolff T, 2017, 'A positivstellensatz for sums of nonnegative circuit polynomials', SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 1, pp. 536 - 555,

Conference Papers

Dressler M; Heuer J; Naumann H; De Wolff T, 2020, 'Global optimization via the dual SONC cone and linear programming', in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC, pp. 138 - 145,

Dressler M; de Wolff T; Kurpisz A, 2018, 'Optimization over the Boolean Hypercube via Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials', Liverpool, presented at 3rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Liverpool, 27 August 2018,


Dressler M, 2023, Algebraic Perspectives on Signomial Optimization, EMS Publishing House,

Dressler M, 2020, Global Optimization via the Dual SONC Cone and Linear Programming, EMS Publishing House,, no. 12, 2020

Theses / Dissertations

Dressler M, 2018, Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials : Geometry and Optimization,

Dressler M, 2013, Die tropische Graßmannsche als Modulraum

Dressler M, 2010, Die Dedekindsche Zetafunktion und die Dichte zerlegter Primideale

Working Papers

Dao MN; Dressler M; Liao H; Roshchina V, 2023, Douglas-Rachford is the best projection method, http://dx.doi.org10.48550/arXiv.2310.17077


Dressler M; Foucart S; Joldes M; Klerk ED; Lasserre J-B; Xu Y, 2024, Least multivariate Chebyshev polynomials on diagonally determined domains,

Dressler M; Foucart S; Joldes M; Klerk ED; Lasserre JB; Xu Y, 2024, Optimization-Aided Construction of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials,

Dao MN; Dressler M; Liao H; Roshchina V, 2023, Douglas--Rachford is the best projection method,

Dressler M; Kuhlmann S; Schick M, 2023, Geometrical Study of the Cone of Sums of Squares plus Sums of Nonnegative Circuits,

Dressler M; Garrote-López M; Montúfar G; Müller J; Rose K, 2022, Algebraic optimization of sequential decision problems,

Bellon A; Dressler M; Kungurtsev V; Marecek J; Uschmajew A, 2022, Time-Varying Semidefinite Programming: Path Following a Burer-Monteiro Factorization,

Dressler M; Uschmajew A; Chandrasekaran V, 2022, Kronecker Product Approximation of Operators in Spectral Norm via Alternating SDP,

Dressler M; Murray R, 2021, Algebraic perspectives on signomial optimization,

Dressler M; Nie J; Yang Z, 2020, Separability of Hermitian Tensors and PSD Decompositions,

Dressler M; Krone R, 2020, Multiple typical ranks in matrix completion,

Dressler M; Heuer J; Naumann H; Wolff TD, 2020, Global Optimization via the Dual SONC Cone and Linear Programming,

Dressler M, 2019, Real Zeros of SONC Polynomials,

Dressler M; Naumann H; Theobald T, 2018, The dual cone of sums of non-negative circuit polynomials,

Dressler M; Kurpisz A; Wolff TD, 2018, Optimization over the Boolean Hypercube via Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials,

Dressler M; Iliman S; Wolff TD, 2016, A Positivstellensatz for Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials,

Dressler M; Iliman S; Wolff TD, 2016, An Approach to Constrained Polynomial Optimization via Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials and Geometric Programming,

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