Select Publications


Siminski P; Chalmers JJ; Mchugh MH, 2005, Foster carers in New South Wales: profiles and projections based on ABS data, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, UNSW

Mchugh MH, 1999, The costs of children: budget standards estimates and the child support scheme SPRC discussion paper no 103m, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Saunders PG; Chalmers JJ; Mchugh MH; Murray CL; Bittman MP; Bradbury BW, 1998, The development of indicative budget standards for Australia, Department of Social Security, Canberra

Book Chapters

McHugh M; Millar J, 2013, 'Single mothers in Australia: Supporting mothers to seek work', in Single Mothers In International Context: Mothers Or Workers?, pp. 149 - 178

McHugh M; Hayden P, 2013, 'Australia and New Zealand: Assessing parenting capacity in kinship care', in Inside kinship care: Understanding family dynamics and providing effective support, edn. 1st, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, United Kingdom,

McHugh MH, 2012, 'Costs and consequences for carers of vulnerable children in Australia', in Mayers D; Thomson M (ed.), The Costs of Children, edn. 1st, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 221 - 249

Mchugh MH, 1999, 'Indicators for different purposes: budget standards, the costs of children and the costs of foster care', in Made to measure: counting and costing in human services, edn. Original, Council of Social Services of New South Wales, Sydney, pp. 11 - 24

Journal articles

McHugh M, 2015, 'New South Wales intensive foster care program survey findings', Developing Practice: The Child Youth and Family Work Journal, pp. 17 - 32

McHugh MH, 2011, 'A Review of Foster Carer Allowances:Responding to Recommendation 16.9 of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection (NSW)', Children Australia, 36, pp. 18 - 25,

Humphreys C; Harries M; Healy K; Lonne B; Mendes P; McHugh MH; Sheenan R, 2009, 'Shifting the child protection juggernaut to earlier intervention', Children Australia, 34, pp. 5 - 9

Mchugh MH, 2007, 'Indirect costs of fostering and their impact on carers', Communities, Children and Families Australia, 2 (1), pp. 73 - 85

Smyth C; Mchugh MH, 2006, 'Exploring the dimensions of professional fostering: carers` perceptions of their fostering role', Children Australia, 31 (1), pp. 12 - 20

Siminski P; Chalmers JJ; Mchugh MH, 2005, 'Foster carers in New South Wales: profile and projections based on ABS Census data', Children Australia, 30, pp. 17 - 24

Mchugh MH, 2003, 'A further perspective on kinship foster care', Developing Practice, 8, pp. 14 - 29

Conference Papers

McHugh MH, 2011, 'Overview of current Australian kinship care research: Situating Victoria in the national context', in Overview of current Australian kinship care research: Situating Victoria in the national context, pp. 1 - 18

Mchugh MH, 2010, 'Overview of current Australian Kinship Care Research: Situating Victoria in the national context', in Overview of current Australian Kinship Care Research: Situating Victoria in the national context, Victorian Kinship Care Forum, Monee Ponds, Melbourne, pp. 1 - 18, presented at Victorian Kinship Care Forum, Monee Ponds, Melbourne, 08 October 2010

Smyth C; Mchugh MH, 2005, 'Exploring the dimensions of professionalising fostering: Carers’ perceptions of their fostering role', Melbourne, Australia, presented at 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 09 February 2005 - 11 February 2005

Conference Presentations

McHugh MH, 2011, 'Levels of Subsidies for all States & Territories and Foster Care Estimates 2000-2009', presented at Australian Kinship and Foster Care Partnership Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 27 August 2011 - 29 August 2011

Mchugh MH, 2010, 'Levels of Subsidies for all States & Territories and Foster Care Estimates 2000-2009', presented at National Foster Care Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 27 August 2010 - 29 August 2010

McHugh MH; Hayden P, 2010, 'Elements of a Framework of Practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statutory Kinship Care', presented at ACWA Conference, Darling Harbour, Sydney, 02 August 2010 - 04 August 2010

Mchugh MH; Hayden P, 2010, 'Elements of a Framework of Practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statutory Kinship Care', presented at SNAICC Conference, Alice Springs, 27 July 2010 - 29 July 2010

McHugh MH, 2010, 'Out-of-Home Care Policy & Practice Australia: Getting it Right for Statutory Kinship Carers’,', presented at Canadian Webinar for PART (Practice and research Together) Forum, Toronto Canada, 17 March 2010

Smyth C; McHugh M, 2005, 'Exploring the dimensions of professionalising fostering: Carers’ perceptions of their fostering role', presented at Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 09 February 2005 - 11 February 2005


Walsh P; McHugh M; Blunden H; Katz I, 2018, Literature Review: Factors Influencing the Outcomes of Children and Young People in Out-of-Home Care, NSW Family and Community Services, Sydney, Report Number 6,,

McHugh M, 2014, Victoria's Declining FosterCare Allowances: A Comparative Analysis, SPRC, UNSW, Sydney,

McHugh M, 2013, An exploratory study of risks to stability in foster and kinship care in NSW - final report, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 19/2013,,

Brennan D; Cass B; Flaxman S; Hill T; Jenkins B; McHugh M; Purcal C; valentine K, 2013, Grandparents raising grandchildren: towards recognition, respect and reward, 14/2013,,

McHugh MH; valentine K, 2011, Financial and Non-Financial Support to Formal and Informal Out of Home Carers, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 3/11,

valentine K; Adamson E; Bromfield L; Edwards B; Hilferty F; Katz I; McHugh MH; Gray M; Mcdonald M, 2011, Keep Them Safe evaluation framework: Final report. Report for: the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Social Policy Research Centre and Australian Institute of Family Studies, Sydney and Melbourne,

Tannous KW; Hilferty F; Griffiths MJ; Mchugh MH, 2009, Brighter Futures Early Intervention Program: Interim evaluation, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report, 11/2009,

Mchugh MH; McNab JW; Smyth C; Chalmers JJ; Siminski P; Saunders PG, 2004, The Availability of Foster Carers

Fisher KR; McHugh ; Thomson , 2000, The link between children's services and child protection (final report), 1/2000

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