Select Publications

Book Chapters

Barrett E; Deady M; Kihas I; Mills K, 2019, 'Assessment of substance use disorders in individual with PTSD', in Vujanovic A; Back S (ed.), Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders A Comprehensive Clinical Handbook, Routledge, pp. 139 - 162

Mills K; Deady M; Teesson M; Kay-Lambkin F; Ross J; Baillie A; Subotic M, 2016, 'How do we best treat comorbid substance use and mental disorders? Evidence-based approaches to intergrated treatment', in Menzies RJ; Kyrios M; Kazantis N (ed.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies, Australian Academic Press, Samford Valley, Qld, pp. 207 - 211

Teesson M; Crome E; Baillie A; Kay-Lambkin F; Deady M, 2016, 'Implementation of evidence-based interventions: Barriers and opportunities', in Menzies RG; Kyrios M; Karantzis N (ed.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies, Australian Academic Press, Samford Valley, Qld, pp. 277 - 281

Newton NC; Deady M; Teesson M, 2014, 'Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention and Early Intervention', in , Wiley, pp. 201 - 217,

Newton NC; Deady M; Teesson M, 2014, 'Alcohol and substance use prevention and early intervention', in Byrne P; Rosen A (ed.), Early intervention in Psychiatry: EI of nearly everything for better mental health, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 201 - 217,

Deady M; Teesson M; Brady KT, 2013, 'Impact of Substance Use on the Course of Serious Mental Disorders', in Principles of Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, pp. 525 - 532,

Deady M; Teesson M; Brady KT, 2013, 'Chapter 55 Impact of Substance Use on the Course of Serious Mental Disorders', in Principles of Addiction, Elsevier, pp. 525 - 532,

Deady ME; Teesson M; Brady K, 2013, 'Impact of substance use on the course of serious mental disorders', in Miller PME (ed.), Principles of addiction: comprehensive addictive behaviors and disorders, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 525 - 532

Teesson M; Deady ME, 2010, 'Outcome measurement in drug and alcohol services', in Trauer T (ed.), Outcome Measurement in Mental Health : Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press, England, pp. 173 - 182

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