Select Publications
Book Chapters
2021, 'An Unfinished History: A Story of Ongoing Events and Mutating HIV Problems', in Social Aspects of HIV, Springer International Publishing, pp. 289 - 302,
,2020, 'Section 4: Knowledge Production', in Health, Technology and Society, Springer Singapore, pp. 181 - 227,
,2017, 'Pluralities of action, a lure for speculative thought', in Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures, pp. 71 - 83,
,2016, 'Experimental subjects kick back: a provocation for an alternative causality in biomedical research and bioethics.', in Mattering: Feminism, Science and Materialism, NYU Press
,2013, 'A Brief and Partial History of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in the Context of HIV Prevention and Treatment', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 18 - 44,
,2013, 'Conclusion: Eventuating the Methodology of Trials', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 159 - 173,
,2013, 'Introduction: Setting a Scene', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1 - 17,
,2013, 'On Some Topologies of PrEP', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 135 - 158,
,2013, 'PrEPs, Multiplicity and the Qualification of Knowledge and Ethics', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 106 - 134,
,2013, 'Quantitative Objects and Qualitative Things: Ethics and HIV Biomedical Prevention', in Objects and Materials A Routledge Companion
,2013, 'The Gold Standard: The Complex Singularity of PrEP, RCT and Bioethics', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 70 - 105,
,2013, 'Theory and Event: Approaching the Study of PrEP', in Innovation and Biomedicine, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 45 - 69,
,2010, 'HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the complexities of biomedical prevention: Ontological openness and the prevention assemblage', in HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective, pp. 167 - 183,
,2010, 'HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and the Complexities of Biomedical Prevention: Ontological Openness and the Prevention Assemblage', in HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 167 - 183,
,2005, 'The Measure of HIV as a Matter of Bioethics', in Shildrick M; Mykitiuk R (ed.), ETHICS OF THE BODY: POSTCONVENTIONAL CHALLENGES, MIT PRESS, pp. 71 - 90,