Select Publications


Gaonac’h-Lovejoy V; Mattick JS; Sauvageau M; Smith MA, 2024, ECSfinder: Optimized prediction of evolutionarily conserved RNA secondary structures from genome sequences,

Sagniez M; Budhraja A; Paré B; Simpson SM; Vinet-Ouellette C; Rozendaal M; Smith MA, 2024, Assembly Arena: Benchmarking RNA isoform reconstruction algorithms for nanopore sequencing,

Ersavas T; Smith MA; Mattick JS, 2024, Novel applications of Convolutional Neural Networks in the age of Transformers,

Raad S; David A; Sagniez M; Orfi Z; Dumont N; Smith M; Faure C, 2022, Directed differentiation of EA/TEF patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells into esophageal epithelial organoids reveal SOX2 dysregulation at the anterior foregut stage,

Sagniez M; Simpson S; Caron M; Rozendaal M; Paré B; Sontag T; Langlois S; Rouette A; Lavallée V-P; Cellot S; Sinnett D; Tran TH; Smith M, 2022, Real-time molecular classification of leukemias,

Mostefai F; Gamache I; Huang J; N’Guessan A; Pelletier J; Pesaranghader A; Hamelin D; Murall CL; Poujol R; Grenier J-C; Smith M; Caron E; Craig M; Shapiro J; Wolf G; Krishnaswamy S; Hussin JG, 2021, Data-driven approaches for genetic characterization of SARS-CoV-2 lineages,

Hamelin DJ; Fournelle D; Grenier J-C; Schockaert J; Kovalchik K; Kubiniok P; Mostefai F; Duquette JD; Saab F; Sirois I; Smith MA; Pattijn S; Soudeyns H; Decaluwe H; Hussin J; Caron E, 2021, The mutational landscape of SARS-CoV-2 variants diversifies T cell targets in an HLA supertype-dependent manner,

Paré B; Rozendaal M; Morin S; Poujol R; Mostefai F; Grenier J-C; Kaufmann L; Xing H; Sanchez M; Yechouron A; Racette R; Hussin J; Wolf G; Pavlov I; Smith MA, 2021, Genomic epidemiology and associated clinical outcomes of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a general adult hospital in Quebec.,

Hardwick SA; Bassett SD; Kaczorowski D; Blackburn J; Barton K; Bartonicek N; Carswell SL; Tilgner HU; Loy C; Halliday G; Mercer TR; Smith MA; Mattick JS, 2019, TARGETED, HIGH-RESOLUTION RNA SEQUENCING OF NON-CODING GENOMIC REGIONS ASSOCIATED WITH NEUROPSYCHIATRIC FUNCTIONS,

Chen Y; Prévost J; Ullah I; Romero H; Lisi V; Tolbert WD; Grover JR; Ding S; Gong SY; Beaudoin-Bussières G; Gasser R; Benlarbi M; Vézina D; Anand SP; Chatterjee D; Goyette G; Grunst MW; Yang Z; Bo Y; Zhou F; Béland K; Bai X; Zeher AR; Huang RK; Nguyen DN; Sherburn R; Wu D; Piszczek G; Paré B; Matthies D; Xia D; Richard J; Kumar P; Mothes W; Côté M; Uchil PD; Lavallée V-P; Smith MA; Pazgier M; Haddad E; Finzi A, Molecular basis for antiviral activity of pediatric neutralizing antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 Spike receptor binding domain,

Benoit P; Jolicoeur G; Point F; Normand K; Soucy C; Morency-Potvin P; Gagnon S; Kaufmann DE; Tremblay C; Coutlée F; Harrigan PR; Hardy I; Smith M; Savard P; Grandjean Lapierre S, On-Demand Hospital-Based SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Epidemiology to Support Nosocomial Outbreak Investigations: A Prospective Molecular Epidemiology Study in Montreal,

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