Select Publications


Alnajjar F; Bartneck C; Baxter P; Belpaeme T; Cappuccio ML; Di Dio C; Eyssel F; Handke J; Mubin O; Obaid M; Reich-Stiebert N, 2021, Robots in education: An introduction to high-tech social agents, intelligent tutors, and curricular tools,

Alnajjar F; Bartneck C; Baxter P; Belpaeme T; Cappuccio ML; Dio C; Eyssel F; Handke J; Mubin O; Obaid M; Reich-Stiebert N, 2021, Roboter in der Bildung, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG,

Alnajjar F; Obaid M; Bartneck C; Baxter P; Belpaeme T; Cappuccio ML; Dio C; Eyssel F; Handke J; Mubin O, 2021, Roboter in der Bildung Wie Robotik das Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter bereichern kann

Alnajjar F; Bartneck C; Baxter P; Belpaeme T; Cappuccio M; Dio CD; Eyssel F; Handke J; Mubin O; Obaid M; Reich-Stiebert N, 2021, Robots in Education An Introduction to High-Tech Social Agents, Intelligent Tutors, and Curricular Tools

Cappuccio M, 2005, Alan Turing: l'uomo, la macchina, l'enigma. Per una genealogia dell'incomputabile, Alboversorio / Mimesis, Italy

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