Select Publications

Book Chapters

Centurion F; Mettu S; Arifur Rahim M, 2023, 'Nanoscale surface coatings based on plant phenolics', in Polymer-Based Nanoscale Materials for Surface Coatings, pp. 195 - 216,

Akhtaruzzaman M; Albayrak S; Al-Thani N; Arifur Rahim M; Aruna ST; Ashkar R; Barshilia HC; B C B; Bera P; Bertolo MRV; Beryl J R; Bhadra J; Bhattacharya S; Binder K; Bogusz S; Bose BA; C D; Centurion F; Chen H; de Guzzi Plepis AM; de Oliveira Filho JG; E.K. R; Ferreira MD; Fischlschweiger M; Ganguly S; George JS; Goswami A; Gül C; He X; Horn MM; Huang H; Jain S; Joseph B; Kalarikkal N; Karuppasamy K; Kollu P; Lakshmi RV; Lal HM; Liang W; Ma Y; Mameda N; Manickam S; Manoharan K; Marangon CA; Margel S; Mathew FA; McGranaghan G; Mettu S; Milchev A; Nair R; Pallickal Babu S; Pandey M; Parangusan H; Patra N; Patra S; Pillai SC; Ponnamma D; P R S; Rahmaninejad H; Rodrigues J; Rodrigues MÁV; Romo-Uribe A; Salerno M; Sam S; Sheng X; Shimpi NG; Shukla M; Shuvankar Purohit S; S.P V; Sundari C S; Swain SK; Thomas S; Tian Y; Uthaman A; Veeramalai CP; Vijayan P P; Wang B; Wang W; Xavier JR; Zeiner T; Zhang L; Zhang X; Zhao C; Zhong S, 2023, 'List of contributors', in Polymer-Based Nanoscale Materials for Surface Coatings, Elsevier, pp. xvii - xxiv,

Salahuddin B; Aziz S; Hossain MM; Ahmed A; Rahim MA; Islam M; Faisal SN, 2022, 'Graphene Reinforced Polymer composites', in Bandyopadhyay S; Gujjala R (ed.), Toughened Composites Micro and Macro Systems, CRC Press,

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