Select Publications

Book Chapters

Evans M, 2020, 'Effective engagement of conservation scientists with decision-makers', in Sutherland WJ; Brotherton PNM; Davies ZG; Ockendon N; Pettorelli N; Vickery JA (ed.), Conservation Research, Policy and Practice, Cambridge University Press, pp. 162 - 182,

Journal articles

Macintosh A; Butler D; Larraondo P; Evans MC; Ansell D; Waschka M; Fensham R; Eldridge D; Lindenmayer D; Gibbons P; Summerfield P, 2024, 'Australian human-induced native forest regeneration carbon offset projects have limited impact on changes in woody vegetation cover and carbon removals', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,

Bell-James J; Foster R; Frohlich M; Archibald C; Benham C; Evans M; Fidelman P; Morrison T; Rolim Baggio L; Billings P; Shumway N, 2024, 'Not all conservation “policy” is created equally: When does a policy give rise to legally binding obligations?', Conservation Letters, 17,

Ho DT; Lamers P; Nawaz S; Sugiyama M; Oliveira Fiorini AC; Yu Z; Holmes H; Gadikota G; Breyer C; Macintosh A; Butler D; Ansell D; Waschka M; Evans MC, 2024, 'Navigating the obstacles of carbon-negative technologies', One Earth, 7, pp. 1471 - 1476,

Maron M; Quétier F; Sarmiento M; ten Kate K; Evans MC; Bull JW; Jones JPG; zu Ermgassen SOSE; Milner-Gulland EJ; Brownlie S; Treweek J; von Hase A, 2024, '‘Nature positive’ must incorporate, not undermine, the mitigation hierarchy', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 14 - 17,

McDonald M; Park S; Anantharajah K; Burke A; Celermajer D; Evans MC; Eckersley R; Gulliver R; McNaught R; Morgan W; Ruwet M; Symons J; Schlosberg D; Vogler A, 2024, 'Ecological Crises and Ecopolitics Research in Australia', Australian Journal of Politics and History,

Macintosh A; Evans MC; Butler D; Larraondo P; Edirisinghe C; Hunter KB; Evans MJ; Ansell D; Waschka M; Lindenmayer D, 2024, 'Non-compliance and under-performance in Australian human-induced regeneration projects', The Rangeland Journal, 46,

Taher TB; Althaus CE; Tranter PJ; Evans MC, 2023, 'Impacts of shrimp aquaculture on the local communities and conservation of the world's largest protected mangrove forest', Environmental Science and Policy, 147, pp. 351 - 360,

Leseberg NP; Kutt A; Evans MC; Nou T; Spillias S; Stone Z; Walsh JC; Murphy SA; Bamford M; Burbidge AH; Crossing K; Davis RA; Garnett ST; Kavanagh RP; Murphy R; Read J; Reid J; van Leeuwen S; Watson AWT; Watson JEM; Maron M, 2023, 'Establishing effective conservation management strategies for a poorly known endangered species: a case study using Australia’s Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis)', Biodiversity and Conservation, 32, pp. 2869 - 2891,

Evans MC, 2023, 'Backloading to extinction: Coping with values conflict in the administration of Australia's federal biodiversity offset policy', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 82, pp. 228 - 247,

Jassim D; Witt B; Evans MC, 2022, 'Community perceptions of carbon farming: A case study of the semi-arid Mulga Lands in Queensland, Australia', Journal of Rural Studies, 96, pp. 78 - 88,

Narain D; Bull JW; Alikhanova S; Evans MC; Markham R; Maron M, 2022, 'A step change needed to secure a nature-positive future—Is it in reach?', One Earth, 5, pp. 589 - 592,

Kujala H; Maron M; Kennedy CM; Evans MC; Bull JW; Wintle BA; Iftekhar SM; Selwood KE; Beissner K; Osborn D; Gordon A, 2022, 'Credible biodiversity offsetting needs public national registers to confirm no net loss', One Earth, 5, pp. 650 - 662,

Lucas P; Evans MC; Lockie S; Moon K, 2021, 'Environmental “nonuse rights” warrant caution', Science, 374, pp. 832,

Wyborn C; Evans MC, 2021, 'Conservation needs to break free from global priority mapping', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5, pp. 1322 - 1324,

Evans MC, 2021, 'Re-conceptualizing the role(s) of science in biodiversity conservation', Environmental Conservation, 48, pp. 151 - 160,

Maseyk FJF; Maron M; Gordon A; Bull JW; Evans MC, 2021, 'Improving averted loss estimates for better biodiversity outcomes from offset exchanges', ORYX, 55, pp. 393 - 403,

Mayfield HJ; Brazill-Boast J; Gorrod E; Evans MC; Auld T; Rhodes JR; Maron M, 2020, 'Estimating species response to management using an integrated process: A case study from New South Wales, Australia', Conservation Science and Practice, 2,

Moon K; Blackman DA; Adams VM; Colvin RM; Davila F; Evans MC; Januchowski-Hartley SR; Bennett NJ; Dickinson H; Sandbrook C; Sherren K; St. John FAV; van Kerkhoff L; Wyborn C, 2019, 'Expanding the role of social science in conservation through an engagement with philosophy, methodology, and methods', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, pp. 294 - 302,

Evans MC; Cvitanovic C, 2018, 'An introduction to achieving policy impact for early career researchers', Palgrave Communications, 4,

Evans MC, 2018, 'Effective incentives for reforestation: lessons from Australia's carbon farming policies', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 32, pp. 38 - 45,

Reed SE; Thomas SL; Bednarek AT; DellaSala DA; Evans MC; Lundquist C; Mascia MB; McPherson TY; Watson JEM, 2018, 'Roles for scientific societies to engage with conservation policy', Conservation Biology, 32, pp. 513 - 515,

Maron M; Brownlie S; Bull JW; Evans MC; Von Hase A; Quétier F; Watson JEM; Gordon A, 2018, 'The many meanings of no net loss in environmental policy', Nature Sustainability, 1, pp. 19 - 27,

Evans MC, 2018, '` Economics and Environmental Change: The Challenges We Face', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS, 62, pp. 713 - 715,

Evans MC; Davila F; Toomey A; Wyborn C, 2017, 'Embrace complexity to improve conservation decision making', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, pp. 1588,

Lindenmayer DB; Crane M; Evans MC; Maron M; Gibbons P; Bekessy S; Blanchard W, 2017, 'The anatomy of a failed offset', Biological Conservation, 210, pp. 286 - 292,

Reside AE; Beher J; Cosgrove AJ; Evans MC; Seabrook L; Silcock JL; Wenger AS; Maron M, 2017, 'Ecological consequences of land clearing and policy reform in Queensland', Pacific Conservation Biology, 23, pp. 219 - 230,

Martin N; Evans M; Rice J; Lodhia S; Gibbons P, 2016, 'Using offsets to mitigate environmental impacts of major projects: A stakeholder analysis', Journal of Environmental Management, 179, pp. 58 - 65,

Evans MC; Tulloch AIT; Law EA; Raiter KG; Possingham HP; Wilson KA, 2016, 'Better planning outcomes requires clear consideration of costs, condition and conservation benefits, and access to the best available data: Reply to Gosper et al., 2016', Biological Conservation, 200, pp. 242 - 243,

Gibbons P; Evans MC; Maron M; Gordon A; Le Roux D; von Hase A; Lindenmayer DB; Possingham HP, 2016, 'A Loss-Gain Calculator for Biodiversity Offsets and the Circumstances in Which No Net Loss Is Feasible', Conservation Letters, 9, pp. 252 - 259,

Maron M; Ives CD; Kujala H; Bull JW; Maseyk FJF; Bekessy S; Gordon A; Watson JEM; Lentini PE; Gibbons P; Possingham HP; Hobbs RJ; Keith DA; Wintle BA; Evans MC, 2016, 'Taming a Wicked Problem: Resolving Controversies in Biodiversity Offsetting', BioScience, 66, pp. 489 - 498,

Evans MC, 2016, 'Deforestation in Australia: Drivers, trends and policy responses', Pacific Conservation Biology, 22, pp. 130 - 150,

Maron M; Bull JW; Evans MC; Gordon A, 2015, 'Locking in loss: Baselines of decline in Australian biodiversity offset policies', Biological Conservation, 192, pp. 504 - 512,

Evans MC; Tulloch AIT; Law EA; Raiter KG; Possingham HP; Wilson KA, 2015, 'Clear consideration of costs, condition and conservation benefits yields better planning outcomes', Biological Conservation, 191, pp. 716 - 727,

Evans MC; Carwardine J; Fensham RJ; Butler DW; Wilson KA; Possingham HP; Martin TG, 2015, 'Carbon farming via assisted natural regeneration as a cost-effective mechanism for restoring biodiversity in agricultural landscapes', Environmental Science and Policy, 50, pp. 114 - 129,

Tulloch VJD; Tulloch AIT; Visconti P; Halpern BS; Watson JEM; Evans MC; Auerbach NA; Barnes M; Beger M; Chadès I; Giakoumi S; McDonald-Madden E; Murray NJ; Ringma J; Possingham HP, 2015, 'Why do We map threats? Linking threat mapping with actions to make better conservation decisions', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13, pp. 91 - 99,

Tulloch AIT; Tulloch VJD; Evans MC; Mills M, 2014, 'The Value of Using Feasibility Models in Systematic Conservation Planning to Predict Landholder Management Uptake', Conservation Biology, 28, pp. 1462 - 1473,

Miller KL; Trezise JA; Kraus S; Dripps K; Evans MC; Gibbons P; Possingham HP; Maron M, 2014, 'The development of the Australian environmental offsets policy: From theory to practice', Environmental Conservation, 42, pp. 306 - 314,

Wilson KA; Evans MC; di Marco M; Green DC; Boitani L; Possingham HP; Chiozza F; Rondinini C, 2011, 'Prioritizing conservation investments for mammal species globally', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366, pp. 2670 - 2680,

Evans M; Possingham H; Wilson K, 2011, 'Extinctions: Conserve not collate', Nature, 474, pp. 284,

Evans MC; Possingham HP; Wilson KA, 2011, 'What to do in the face of multiple threats? Incorporating dependencies within a return on investment framework for conservation', Diversity and Distributions, 17, pp. 437 - 450,

Evans MC; Watson JEM; Fuller RA; Venter O; Bennett SC; Marsack PR; Possingham HP, 2011, 'The spatial distribution of threats to species in Australia', BioScience, 61, pp. 281 - 289,

Taylor MFJ; Sattler PS; Evans M; Fuller RA; Watson JEM; Possingham HP, 2011, 'What works for threatened species recovery? An empirical evaluation for Australia', Biodiversity and Conservation, 20, pp. 767 - 777,

Conference Posters

Evans M, 2022, 'Credible biodiversity offsetting needs public national registers to confirm no net loss', presented at National Biodiversity Offsets Conference 2.0, 26 July 2022 - 28 July 2022,


Evans MC, 2023, Submission on the Nature Repair Market Exposure Draft Bill

Macintosh A; Larraondo P; Butler D; Ansell D; Waschka M; Evans M, 2022, Trends in forest and sparse woody cover inside ERF HIR project areas relative to those in surrounding areas,

Evans M; Lewis A, 2022, Modelling pathways to a carbon neutral Queensland beef sector through policy and investment to drive transition from deforestation to reforestation, Canberra,

Macintosh A; Butler D; Evans M, 2022, Australian National University (ANU)-University of New South Wales (UNSW) ERF research team submission to the Chubb Review,,

Evans M, 2022, Submission to a proposed National Biodiversity Market

Evans M; Maron M, 2022, Submission on Draft Procedure for environmental offsets metric inputs

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