Select Publications

Journal articles

Motamedi M; Jia G; Yao Y; Shanks K; Yousefi P; Hewakuruppu YL; Rafeie M; Lindner F; Patterson R; Christiansen S; Plentz J; Koshy P; Taylor RA, 2023, 'Nanopatterned indium tin oxide as a selective coating for solar thermal applications', Renewable Energy, 210, pp. 386 - 396,

Motamedi M; Rafeie M; Ebrahimnia Bajestan E; Taylor RA, 2021, 'Mitigating the losses in nanofluid-based direct solar absorption receivers', Renewable Energy, 178, pp. 1174 - 1186,

Motamedi M; Chung CY; Rafeie M; Hjerrild N; Jiang F; Qu H; Taylor RA, 2019, 'Experimental testing of hydrophobic microchannels, with and without nanofluids, for solar PV/T collectors', Energies, 14, pp. 3036,

Rafeie M; Hosseinzadeh S; Taylor RA; Warkiani ME, 2019, 'New insights into the physics of inertial microfluidics in curved microchannels. I. Relaxing the fixed inflection point assumption', Biomicrofluidics, 13, pp. 034117,

Rafeie M; Hosseinzadeh S; Huang J; Mihandoust A; Warkiani ME; Taylor RA, 2019, 'New insights into the physics of inertial microfluidics in curved microchannels. II. Adding an additive rule to understand complex cross-sections', Biomicrofluidics, 13, pp. 034118,

Sofela S; Sahloul S; Rafeie M; Kwon T; Han J; Warkiani ME; Song YA, 2018, 'High-throughput sorting of eggs for synchronization of: C. elegans in a microfluidic spiral chip', Lab on a Chip, 18, pp. 679 - 687,

Syed MS; rafeie MR; Vandamme DR; Asadnia MA; Henderson RH; Taylor RT; Warkiani MEW, 2017, 'Selective Separation of Microalgae Cells Using Inertial Microfluidics', Bioresource Technology,

Rafeie M; Welleweerd M; Hassanzadeh-Barforoushi A; Asadnia M; Olthuis W; Warkiani ME, 2017, 'An easily fabricated three-dimensional threaded lemniscate-shaped micromixer for a wide range of flow rates', Biomicrofluidics, 11,

Syed MS; Rafeie MR; Henderson RH; Vandamme DV; Asadnia MA; Ebrahimi Warkiani ME, 2017, 'A 3D-printed mini-hydrocyclone for high throughput particle separation: Application to primary harvesting of microalgae', Lab On a Chip: microfluidic and nanotechnologies for chemistry, biology, and bioengineering, 17, pp. 2459 - 2469,

Rafeie M; Teymourtash AR, 2016, 'Aerodynamic and dynamic analyses of three common 4.5 mm-caliber pellets in a transonic flow', Scientia Iranica, 23, pp. 1767 - 1776

Rafeie M; Zhang J; Asadnia M; Li W; Warkiani ME, 2016, 'Multiplexing slanted spiral microchannels for ultra-fast blood plasma separation', Lab on a Chip, 16, pp. 2791 - 2802,

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