Select Publications


Johnson MS; Burns B; Herdean A; Angeloski A; Ralph P; Morris T; Kindler G; Wong HL; Kuzhiumparambil U; Sedger L; Larkum AWD, 2022, A Cyanobacteria Enriched Layer of Shark Bay Stromatolites Reveals a New Acaryochloris strain Living in near Infrared Light,

Kindler GS; Wong HL; Larkum AWD; Johnson M; MacLeod FI; Burns BP, 2020, Metagenomic insights into ecosystem function in the microbial mats of Blue Holes, Shark Bay,

Lao W; Tan Y; Johnson M; Li Y; Lin Y; Xiao L; Qu X, 2020, Combating Osteoporosis and Obesity With Green Tea Polyphenols: Molecular Switching of Osteogenesis Versus Adipogenesis During Early Differentiation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells,

Kühl M; Trampe E; Mosshammer M; Johnson M; Larkum AWD; Koren K, 2019, Substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis of chlorophyllf-containing cyanobacteria in a natural habitat,

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